Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 415 Craftsman

Chapter 415 Craftsman
The large-scale military prison is divided into many workshops according to the different artifacts produced. These workshops have special courtyards and access control to prevent craftsmen from taking finished products or raw materials out of the prison.

Because these actions have been repeatedly prohibited in the past.

Because the income is difficult to support the family, many craftsmen often bring some raw materials home after finishing their work, so as to save costs and increase their own profits when processing something for wealthy households.

Officials at all levels of the Armed Forces Supervision have mostly turned a blind eye to this.

Because those who are often entrained are old craftsmen with superb craftsmanship, and they are also the main force in the production of various military weapons. The various military supplies orders assigned by the court still need their cooperation to complete the work, not to mention that these entrainers will regularly offer some money to bribe officials. They, that's why this phenomenon is rampant.

Of course, with the full implementation of the new policy advocated by Zhu Youjian, the strict implementation of various regulations in the military prison, and the earth-shaking changes in the income of craftsmen and small workers in the prison over the past few years, this situation has long been completely Disappeared.

Now the entrance guards of the important workshops are all guarded by Captain Jinyi, and Jinyiwei's status of being independent from the imperial court also prevents all kinds of violations from happening.

Under the isolation of the Ouchi guards, all the idlers in the workshop were confined in the courtyard, and Zhu Youjian did not meet any extra people along the way.

His group didn't go far, and they entered a spacious courtyard under the guidance of Bi Maokang.

When Zhu Youjian entered the courtyard, he saw the successfully built carriage parked in the open space at a glance.

In a corner of the yard, three craftsmen stood timidly and bowed their heads, and a few school captains in plain clothes were scattered around them to monitor the three of them.

Zhu Youjian walked up to the untied carriage and looked up and down this epoch-making product.

The carriage of this carriage is more than double the size of the original Daming folk passenger carriage. Due to the widening of the frame, the entire carriage is also wider and taller than that kind of small cage-like carriage. From the appearance alone, People riding in it will be more comfortable and safe.

Although the wheels of the carriage are still made of wood, they have also increased a lot according to the changes in the weight and volume of the entire body, almost equivalent to about one and a half of the original two-wheeled carriage wheels, and the width of the wheels has also been increased by more than an inch, making The stability of the entire vehicle during driving is greatly enhanced.

Zhu Youjian turned from the side of the car to the front and looked into the compartment.

Calculated using the measurement units of later generations, the entire carriage is about 1.8 meters wide and a little over three meters long. If seats are placed on both sides, it can accommodate seven or eight adults.

If the dignitaries use it alone, a small soft bed can even be placed inside for the owner to take a nap on the road, and it is still under the condition of servants and maidservants.

Braziers and ice basins can also be placed in the spacious compartment, which can maintain the minimum heat preservation conditions no matter it is hot or cold.

In rainy weather, in addition to the waterproof function of the tung oil in the car itself, the driver can also spread the rain cloth on the roof of the car, so that neither the goods nor the passengers will be soaked by the rain. Yu.

If it is used as a truck, the rear of the compartment can be designed as a movable baffle to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods. If the goods are not afraid of wind and rain, the roof can be omitted, and the baffles on the front and rear sides do not need to be too high, so that it is convenient There will be a lot of car purchase expenses left.

Of course, this is a follow-up question after Zhu Youjian imagines that it can be commercialized on a large scale in the future and can be sold externally.

As for the vertical shaft, since it is under the frame, Zhu Youjian, as the king of a country, does not need to lower his status to squat down to inspect it, as long as he knows that it can be built.

"Very good, very good! It is quite different from what I thought! There are a few shortcomings, and I can improve it according to the actual situation in the future! This thing is not difficult to build, the most difficult thing is the ball and the vertical shaft. Where is the craftsman? "

Fan Jingwen, Bi Maokang and others were finally relieved by Zhu Youjian's statement.

This is something the emperor came up with on a whim. If there are so many skilled craftsmen who can't make it, then these people in the yard will have no face to continue working.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this person's name is Sun Kuan, and he is waiting there. The other two people with him are the craftsmen who built the carriage. They are called Hu Liu and Mao Zhuang respectively. Do you want some people to come over and ask?"

Zhang Jimeng, who had been standing not far behind Zhu Youjian, hurried up to salute and report under Bi Maokang's signal.

"Well, let's call Sun Kuan and the others, I want to see what the master craftsmen look like!"

Zhu Youjian gave orders with a smile, and Wang Chengen on the side quickly turned his head to glance at Cheng Qianli. Cheng Qianli waved at the corner, and several captains grabbed the three craftsmen with their heads down, and a group of people walked quickly Come to Zhu Youjian.

A few steps before Zhu Youjian's body, a few craftsmen who still dared not raise their heads fell on their knees and kowtowed heavily in accordance with the instructions they had received in advance: "Cao Min Sun Kuan (Hu Liu, Mao Zhuang) Kowtow to the emperor!"

"Hehe, let's get down! You can come and answer!"

Zhu Youjian smiled and ordered.

Because they had been ordered in advance, Sun Kuan and the three knew that they might be summoned by the emperor today, so they all specially put on brand new bunt clothes.

A few people were full of joy and wanted to see what the legendary Long Live God looked like with their own eyes, but when the matter came to an end, all three of them were extremely nervous.

Sun Kuan felt his whole body was stiff, his brain was buzzing, his lips were dry, his face was pale and unsteady, he heard a gentle voice make them flatten, Sun Kuan nodded, and the three of them kowtowed again, Trembling up to his feet, his head lowered even lower.

Hu Liu and Mao Zhuang were even more unbearable, they only knew how to look at Sun Kuan in front of them, and they followed suit, but after a while, the backs of their clothes were soaked in sweat, and their bodies could not stop. I shuddered.

"Sun Kuan, I'm here to ask you, what is your job as a military inspector? And how did you come up with the idea of ​​using iron wood to make balls? This method is really wonderful! You are the one who deserves the most credit for the success of the carriage." !"

Zhu Youjian understood the current state of several people, so he didn't say much, but asked straight to the point.

When a person feels extremely nervous due to various factors, if someone asks him professional questions in the field he is most familiar with, the tension will be quickly relieved.

Sure enough, when Sun Kuan, who was frightened to death, heard the emperor asked about his major, he immediately focused on his professional habits for many years, and his tense nerves relaxed.

"Returning to the emperor, Caomin is a carpenter from generation to generation. He has served the court for more than [-] years. Caomin has done a lot of work and used all kinds of wood. Ever since the masters said that they want to make balls, Caomin has done it all at once. Thinking of the iron wood I used before! Grassmen can’t be credited. We used to be poor people who didn’t have enough to eat for generations. Now it’s the emperor who made our family full of food and warm clothes. The two sons have built a house and got married, and the family can still see fish and meat every few days. We really can’t repay the great kindness of your old man, the emperor! When I was free, I bought high-quality The whole body of the emperor is engraved on the wood for offering at home, offering incense and praying every day, I only hope that you, the emperor, can live for ten thousand years!"

 Thanks to the book friend Venus for the reward of the graphics card.

(End of this chapter)

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