Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 445 Zhu Youjian's Plan

Chapter 445 Zhu Youjian's Plan

Zijuan, who has always been gentle and generous, kowtowed again after finishing speaking and straightened her upper body. There was no mournful look on her face, but a relaxed and calm expression after she confided her heart. The firmness and stubbornness in her eyes made people feel her true intentions.

Zhou Hou felt that Zijuan would probably make a decision after careful consideration, but she did not expect that she would reject her arrangement so decisively.

Especially the last paragraph of sincere words made Zhou Hou's tears fall down.

She got up from the brocade couch and walked a few steps to Zijuan, stretched out her hand and pulled her up: "Silly girl, don't you make people cry for nothing?! We won't leave this time, I will stay with you in the palace." elder sister!"

Although Zhou Hou has always regarded Zijuan as her family, this is the first time she puts down her body and calls herself her sister in front of Zijuan. This makes Zijuan both terrified and moved.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhu Youjian felt extremely warm in his heart, and Wang Chengen beside him was also full of emotion.

He understands Zijuan's mood, so why isn't he doing the same to his emperor?
Zijuan's behavior also reminded him that it seems that he must find an appropriate time to ask the emperor for grace. After a hundred years, he will also be buried next to the imperial mausoleum, so that he can continue to serve the emperor after going underground.

"Okay, okay, since you don't want to leave the palace, let's put this matter aside for now, I haven't finished my words yet, ha ha!"

Zijuan hurriedly wiped her tears with her sleeves, then helped Zhou Hou to sit in front of the brocade couch, then turned around and came to Zhu Youjian's place to bow to Zhu Youjian: "I also ask the emperor to forgive me, this servant was rude today, and it was almost too late. Forget about your identity!"

"Zijuan, I know that there are quite a few elderly palace people who have been emperors for several generations. Due to the isolation of the palace, many people have been away from home for many years, and there have been many natural and man-made disasters over the years, and many changes have occurred in the middle. Contact, and even his family members may have suffered misfortune, even if he is released this time and returned out of the palace, it is very likely that there will be nowhere to go.

These old and helpless people will be placed in the nursing homes for women and children. In this way, in addition to releasing the money, they will also have the financial resources in the palace to protect them, and someone will take care of their affairs, so that they will not be lonely when they are old. Nothing to worry about. "

Zhu Youjian waved his hand, stopped Zicuckoo from apologizing, and then told his next plan.

In fact, there is no need to send someone to check, Zhu Youjian is also very clear in his heart, there are many people in the palace who have lived in four generations of emperors.

During the Wanli period, Shenzong had selected beautiful women to enter the palace several times. According to the rules set by Taizu, the age of beautiful women entering the palace was between 15 and [-] years old.

Assuming that a beautiful woman was selected into the palace at the age of 30 in the 13th year of Wanli, and then went through Taichang, Tianqi, until the 11th year of Chongzhen, a total of 37 years, and she had just reached Pentecost in terms of age. If she was not in the palace Engaging in heavy physical labor, and under the condition of starvation and malnutrition, the probability of surviving is not small.

If they entered the palace in the late Wanli period, or during the Taichang and Tianqi years, they would be even younger, and there should be quite a few people in their thirties and forties.

Of course, this young age is relative to later generations. For ancient times with an average life expectancy of about 40 years old, this age should be considered an old man.

"Please remember, servant girl, is there any order from the emperor that needs to be passed on to this servant girl?"

Zicuckoo asked after being blessed.

"There are two other things, which are also related to the vital interests of the palace people. You need to arrange more inspections in the future.

First of all, it is the matter of palace people seeking medical treatment when they are sick. This time, the Zhenhui decreed to abolish the bad rule that the palace people who are sick and doctors are not allowed to enter, and set up a medical center in the palace, and there are female doctors here. So that sick palace people can be treated in time. "

Zhu Youjian can understand this rule in the palaces of all dynasties.

Since ancient times, the vast majority of doctors have been men. In this case, it is difficult to fully protect women's right to health.

In the past when the defense between men and women was emphasized, there were quite a lot of palace people in the palace, and because of the lack of female doctors, one or a group of men can't be allowed to run into the palace every day, right?

Since the emperor is the only adult male in the palace, most of the palace people will not be able to see the emperor in their entire lives, let alone be favored by the emperor.

At this time, if there is a chance to meet other men except the Yellow Emperor, under the psychological effect of hunger and insatiability, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no scandals that confuse the palace.

Since Zhu Youjian strongly supported and encouraged qualified women to practice medicine, the palace's precautions against the outside world have no meaning.

"Secondly, you have to work with other female officials in the palace to screen those who are going to be released this time, and select those who are smart, literate, and interested in practicing medicine. I will order the Department of Health to set up female doctors according to the actual situation. In the school, women doctors with excellent medical skills are arranged in turn to teach them medical skills so that they can have a skill.

After her skills are accomplished, whether she is married or self-employed, her family and the world will look up to her, and she will be able to serve the people of Ming Dynasty, so that she will not be mediocre all her life and eventually turn into dust! "

In Zhu Youjian's plan, the women's medical school is a very important part, and it is also an effective supplement to the doctor training offered by the Department of Health.

Fang Li, who often went to the palace to treat the nobles, is now the chief female doctor of Jing'an Hall. With her superb medical skills and good attitude, she has won a lot of praise from the circle of ladies and ladies in the middle and upper classes in the capital. The family also changed from being unwilling to show her to the clinic at the beginning to encouraging and supporting her now.

Huge benefits and a good reputation are the most direct factors that have prompted their attitude change.

Those upper-class ladies, because their illnesses were treated in time and their bodies recovered, they would always reward them with a lot of money and gifts.

According to the regulations of the Department of Health, these rewards will be handed over to the government office and kept as a charitable fund to purchase medicinal materials and related materials to subsidize those female patients who have no money for medical treatment.

But at the same time, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the female doctors, [-]% of the bounty will be returned to the female doctors who gave the consultation, which is also approved by Zhu Youjian.

Driven by Fang Lishi, Hu Wenlan, Fang Qingxiu, Zhao Wenshu and other young female doctors with family medical skills also joined Jing'an Hall one after another and became female medical officers officially paid by the imperial court.

Although Jing'an Hall became more and more famous, more and more women were benefited in the capital, but because of too few female doctors and support staff, it was still unable to benefit more poor people.

Enrolling as many literate women as possible to study medicine is the only way to solve this problem.

Literate palace men will be an important source of female doctors.

Zhu Youjian didn't expect all the women doctors to become famous doctors, but after they learned the basic medical skills, pharmacology and other basic medical knowledge, it would greatly reduce the burden on Fang Li and other female medical officers.

When the female doctors make outpatient visits, they will study and observe from the sidelines, and do what they can. As time goes by, after accumulating more experience, the medical skills of the female students will naturally increase. This is the Jing'an Hall scale Expanding provides good conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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