Chapter 42 Plan
In Zhu Youjian's conception, in the battle situation in Shaanxi, Hong Chengchou focused on military strikes, and he must resolutely encircle Li Zicheng in the northern Shaanxi area, so as to prevent him from having the opportunity to send his troops south again and wreak havoc on the Central Plains, so as to give Sun Chuanting a chance to garrison the fields. Allow more time.

After Sun Chuanting's military training in the fields is successful, he will accumulate a large amount of money and food, and appease the local area, gather the refugees, and then expand the matter of garrisoning the fields and reassuring the people westward to Fengxiang Mansion.

If things go well, the area in southern Shaanxi will settle down within two or three years, and at the same time, Sun Chuanting's harvest will also provide Hong Chengchou with strong support.

In Henan, Lu Xiangsheng will use Ruzhou as his base, fully learn from Sun Chuanting's experience in Shaanxi, and focus on appeasing the local area and recruiting refugees.At the same time, recruit troops and train troops, and try to stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

Tuntian Anmin in Shaanxi and Henan will be relatively easy.Because the two places are the places where thieves are the worst, many gentry and big families have disappeared in so many years of turmoil, leaving many lands without owners.What the two provinces lack is not land, but a safe production and living environment.

Now Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang's troops have moved from Henan to the South Zhili area. According to the historical direction that has not yet deviated, Gao Yingxiang will be wiped out and captured by Sun Chuanting in the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Zhang Xianzhong will flee to the Huguang area, and Henan will usher in a rare opportunity to recuperate.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jiannu suddenly broke through the Great Wall to harass the capital next year, and Lu Xiangsheng had no choice but to lead his troops into the king of Jingqin, the rogues in the interior would be wiped out soon.

What Zhu Youjian needs most now is time. As long as there is enough time, he has the confidence to wipe out no matter whether it is a thief or a slave.

In his previous life, Zhu Youjian often thought about a problem. Whenever the Ming Dynasty officials and soldiers were about to completely wipe out the thieves, Jiannu would always break through the Great Wall to harass the capital at critical moments.

In the 11th and [-]th years of Chongzhen, the unreasonable invasion of Jiannu disrupted the deployment of the government and army to suppress bandits.

In order to defend the important area of ​​the capital, under the strict order of the imperial court, the officials and soldiers from all over the country had to give up the siege and killing of the thieves, and rushed to the capital to serve the king, so that the thieves got a precious respite.

By the time the Jiannu were plundered and gone, the officers and soldiers were already exhausted, and the bandits took the opportunity to grow rapidly, eventually leading to a corrupt and unmanageable situation.

The views of later generations are that one is that the bandits and Jiannu communicate with each other, and the other is that secret spies spread all over the place to inform them, and Huang Taiji's wise and decisive, so they entered the bandits at the critical moment and supported them with practical actions. A thief, so that Da Ming would slowly bleed to death.

Regarding the former, Zhu Youjian held a negative attitude. Take Li Zicheng, who finally overthrew Daming, as an example. If he had a relationship with Jiannu, it would be impossible for him to know nothing about Jiannu's strength. During the Shi war, Jiannu was quickly defeated, which led to the demise of the Dashun regime.

And if it was Jiannu's secret spies who delivered the information, how did these secret spies have such a long-term strategic vision?Could it be that a secret agent would judge that after the official army wiped out the thieves, Jiannu would have no chance of occupying the Ming Dynasty?The truth of history seems to be hidden in the fog, making it difficult for people to see the true face.

Regarding the Nine Years of Chongzhen's establishment of slaves and invasion of bandits, preparations must be made now, and when everything is ready, the establishment of slaves must be dealt a heavy blow at the right place.

There are only about 10 soldiers of the Eight Banners in Manchuria, and there will not be many Eight Banners soldiers entering the bandits next year.What really made Jiannu grow stronger was the invasion of Chongzhen in the 11th year. Tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers raged in Daming territory for half a year.

The Qing army gained a lot this time, defeating 57 formations of the Ming army, conquering Jinan Prefecture, 3 prefectures, 55 counties, and 2 passes, killing two governors and more than a hundred generals above the garrison, and capturing the king of Germany Zhu Youshu (escorted to Shenyang), the county Wang Zhu Ciying, General Fengguo Zhu Cishang, and eunuch Feng Xuxu received 46 taels of human and livestock, 2 taels of gold, and 3 taels of silver.

Lu Xiangsheng, who was hailed as the great Ming Yuefei by later generations, died in Julu, Hebei during this incident of Qing soldiers entering the bandits, which is very regrettable.

Among the 10 people abducted by the Eight Banners soldiers this time, there were a large number of craftsmen. These craftsmen forged countless strong weapons for the Qing soldiers in the later period, and became a strong support for the Eight Banners of Manchuria.

Zhu Youjian looked at the map on the case, thought for a long time, and finally focused on Changping County.

In my impression, after the Eight Banners soldiers broke into Juyongguan, they first attacked Yanqing, and then broke through Shunyi and Changping.Instead, they bypassed the capital and headed south, attacking Fangshan, Liangxiang, and Zhuozhou, then heading east to break through Xianghe and Baodi, and finally took the gold and silver they had robbed, and calmly exited the customs through the breach.

As a purely military commander, it is best to attack the Eight Banners soldiers head-on when they are exhausted in the Xianghe and Baodi areas. At that time, the killing effect on the Eight Banners soldiers will be maximized.
But as a time traveler, seeing a large number of innocent people being killed and robbed, and countless people's homes destroyed, Zhu Youjian asked himself that he couldn't do this.

Since you dare to come, then come, let me see how powerful the Eight Banners soldiers are!

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian ordered: "Meet the commander-in-chief of the Yongwei Battalion!"

Wang Chengen hurried out of the hall and called a little Huangmen. After a few instructions, the little Huangmen hurriedly went to deliver the decree.

Zhu Youjian sat down and took a sip of tea, and suddenly thought of a question: In his memory, the Eight Banners soldiers looted next year, and the Xuanda officers and soldiers who were close at hand seemed to be silent. An enemy like a tiger can explain this.

A raging soldier, a raging nest.Yang Guozhu, the chief soldier of the Xuan Mansion, and Hu Dawei, the chief soldier of Datong, all have capable soldiers under their command. Even if they are afraid of the enemy, they dare not refuse to listen to orders from the top. The problem lies with Governor Xuan Da.Liang Tingdong, hehe, thinking of this person's clumsy performance in this incident, Zhu Youjian laughed.

Although this person was afraid of being held accountable by the court afterwards, he committed suicide by eating rhubarb like Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, but at present, he cannot be removed from his official position because of something that did not happen. It is against the rules, and the candidate to replace Liang Tingdong is close at hand, but in what name? What about replacing him?
Zhu Youjian said: "Big Companion, you go to Gaoyang yourself to visit Sun Chengzong. Ask him a word for me: Lian Po is old, can he still eat? If he can, then let him come to Beijing to see you. Otherwise give up.

In fact, if it is not expected, Elder Sun will definitely agree. I really can't bear to let Elder Sun, who is already seventy years old, work hard for state affairs again.But under the current situation, what I can trust is the ability of this old minister, so go ahead, observe the etiquette with Mr. Sun, and don't be negligent in the slightest! "

Wang Chengen quickly agreed and turned around to leave.

Needless to say, Sun Chengzong was loyal. In the 11th year of Chongzhen, the Qing soldiers invaded Gaoyang County. Sun Chengzong, who was at home, led the army and civilians to defend the city. When the city was broken, he was captured and hanged himself to death.His five sons, six grandsons, two nephews, and eight nephews died in battle, and more than a hundred members of the Sun family were killed.

In terms of ability, although he does not have the strategic vision to control the overall situation, there is no problem in sealing off one place. If it weren't for the confused emperor who he traveled through, he listened to one side and always appointed Sun Chengzong as the supervisor of Liaodong. The Eight Banners of Manchuria would not be as calm as they are now Use troops.

The plan to use Sun Chengzong this time is to use his qualifications and prestige, courage and courage to coerce Xuanda's soldiers.

While Zhu Youjian was thinking wildly, a small yellow door quietly came in and knelt down and reported: "My lord, Gong Yonggu, the captain-in-law, please see me!"

Zhu Youjian was stunned for a moment, and then ordered: "Please come quickly!"

There are so many things today, I have forgotten the matter of summoning Gong Yonggu.

After a while, Gong Yonggu, who was dressed in white and elegant, came to the hall, bowed down and said: "Minister Gong Yonggu sees the Holy One!"

"Excuse me, my son-in-law, please stand up and give me a seat!" Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

Chongzhen and Gong Yonggu in the previous life had a good friendship, so there is a natural intimacy after seeing them.

Zhu Youjian, who is familiar with history, is very grateful for his cheap brother-in-law.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng invaded the capital, and Princess Le'an died of illness.Yonggu tied his children with yellow ropes and tied them to the coffin, saying: "This emperor's nephew, don't defile the hands of thieves!" He raised his sword and killed himself, and the whole family burned himself to death. All the servants in the family fled, and only one loyal servant remained for his family Collect the body.

"How is Le'an?" Zhu Youjian asked with a smile.

"Brother Huang, Le'an has always been weak, and I have invited famous doctors and experts to take care of him, which is quite effective." Gong Yonggu replied with a smile, and then sat down on the brocade stool brought by Xiaohuangmen.

Zhu Youjian pondered for a while, and said, "My son-in-law, I have called you here this time, and I have something to discuss with you."

Gong Yonggu hurriedly stood up, bowed his waist and cupped his hands and said: "Brother, you can give me orders if you have anything to do, and I will obey everything. You should not discuss a word. When you come this time, I brought 2 taels of silver from my home and handed it over to the Holy Branch." .”

Zhu Youjian felt warm and said, "I know you like to make friends and collect calligraphy and paintings. These two expenses are not small, and you don't have much money left at home. The 2 taels is probably all your net worth?"

"At this difficult time for the state, a small amount of wealth is nothing! Le'an comes from the royal family, and the minister and the royal family are one, but the savings are very small, and there is nothing to repay the emperor." Gong Yonggu laughed.

Zhu Youjian raised his hand to let him sit down, and said: "If half of the courtiers are like you, there will be great things to do in state affairs. It's a pity, hehe! The former empress summoned Jiadingbo and talked about the difficulties of the court. Jiadingbo looked around and hesitated when he heard the words In the end, the queen was angry and reprimanded him. In desperation, Bo Jiading donated 5000 taels of money, hehe, I know that his family has millions of dollars, but after all, he is my father-in-law, so he has no choice but to go!"

Gong Yonggu was embarrassed when he heard the emperor talking about privacy.

Zhu Youjian changed the subject and said, "My son-in-law, do you have loyal and reliable people who are good at management?"

Gong Yonggu pondered for a while, and replied: "Brother Huang, I have a family of servants under my family who are loyal, have a lot of friends, and are good at management. I don't know what Brother Huang wants?"

Zhu Youjian said: "You also know that what the imperial court lacks the most is money and food. Now Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong are full of bandits. Not only do these provinces have no taxes to pay, but the imperial court has to subsidize them in large quantities. There are also soldiers used to suppress bandits. Huge amounts of money and food are also needed every year.

At present, the imperial court only counts on taxes from Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi, which is really unsustainable, and the senior ministers of the court are helpless. If this situation continues for a few more years, the Ming Dynasty will be in danger! "Gong Yonggu nodded in agreement.

Zhu Youjian took a sip of tea, and continued: "I am going to open another source of income, not through the imperial court, and use the power of the royal family to earn silver taels. After all, this country belongs to the Zhu family, and the courtiers can make things easy. People in the royal family must not be without a sense of responsibility, otherwise they will die without a place to bury them!"

Gong Yonggu opened his mouth and said: "What the emperor said is true! I watched the court with cold eyes. All the dignitaries in the court only cared about their own interests, and the corpse was a vegetarian meal. The minister was extremely angry! But the status of the minister has been determined, and I only hate myself for being powerless. Give your brother a helping hand!"

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "It's good if the son-in-law has the heart, I appreciate it! You also know that salt making and selling salt is where huge profits are made, but salt profits are controlled by Shanxi and Huizhou merchants. The interests between them are intertwined and connected with each other, and the salt field is firmly held by him.

And the salt field in Huaiyang area is the place where Ming produces the most, so it is very difficult to win profits from it.

According to the information I got from Jin Yiwei, the quality of the salt produced in the Huaiyang Salt Plant is high and the price is high. common people.

The salt that the common people buy is coarse-grained large salt, regardless of the taste and color, they are extremely inferior, but because there are no other channels, the common people can only buy this poor-quality coarse salt.

Prince-in-law, if there was a kind of table salt that was as white as snow and as fine as flour at the same price, would you still buy that kind of coarse salt? "

Gong Yonggu stood up excitedly and asked: "Is there such a good salt in the hands of the emperor? If there is, there will be no problem selling it all over the world! Once such a huge profit is sold in the world, then the worries of the emperor will be solved. !"

"I don't have such good salt in my hands!" Zhu Youjian replied.

Gong Yonggu was stunned for a moment, sat down with his head bowed, and said dejectedly: "Brother Huang, is it just for fun with me!"

"Hahahaha! Although I don't have one, I have a wonderful way to make good salt!"

Zhu Youjian laughed.

Gong Yonggu said suspiciously: "Brother Huang, don't make jokes. Just now, Brother Huang talked about the affairs of the world. I was very worried, so I really didn't want to make jokes."

Zhu Youjian put away his smile and said warmly: "I'm not joking. As far as I know, the salt produced in Lianghuai and Liangzhe Salt Fields is boiled. It's called cooked salt. It's the salt that most people in Ming Dynasty eat. All from there.

The method I use is called the sun-dried salt method. If successful, not only the yield is huge, but the quality is far superior to cooked salt.

How to make it, I have already transcribed it myself.I think about the people in the palace, except for Wang Chengen and others, there are no other available people. I believe your vision. Since you said that the servant is reliable, then use him to preside over this matter. I will send a team of brocade-clothed troops to assist him , to avoid many unnecessary troubles, what is the name of this person? "

Gong Yonggu cupped his hands and replied: "This man's name is Gong Fanwu, he is 31 years old, he is the son of the minister's family, he has served the Gong family for generations, and there is no question of loyalty.

He takes care of all the minister's housework, no matter how big or small, they are handled in an orderly manner.

The minister spends a lot of money on daily friendships, which are all earned from his business. The minister does not treat him like a servant, but treats him like an elder brother! "

Zhu Youjian thought for a while, is this the person who collected the corpses of Gong Yonggu's family in history?Very likely.

He turned around and picked up a book from the desk and handed it to Gong Yonggu, saying: "It's not too late, you go back and explain the matter, and when the preparations are complete, the Jinyi army will set off together."

Gong Yonggu took the book and carefully put it in his arms, saying: "Brother Huang, where is the place where the salt is made?"

Zhu Youjian slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "I'm so confused that I forgot about it, haha, come and see!"

Gong Yonggu followed Zhu Youjian to the map on the desk, and Zhu Youjian pointed to a corner of Shouguang in Shandong, a later generation, and said: "This place is under the jurisdiction of Shouguang County, Qingzhou Prefecture, and it's called Dajiawa.

As far as I know, this place is sparsely populated and remote, and it is an excellent place to dry salt (the Haihua Group of later generations is located in Dajiawa, and the author has been there before. There are salt fields that can't be seen at a glance, and countless salt mountains) .

After Gong Fanwu left, the Jinyiwei Association informed the county government and asked him to assist in recruiting manpower for the salt factory to build the salt factory, and then moved his family to live in the factory without any contact with the outside world.Jinyi's pro-army is responsible for patrolling the surrounding areas on a daily basis, cleaning up irrelevant people, etc. Gong Fanwu presides over all matters large and small. If there is any problem, Jinyi's pro-army will come forward.

After the success of salt production, Gong Fanwu will not have to manage in the salt field, but will start marketing the salt produced. First, the capital will be the main one. After the market is opened, it will gradually expand to various places. That is another story.The most urgent thing is to make salt successfully. The method I gave you is just a general idea, and the specific method needs to be practiced repeatedly. "

Gong Yonggu cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, brother, I will tell Gong Fanwu to use all methods to complete the tasks assigned by brother!"

Zhu Youjian smiled and said: "I'm here waiting for good news. Your 2 taels is considered a shareholding. I won't ask for your money for nothing. After earning the money, treat my sister well, hahaha!"

Gong Yonggu didn't shirk, he smiled and saluted and then retreated, he had his own plan in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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