Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 412 Confrontation

Chapter 412 Confrontation
The Qing soldier riding a bow was a little stunned when he saw his companion being shot and fell off the horse. Ma Xianglin's second arrow flashed, and the sharp long arrow shot into his temple on one side, and then shot from the other side. It was revealed that the Qing army who was still showing off his power just now fell off his horse and died in an instant.

After the performance, the Qing soldier who was hiding in the stirrup saw the situation was not good and galloped to one side. At the same time, he repeated his old trick, shrunk his whole body under the horse's belly, trying to escape under the cover of the horse. Passed a catastrophe.

After taking the arrow, Ma Xianglin exhaled and drew the longbow to the full, and loosened his fingers. Amid the humming and shaking of the bowstring, the triangular long arrow flew away with a slight whistling sound, and hit the horse of the running horse in the blink of an eye. belly.

The tip of the pointed steel arrow pierced through the horse's belly like a sharp knife cutting tofu, and the horse groaned and fell over on its side. The long arrow that passed through the horse's belly pierced the Qing army on the other side.

Within ten breaths, Ma Xianglin shot and killed three men and one horse. Dozens of Qing troops not far away were stunned for a moment, then hurriedly beat their horses and ran away.

Seeing the heroic act of their own general, who was like a god descending to earth, the white-armed soldiers in the front team cheered loudly, and looked at Ma Xianglin, who was sitting on the horse with a bow, full of admiration and admiration.

Three soldiers around Ma Xianglin urged the horse to gallop out and brought back the two horses that were wandering around the corpse of their master. One of the soldiers dismounted and cut off the three heads, and took back the three long arrows shot by Ma Xianglin. .

"If you don't accept it at night, don't go out to spy! So as not to be taken advantage of by the enemy!"

Ma Xianglin slung the longbow behind his back, looked around and ordered in a deep voice.

The terrain outside Ningyuan City is extremely flat. In clear weather, you can have a panoramic view of the scene several miles away. Even if the enemy cavalry comes, the white soldiers are enough to form a formation in time to meet the enemy.

Sitting on the horse now, you can vaguely see the flag of the Qin army outside the north gate. As long as you move forward for half an hour, the Sichuan army will be able to join forces with the Qin army outside the north gate.

The reason why the white pole soldiers did not go out of the city from the north gate with the pro-army was because Sun Chuanting considered that once the Qing army saw the strength of the officers and soldiers, they would not take the risk of launching an active attack, otherwise they would not be able to effectively kill the Qing army.

According to Zhu Youjian's meaning, the order issued by the Ministry of War is to use the method of cannibalization to eliminate the vitality of the Qing army. If it can kill one more person, it will weaken its strength, so that the Qing army will feel that there is a chance to win. A large number of troops were lost.

Because the formation of the white soldiers changed very quickly, although the two thousand cavalry of the Qing army who were responsible for harassing and intercepting the white soldiers were divided into four teams and planned to sprint and harass them in turn, they often saw the bright light in front of them before they rushed to the front of the white soldiers. A piece of gun pointed straight at him.

In front of such a well-defended formation, the Mongolian Eight Banners' cavalry would never attack head-on. After several trials, the horsepower was almost exhausted, and the Qing cavalry could only stop harassing the white soldiers. In the distance, he watched the white pole soldiers join forces with the Qin army outside the north gate.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, after seeing the posture of the Qing army changing from offensive to defensive, he immediately ordered the Qin army to move its camp and move forward.

The [-] pikemen of the Qin army joined together on the right wing, and the left wing was handed over to the white-armed soldiers. Then the left and right wings moved forward at the same time to protect the gunners in the middle and move the artillery battalion.

The [-] cavalry team that had been in the trench was assigned to the inner position on the right wing where the spearman was, and was used as a mobile force to support all sides at any time.

The Ming army on the left and right flanks advanced until they were three miles away from the Qing army's camp before stopping. Then, under the orders of their respective superiors, the pikemen on the right flank faced outwards and formed two square formations fifty paces apart.

The white-armed soldiers on the left wing also divided 4000 people, facing the outside to form two square formations. The difference is that the spear square is supported by two thousand cavalry, while the white-armed square has two thousand bows and crossbows in the middle. hand defense.

Abatai had long ago ordered all the infantry of the Qing army to retreat into the camp for defense. Although there were thousands of cavalry from the Qing army outside, they did not dare to charge head-on to this large formation of infantry.

Hussars attacking the heavily defended and tightly formed infantry formations are seeking their own death.

After seeing the crossbowmen among the white soldiers, the Qing cavalry gave up their plan to harass them.

According to the traditional harassment tactics of the Mongolian cavalry, they need to rush to within about [-] steps in front of the Ming army and shoot with bows. In this way, the infantry phalanx will basically collapse under repeated harassment and killing.

But with crossbowmen around, this tactic is useless.

The shooting range of bows and crossbows far exceeds the lethality within [-] steps of riding a bow. Before you rush to within the reach of your own bow and arrow, you will be shot into a sieve by others.

The Ming army cavalry on the right is hidden inside the long spear phalanx. If the Qing army stepped forward to harass the archery, the Ming army cavalry inside will slow down the speed of the horse while you are shooting arrows, and then rush out when the horse head turns back. A frontal impact, you Is there still a way out for the horse team charging from behind?

The most important thing in cavalry confrontation is speed. Cavalry who lose their speed can only suffer passively.

After the formation was set up on the two wings, countless logs were brought in by oxen and horses, and thousands of campers came to the right wing. They placed a lot of horses about [-] steps to the east and began to dig the soil. vertical fence.

The left wing defended by the white pole soldiers was also constructing fortifications at the same time.

All this was done under the watchful eyes of the Qing cavalry from a few miles away. When the Qing army sent more than a hundred cavalry over to investigate, a lot of barracks had already been erected, which happened to isolate the Qing cavalry on both sides.

After seeing this situation, the cavalry of the Qing army didn’t bother to pay attention to it. Most of the cavalry had already dismounted to rest, drink water and eat, and at the same time feed the horses so that the horses could maintain their strength.

As the minzhuang retreated to the rear camp after finishing work, twenty Fran cannons loaded on the vehicle were pushed up from behind.

The difference from the previous time was that the Ming army did not build a fort this time, but simply arranged the artillery array. Twenty cannons were lined up, all aimed at the Qing army camp more than two hundred steps away.

At this time, the Qing army in the camp had already been arranged, and several low walls at intervals of several steps were dug behind the barracks to prevent the bombardment of the Ming army's cannons. Two thousand archers of the Qing army were scattered among these low walls. Behind the wall, prepare to kill the Ming army who broke into the camp.

The reason why the Qing army had such a standardized arrangement to guard against the Ming army's artillery was that it had received the guidance of Shang Ke who had already led his troops to come.

Shang Kexi also learned it after seeing the arrangement of the Qin army guarding the grain and grass supply camp to prevent shelling. After he led his troops to arrive and learned that the Ming army's cannons on the opposite side were also sharp, he immediately learned what he learned and sold it, and presented this effective defense against shells. out.

Abatai was very satisfied with Shang Kexi's method, and without knowing the inside story, he also praised Shang Kexi.

Under such strong fortifications, it was basically impossible for the Ming people to break through the camp.

Abatai originally thought that the Ming army would quickly launch an attack on his camp after the two troops joined forces, so as to break through the defense line as soon as possible to rescue the supply camp, but what he didn't expect was that the Ming army didn't seem to be in a hurry, but A tent was set up on the opposite side in a majestic manner, and a camp was erected, completely in the attitude of preparing to spend with the Qing army.

Monk Abatai was happy to discuss for a long time but did not guess the real intention of the Ming army, and then he could only order the whole army to be on alert. The sentries on the earth wall of the camp fence closely monitored the movement of the Ming army to prevent any tricks. The most important thing is to be on guard Ming army's night attack.

The sky in early spring gets dark very early, around the end of Shenshi, the night has already fallen.

In order to prevent the sneak attack of the Ming army, the coaters lit a bunch of bonfires every fifty steps outside the barracks, and one or two selected coaters were in charge of guarding each pile of campfires.

These coats are all Han people who are extremely loyal to the Qing Dynasty and mix well in the coats. The Qing army is not worried that they will escape at night, because their wives, children, and children are all in Jianzhou. In this era that emphasizes blood and family ties , No one will give up their blood-related family members in order to live on their own.

To the surprise of the Qing army, the camp of the Ming army on the opposite side has been very quiet. There was no loud noise from the mobilization of the army, and no soldiers of the Ming army went to destroy the fire outside the camp. Judging from this situation, the Ming army did not attack at night. plan.

Around midnight, when most of the soldiers of the Qing army had already fallen asleep and the packers guarding the fire felt at ease, a thunderous bang resounded through the sky, and the muzzles of twenty French machine guns fired at almost the same time. Orange flames burst out, and the bullets that blended into the night silently smashed into the Qing army camp.

 Thanks to the book friend, the account is no longer used, and the book friend Smurf for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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