Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 448 Enemy Prediction and Arrangement

Chapter 448 Enemy Prediction and Arrangement

According to the analysis of Huang Taiji's behavior style over the years, after learning that the Qing army going south suffered a serious setback, he would never order to retreat. The main force of the Qing army retreated to the front line of Songjin.

This is the decision that the so-called far-reaching Huang Taiji should have made.

Although this move is suspected of jumping over the wall in a hurry, Huang Taiji has no choice but to do so.

If he retreats at this point, firstly, it will greatly dampen the confidence of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, and secondly, it may directly threaten his throne.

Because he made the decision to send troops this time, under the circumstances of heavy losses and nothing to gain, his reputation will definitely plummet. The two yellow flags compensate the rest of the flags.

In this way, it is difficult to say whether Huang Taiji's throne can be kept under the ebb and flow.

The combination of various reasons will force Huang Taiji to make a decision to increase troops.

Even if he didn't witness the current situation of Jianzhou with his own eyes, Zhu Youjian could guess that the life of the so-called Qing Dynasty must be very sad.

Eliminating Shanxi merchants and reducing the supply of various materials to the generals in western Liaoning on a large scale, this kind of drastic action is equivalent to cutting off the two main arteries for blood transfusion to Jianzhou, making Jianzhou, which was in the growth period, suddenly lose its nutrition supply, and this cut-off situation cannot be reversed at all.

Except for food, iron, and medicinal materials, almost all other materials depend on external supplies. This huge congenital defect cannot be changed by Huang Taiji. After realizing that the rope around his neck has become tighter and tighter Under such circumstances, Huang Taiji was forced to launch this large-scale southward looting operation.

The problem facing the top leaders of Jianzhou is no longer how to grow stronger, but to find a way to maintain the pressure on Daming and continue to draw blood from Daming until this huge body collapses due to lack of blood. Only then will there be a chance to enter this colorful world.

Unfortunately, strategic correctness does not necessarily translate into tactical success.

Under the miscalculation of the strength of the Ming army, the Qing army fell into the trap of the Ming army step by step, and was defeated by the Ming army over and over again. After Dorgon and others came to their senses, the elite of the Eight Banners had already suffered serious losses. .

Although it is impossible to count the specific number of casualties of the Qing army, Zhu Youjian made a rough estimate. After several tough battles, the casualties of the Qing army should be around [-], and not much more.

Compared with the battle process that lasted for more than a month, this number seems small, but don't forget that there are less than 10 horses in total in the Eight Banners, and they have lost more than [-]% in just over a month. It is a serious injury, and it will be even more difficult to recover.

What is even more frightening is that this time the Qing army lost all the elite soldiers of the Eight Banners, including no less than two hundred white armored soldiers.

The Eight Banners have always had the ethos of leading the battle with heavy armor and strong soldiers. It is this good fighting style that has allowed the Eight Banners to win many battles. Over the past ten years, they have engulfed countless tribes, from a small tribe with less than a thousand people, It has developed into a separatist regime with a population of 200 million today.

It's just that this commendable style is now on the verge of being eliminated by the times.

Under Zhu Youjian's strong advocacy and support, the Ming army made great progress in the quality and use of firearms, forming a three-level three-dimensional system with cannons in the distance, blunderbusses in the middle, tiger crouching cannons in the near, and sky-shocking thunders. The attack mode, and the cooperation between the various arms of the Ming army has become more mature and tacit. In the battle, it has basically been able to prevent the Qing army from having a chance to fight hand-to-hand.

On the other hand, the Qing army, due to the huge inertia formed in thinking and actions, turned a blind eye to this very obvious change in the Ming army, or did not make corresponding adjustments to deal with it, so they fought hard again and again with the attitude of moths to the flames. The hard charge resulted in the worthless death of a large number of soldiers who could fight wild beasts with their bare hands.

The extreme backwardness in concept caused a large number of Qing army casualties, and in the future, such situations will continue to occur one after another.

Although Huang Taiji is an unborn talent, Zhu Youjian doesn't think he can realize that the generation difference in weapons is invincible, and even if he realizes it, he can't change it.

With Jianzhou's productivity and production methods still in a slave society, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with the existing firearms of the Ming army without the help of external forces.

The Eight Banners possessed quite a number of various cannons. According to relevant statistics of later generations, when the Qing army entered the customs, there were as many as thousands of cannons of various sizes.

Zhu Youjian believes that the Manchu Qing could have so many cannons, except for a very small part made by captive Han artisans, most of them were seized from the Ming army.

Although the current number of Qing army artillery is not so many, it should not be less than a thousand. However, the number of artillery carried by the Qing army Han army flag is not many. The main reason for this is the lack of gunners and gunpowder. It was also caused by Daming's blockade.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect.

If it hadn't been for the complete blockade of Jianzhou that started a few years ago, but had allowed Shanxi merchants and Liaoxi generals to continue to supply it, the Qing army going south this time would carry a large amount of artillery, which would definitely bring great damage to the Ming army. Threats and injuries, this battle will not go so smoothly.

From the perspective of time, it took Huang Taiji at least a month from receiving the communication from the Qing army to organizing troops, dispatching food and supplies, and then dispatching to Songjin.

In other words, the Songjin Qing army would not receive new support until the first ten days of April in the 11th year of Chongzhen.

Since the Qing army currently fighting against the Ming army has basically exhausted the elite of the Eight Banners, and those who are sent are basically many young people who have not yet fought, or old people over [-] years old, these people are considered to be here. Any amount of it basically doesn't help.

Zhu Youjian concluded that Huang Taiji would bring the main forces of the Two Yellow Banners to Songjin in person, in order to suppress any possible dissatisfaction with him within the Eight Banners.

If this is the case, Lu Xiangsheng and the 5000 people from Dengzhou, who have already prepared adequately, should act accordingly.

Lu Xiangsheng in the Xuanda area has integrated the cavalry of Wuxiang's Department in Western Liaoning, Li Chongjin's Department, Shanxi Town, Gansu Town, Ningxia Town, and Yansui Town, as well as the attached Mongolian Tumote Department, totaling more than [-] cavalry , have been training together for half a year, spent a lot of money, food and materials, and finally reached the initial scale.

In fact, the so-called integration is just to eliminate some black sheep who don't obey orders during the training process, and it can't trigger fierce reactions from all walks of life, so as to cause extreme incidents of mutiny.

This matter is easy to say, but it is not easy to operate in detail. Zhu Youjian is not clear about the specific link. He has already given Lu Xiangsheng the right to act cheaply, and he doesn't ask how to execute it. There may be many bloody incidents, but As long as there is no chaos, nothing else matters.

These [-] cavalry will detour the Mongolian plateau and turn back north. They will wait for the main force of the Qing army to return in the Liaohe Plain between Jinzhou and Shengjing.

"Big Companion, go find Yang Qing and convey my will: order Lu Qing, Liu and Zhang's Dengzhou soldiers to deploy according to the original plan, and march 26 days later, that is, on March [-]!"

 Thank you Carefree K Book, Lin Lingsu 2015, for your wonderful rewards.I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.Suggestions for book lovers: Although the poor grades of this book make me depressed, I just don't write the kind of brainless essays that I take for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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