Chapter 408


Amidst several loud bangs, the five Franglers opened fire one after another, and each door fired about [-] shotguns. More than a hundred lead particles the size of copper coins passed over the heads of the spearmen's phalanx like a gust of wind, and then The kinetic energy that destroyed everything swept across the rushing Qing cavalry.

Dozens of Qing cavalry who rushed to the front were about to rush into the Ming army's phalanx with more than twenty steps, as if they had hit a stone wall, and both men and horses were hit by the rain of bullets. It became a sieve, and a large group of blood mist filled the air, and the disgusting bloody smell drifted away.

When it was discovered that the Qing cavalry was about to charge, the commander of the artillery team on the left immediately ordered that all the projectiles of the five Frang machine guns be replaced with shotguns.

Different from the tiger crouching cannon with a shorter range, which fires shotguns made of stones and broken porcelain pieces, the shotguns of the Franc machine gun all use lead bullets that are much larger than the blunderbuss. Each lead bullet weighs about two yuan to About three dollars, such a balanced weight can increase the range of the shotgun to a greater extent, and the lethality is also more amazing.

After firing the first shot, one loader quickly withdrew the shotgun, and another loader filled another shotgun into the barrel in the blink of an eye. The gunner immediately ignited the firearm of the shotgun with red-hot pokers In an instant, the shotgun in the second sub-gun shot out.

The five hundred Qing cavalry who had brought their horse speed to the peak suffered a devastating blow. The wide surface coverage of the shotgun turned all living bodies that tried to pass through into corpses.

The war horses that were advancing at high speed fell to the ground with mournful groans. Within the range of twenty to forty steps in front of the Ming army's spear phalanx, there were dead bodies all over the ground in an instant. Meat is all over the ground.

I have to admit that the Mongols are worthy of being a nation that grew up on horseback. Seeing that the same people in front of them were swept away by the rain of bullets, more than 100 cavalry followed up with their waists, legs, and arms, and they made the horses that were sprinting hard. Shengsheng turned around, made an arc in front of the corpses of the same clan, and then ran back to the main formation along both sides.

Ge Ri watched hundreds of his men fall under the rain of bullets in the blink of an eye, and his heart felt like being stabbed by a knife.

With a sullen face, he raised his hand and stopped the second wave of [-] cavalrymen who were about to start. After loudly ordering the soldiers to get off their horses and rest and wait for orders, he took a few guards and galloped towards the central army where Abate was.

"Around Yu Beile, this style of attack will not work! The cannons of the Ming people are really irresistible! My first team of [-] cavalry rushed into the formation, and most of them died before they touched the edge! The flanks can't be broken at all! We have to think of other ways Only then!"

Although Abatai couldn't see the battle on the right wing clearly because of the distance, the continuous sound of artillery made him feel bad. The result of the battle is probably not good.

"How many cannons did the Ming people place on both sides? How could the cavalry charge be afraid of Ming's cannons? How many people and horses can one bullet kill? Why are there so many casualties?"

Abate asked with some doubts.

In his traditional cognition, the cannons of the Ming people are indeed powerful, but the firing intervals are long and the damage range is small. After a few rounds of shelling, the cavalry can break into the Ming army's infantry camp and soon kill them. crushed.

But Gerilan said that more than half of the five hundred cavalry would be killed or injured in one charge, which made him feel a little confused.

"The cannons of the Ming Dynasty are not only capable of hitting big cannons, but now they are replaced with projectiles the size of blunderbusses, which can fire a lot with one cannon. No matter how brave we Mongolian knights are, we can't withstand the rain of cannonballs! Baylor , I saw that only by rushing in from the front and fighting with the Ming army hand-to-hand, the Ming people's cannons will not dare to shoot again!"

Geri Leng suggested in a firm tone.

He was afraid that if Abatai ordered him to continue charging without knowing the reason, his people would be completely disabled if they charged a few more times.

"Alright! You send someone to deliver the order, leave two thousand cavalry on each side to move around, and the rest are transferred to the central army to gather and stand by! They are just rats with firearms, as long as they get close, we will let us Hack and kill! Ben Bayle will show you how my Eight Banners warriors defeat the enemy!"

Having suffered two consecutive defeats, Abatai obviously felt that the morale of the Qing army was slightly low. In order to inspire the army, he deliberately increased the volume of his voice, hoping that the soldiers of the Eight Banners could use dozens of people in the past to break the sky. The confidence and courage of thousands of people in the army came.

Near noon, the Mongolian cavalry on both sides had been transferred back to the vicinity of the central army.

A long horn sounded, and the Qing army brigade in the middle began to move forward slowly.

In the front row of the middle road, there are still more than [-] shield chariots pushed by the Han people in Baoyi. A thousand Qing soldiers who are good at archery follow on both sides of the shield chariot. After the formation of the Ming army, they immediately followed up and fought to open the gap, while the rest of the Qing army waited for the opportunity to cover up and kill.

Seeing that the offensive formation launched by the Qing army two miles away was not wide, under Zhou Yuji's order, the gunner phalanx of the Ming army in the front quickly changed its formation, from four phalanxes to a row of 600 people, a total of six people. There were two large squares at the front and back of the row, and the remaining 400 people also formed a row at the end.

After seeing the whole army of the Qing army mobilized, Sun Chuanting gave an order, and the four Hongyi cannons that had rested for a long time at the top of the city were fired one after another, aiming directly at the shield chariot pushed by the bakers at the front.

The first projectile landed accurately in the middle of the densely packed shield vehicles. After completely destroying a shield vehicle loaded with sandbags, it was still biting forward like a monster breaking free from its restraints until it tore three more vehicles. The shield car stopped rolling after leaving more than a dozen dead and wounded behind.

While the packers of the trolley felt terrified, they also had a little bit of luck in their hearts.

Although the lethality of the cannon is great, the projectile does not necessarily fall on his head. As long as he is not the one who is killed or injured, he should run quickly, push the car to the front and back of the Ming army formation and immediately turn around and flee back.

Under this kind of thinking, even without waiting for the Qing army in charge of the formation to shout and kill, they did not hesitate to kill the continuous killing of projectiles one after another. Except for the dozens of shield vehicles that were destroyed, the coaters tried their best, Pushing the remaining seventy or eighty trots forward, after a while, the shield cart was pushed to about forty or fifty steps in front of the Ming army's formation.

The packers who put down the car were like rabbits chased by hounds, turned around and sprinted back at a speed of [-] meters.

What surprised the Qing army was that, except for the four Hongyi cannons firing a round, the cannons behind the Ming army's frontal phalanx seemed to have misfired collectively, and did not fire at the advancing Qing army.

After the Han people's coat flashed out of the large space in front of them, the bows of the Qing army stepped forward with bows and arrows, and began to gather under the banners of their respective Niulu Zhangjing, preparing to form five small squares to attack the Ming army dozens of steps away. shoot.

The [-] forwards of the Qing army slowed down, preparing to charge after the front team's archers finished eight rounds.

Just when the scattered Qing army was just beginning to gather and the formation was not yet formed, a sharp and short horn sounded, and ten Franco cannons behind the trench in the middle broke the silence on the battlefield almost at the same time.

The distance of less than [-] steps can be said to be within a short time for the high-speed flying projectiles. Just after the sound of the cannon and the smoke of the gunpowder, ten projectiles roared towards them with the gust of wind.

Except for the four projectiles that did not calibrate the distance and flew over the heads of the Qing army archers, the other six projectiles all hit the Qing army who were preparing their formation. rise.

Before the Qing army could react, the fast-loading Frang machine started the second round.

After calibration, only two hit the shield vehicles in the front row this time, and the remaining eight hit the Qing army crowd before they could disperse. army life.

"Disperse! Disperse!"

Following Jia Lazhangjing's shouts, the successively wounded Qing troops did not lose their positions, but dispersed back and forth, left and right, in order to reduce large-scale damage by projectiles in a clustered situation.

(End of this chapter)

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