Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 450 Phi Dao

Chapter 450 Phi Dao
In the past year, the Zheng family's fleet has carried soldiers of the Ming Army to this place countless times to investigate. Both the sailors and the soldiers are already very familiar with the sea surface off the coast of Liaodong.

According to the previous subordinates, more than ten ships loaded with officers and troops anchored near the five offshore islands of Sumi Island, Yuncong Island, Pi Island, Lu Island, and Zhangzi Island. Then, according to the size of the islands, the officers and troops They sent teams of more than a hundred or hundreds of people to land on the island in light boats, and searched for the slave garrisons on several islands.

Li Dingguo and fifty soldiers under him sat in six small boats, and as the rowing soldiers on both sides vigorously waved the oars, the light boats broke through the slightly rippling sea and rushed forward.

Li Dingguo, who was wearing a red cotton armor, an eight-petal helmet, and a triangular black identification flag on his back, stood firmly on the bow of the boat, staring at the approaching islands with piercing eyes.

Less than half a year after successfully joining Liu Guoneng, who was gathering defeated soldiers, after various selections and eliminations, he and Li San came to Dengzhou with the brigade and stayed here for nearly a year.

Originally, in Li Dingguo's cognition, the so-called official army was actually quite different from the rebel army like them, and they all focused on looting and killing indiscriminately.

When encountering a battle formation, newly recruited soldiers like him and Li San will definitely be used as cannon fodder at the front. If you are unlucky, maybe after a big battle, you and Li San will die on the spot. There is definitely no way to avenge the hatred of the brothers.

After much deliberation, Li Dingguo regretted joining the army, and often secretly thought about how to escape.

What he didn't expect was that not long after Liu Guoneng gathered up and recruited the defeated soldiers of the original rebel army, the imperial military department and Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of the five provinces, sent dozens of people to start checking the number of soldiers in Liu Guoneng's department, and sent some old, weak and treacherous They were eliminated from the camp and resettled on the spot in Zhushan to farm for grain.

This embarrassed Liu Guoneng, who originally planned to recruit more people so that he could become a high-ranking official.

However, the people in the imperial court didn't say much. After checking the number of members, they fixed the number of Liu Guoneng's department at 3000, gave him the title of guerrilla general, and placed several people from the original Tianxiong Army in the army. Intermediate general.

Liu Guoneng also knew that this was the proper meaning of the question, and he had no intention of rebelling, so he didn't show dissatisfaction about it. Of course, he didn't dare to be dissatisfied.

After finishing these things, the officials of the Ministry of War said that the imperial court's ordnance supplies will be delivered soon. Only then did the officials of the Ministry of War leave Zhushan to go elsewhere.

The next thing is to receive military supplies, food and supplies, and the daily affairs of the whole army training.

To Li Dingguo's surprise, the subsequent daily drills were carried out according to strict standards, and under the almost strict supervision of several military discipline officers, the evil deeds in the military camp that he knew were gradually corrected and completely disappeared.

Under the demonstration of those generals of the Tianxiong Army, the atmosphere in the army has become positive. Except for violating military regulations, the superiors will not beat and scold soldiers at will, and the food and salaries are distributed to individuals on a monthly basis. Li Dingguo and Li San unconsciously changed their views on the court and the official army.

Li San secretly told Li Dingguo many times that this is the first time he has received full rations since he joined the army, and every meal is a good meal, not the kind of brown rice that can't be chewed or chewed. Heimian, if he knew what the current army looks like, he would have voted for it long ago.

After three months of training, Liu Guoneng received orders from the Ministry of War and arranged for his subordinates to go out of the camp in turn to hunt down some bandits and remnants of thieves who did not accept Wang Hua.

And every time when going to battle, the generals who lead the team stand in front of the battle, personally lead the command and lead the team to charge.

These repeated actions to refresh Li Dingguo's old concepts have subconsciously weakened his hostility towards the imperial court and the officers and soldiers.

After seeing the evil deeds of those bandits who were slaughtered, slaughtering villages and villages, and plundering money, the resentment in his heart has surpassed the idea of ​​revenge. At least in his current team, robbing will never be allowed. Treacherous.

There was once a soldier who broke into a large family’s house during the war against thieves and robbed the hostess of gold jewelry and other belongings. He happened to be discovered by military discipline officer Ye Tianxian when he was going out. Tianxian beheaded him on the spot to show the public, and the stolen things were returned to their original owners.

Furthermore, after the battle, the generals would always order the soldiers to collect and bury the bodies of the killed civilians. This move aroused Li Dingguo's deep sense of identity.

This is the official army, what Li Dingguo thought the official army should look like.

The boat that was breaking through the waves suddenly stopped, and Li Dingguo leaned forward, waking him up from his contemplation.

The boat he was in had washed up on a gravel-strewn beach.

Li Dingguo quickly raised his eyes and looked around, but there was no one in sight, so he boarded the bow of the boat and jumped onto the gravel beach.

Nine years after Mao Wenlong, the general soldier of Dongjiang Town, was beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan, the Ming army boarded Phi Island again.

Phi Island was originally a land rich in water and grass, and it has been used by North Korea as a place to raise horses for many years. Later, Mao Wenlong led the Ming army to use it as a stronghold, and successively recruited hundreds of thousands of Han people in Liao who escaped from the tyranny of slavery.

In order to feed these 10 people, after Mao Wenlong ordered the Han people to be relocated to the nearby Shicheng Island, Ludao Island, and Changshan Island, he began large-scale deforestation and land reclamation in an attempt to alleviate the food shortage caused by the rapid population growth. crisis.

The relatively large Phi Island is surrounded by mountains on three sides, high cliffs, rocky and dangerous hills, and there are not many places for ships to dock.

That's why the Ming army chose the place to set foot on because of many investigations. If they came here rashly, it would be difficult to find a suitable place to land on the island.

As more than ten small boats docked one after another, the soldiers jumped onto the beach one after another, and quickly assembled under the flag of their own team, unloaded the small boats of the soldiers and returned to meet the next batch of landing teams.

In view of the fact that Phi Island is too famous, and Jiannu is likely to station a lot of troops, Liu Guoneng sent 500 people to land on the island, and then divided into three routes from the left, middle and right, and swept across the entire island in a carpet-like march.

"Go out twenty miles before the night is closed! Li Dingguo, you lead your men forward ten miles! He Wannian, you lead your men five miles away from the front to meet up. After the ministries arrive, hide their whereabouts and wait for the brigade to come!"

Chief Qian Chen Zhi, who arrived with the first batch of landing troops, observed the surrounding terrain, and then issued military orders to Li Dingguo and another team leader, He Wannian.

He came from the Tianxiong Army under Lu Xiangsheng's command. He was originally a general, but was later transferred to Liu Guoneng's department and promoted to Qianzong.

"Subordinates obey orders!"

Ye Bushou, who were equipped with various weapons and armor, rushed forward first.

After receiving the order and saluting, Li Dingguo and He Wannian turned around and left, and returned to their respective subordinates to give a few simple instructions. Li Dingguo and Li San, together with fifty soldiers, formed four mandarin duck formations and followed Yebu His back was heading southeast.

 Thank you for the sweet and non-salty reward. Sorry, your trick is only coming out now, so you have been waiting for a long time.Thank you for not wanting to say anything, for giving a wonderful reward because of you.

(End of this chapter)

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