Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 418 Studying

Chapter 418 Studying
"Yang Qing's analysis is indeed well-founded, and I feel much more at ease now! Are the two-winged soldiers I just asked about prepared?"

Zhu Youjian then asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Bachelor Lu and Dengzhou are all ready, and they can go out at any time when the time is right!"

Yang Sichang cupped his hands and replied.

"Good! Now it can be said that everything is ready and only owes the east wind. Once this battle is successful, our Ming Dynasty will eliminate all the troubles and save a lot of money, food and materials to improve people's livelihood. At least for a few years, our Ming Dynasty will not have to worry about war chaos!"

Thinking that soon after, most of Ming's internal and external troubles will be eliminated, Zhu Youjian's mood suddenly becomes happy.

This time, as long as Jiannu is completely disabled, and the Liaoxi generals are abolished along the way, a huge expenditure of more than 500 million taels will be saved every year.

Moreover, the large fertile soil outside the pass can also move the disaster victims from the Shanshan and Shanxi areas, and the financial situation of Ming Dynasty will be completely improved.

Regarding the resettlement of the Eight Banners after the war, Zhu Youjian planned to adopt the method of separating them in different places, and move the Jianzhou Jurchen, who did not have a large number of people, to other provinces in the interior. Become a member of Ming Dynasty.

"Qi Zou Holy Majesty, I don't know what is the purpose of recruiting ministers and others to enter the palace this time? Please also ask the Holy Majesty to clarify!"

Hou Xun's interjection interrupted Zhu Youjian's thoughts, and he remembered the purpose of summoning all the ministers into the palace today.

"Well, hehe, I was only thinking about other things, but I forgot what happened today. The reason why I recruited all the ministers is related to the crown prince."

Zhu Youjian paused deliberately when he said this, wanting to see everyone's attitudes and reactions, and sure enough, when the prince was mentioned, all the officials in the hall raised their spirits and looked at him in unison.

"The prince has been taught by the two masters of the East Palace for several years. I am very satisfied with the knowledge and conduct. I am also very relieved to hand over the Ming Dynasty to the prince in the future. The prince is 12 years old this year. In order to let him understand the people of the Ming Dynasty Therefore, I have decided that from next month, the crown prince will study in the Imperial Prison under an alias until he is 16 years old, and the period will be the same as that of ordinary prison students."

Zhu Youjian announced this deliberate decision under the amazed gaze of his ministers.

"I object! The East Palace is the foundation of the country. Since there are famous teachers and great Confucianism to guide the studies in the East Palace, why do you need to communicate outside the palace? Besides, white dragon fish clothes have always been taboo. Some people want to harm the prince, once the foundation of the country is shaken, it can be said to be a catastrophe! As a minister, if you don't dissuade the emperor's judgment that violates the ancestral system, and spread it out, won't the scholars think it is your Majesty? They are all flattering courtiers!"

Zhang Guowei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, took the lead to break the silence in the hall, expressing his strong opposition to Zhu Youjian's rash decision, and at the same time vaguely pointed the finger at Wen Tiren, who was known for being charming.

Regardless of Zhang Guowei's reasons for opposing this matter, his reasons are very tenable and represent the attitude of most people in the hall, so no one else came forward to refute him.

"I agree with Zhang Butang's words. This matter needs to be carefully considered by the Holy Majesty. Before that, there were rumors that the Holy Majesty let the prince go out of the palace at will. I didn't witness it with my own eyes, so I couldn't persuade him, but from the actions of the Holy Majesty today. It can be seen that the rumors should be true! As the king of a country, his words and deeds should be prudent and steady, and flying and jumping is absolutely not advisable! I hope the Holy One will think about it carefully!"

Shi Bangyao, the censor of the right capital, got up and saluted, and said seriously.

Shi Bangyao, who is very upright and upright in his words and deeds on weekdays, pays the most attention to everything to be done according to the established rules. Zhu Youjian's unconstrained thinking makes him quite displeased.

Although he usually looks down on Zhang Guowei's hypocrite, but this time he chose to stand by Zhang Guowei's side.

"The old minister seconded Shi Xiantai's words! The Holy Majesty has repeatedly tampered with the ancestral system. If things go on like this, the words of the ancestors have become a pile of waste paper! Such actions may attract criticism from all over the world!"

Wang Yingxiong, who had been watching with cold eyes, also stood up and expressed his attitude towards Zhu Youjian's decision, and also took the opportunity to secretly point to some of Zhu Youjian's previous actions.

"It's not wise to send the prince out of the palace to study. The East Palace is the heir's heir, so how can you wait for a long time with idlers. Moreover, the prince is young and lacks mental experience. If he is bewitched by someone with bad intentions, it is not a blessing for the country. !"

Another elder, Zhang Zhifa, also expressed his views.

The reasons for the opposition of these important ministers are different, but they are all convincing. If Zhu Youjian is not a time traveler, this remonstrance may make him doubt his decision.

Now Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen, Hou Xun, and Ni Yuanlu are still left among the ministers in the palace, but judging from the expressions of these people, most of them are still opposed to this matter, but because of the emperor's face, Therefore, he did not echo the opinions of Zhang Guowei and others.

"Your minister is advising the decision of the Holy Majesty! The Holy Majesty is an invincible king, and all previous administrations have fully verified this point. Facts have proved that no matter what the Holy Majesty does, there must be deep meaning in it, and in the end it will be very effective! This time, Donggong went out to study The same is true for the same thing, I would like to ask the holy majesty to clarify the confusion for me before discussing it!"

Just when Zhu Youjian was about to tell the attached conditions, Wen Tiren stepped forward and unequivocally fell to his side.

"Hehe! Why does the chief assistant need to speak out? There are rumors in the market that the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty is like a clay body and wood plastic. What's more, there are echoes who say it. It is really groundless, and it may not be without reason!"

Zhang Guowei taunted Wen Tiren unceremoniously.

"Does this statement by the minister mean that the sage is stupid? The official minister of the Ministry of Rites is fond of talking about rumors about foolish men and women. Is this behavior in line with his status? As an important minister of the court, do you need to rely on rumors in the market? Do you have to use plausible rumors as a criterion for the service of the Ming Dynasty? In this case, where should the emperor be placed? What is the intention of the department hall's above remarks?"

Seeing Zhang Guowei's insinuations of the Ming Dynasty one after another, Lao Wen's vicious temper broke out immediately, and a series of slanderous words blurted out, Zhang Guowei's face instantly became extremely ugly, and other people in the hall also looked at the two with the mentality of watching a movie. people.

To punish people and punish others, Wen Tiren's words were extremely venomous, and he almost said directly that Zhang Guowei didn't take the emperor seriously.

It was also Zhang Guowei who committed suicide by himself. He challenged Lao Wen's bottom line repeatedly during the discussion, and this time he finally completely pissed Lao Wen off.

"Okay, okay! Wen Qing, don't lose your demeanor, and don't care about the rumors in the market. I have always seen what you do, and I am very relieved that you are in charge of the cabinet! The prince's advice is also from the I have a fair heart. I haven't finished talking about Shicai, and I still have other thoughts about the prince leaving the palace to study!"

Wen Tiren's words successfully provoked Zhu Youjian's anger.

It's time to find a reason to send Zhang Guowei back to his hometown.

Apart from being weird and irresponsible to others, this guy didn't make any constructive suggestions on the major policies of the court. He was a typical old bureaucrat.

This kind of stumbling block should also be moved. After the discussion is over, find a reason to send him home.

 Push a new book, I am Emperor Chongzhen. (The Emperor Chongzhen article written by a wretched woman, the author seriously suspects that she is a big boss in women's clothing)
(End of this chapter)

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