Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 457 Landing in Liaodong

Chapter 457 Landing in Liaodong
Just when Huang Taiji was determined to use war to promote peace, and even prepared to surrender his status to preserve the fate of the Qing Dynasty, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's troops had cleared the limited number of slave-building troops on several islands. After appeasing the Han people on the island, The whole army landed on an inaccessible coast in the northwest of Zhangzi Island.

In this landing operation, the Ming army beheaded 330 slaves and captured [-] women, children, old and weak people on the five islands. According to Zhu Youjian's previous order, the Ming army did not adopt a policy of massacre. Instead, these people were handed over to the local Han people for management and disposal.

The Ming army killed 11 people and injured 23 people in a series of landing operations on the island. It can be regarded as a great achievement at a very small cost.

The reason for this record is mainly because the number of slaves established on each island is not large, and most of them are older or retired due to disabilities. The forces are relatively scattered and there is no large-scale organization. resistance.

In addition, no one expected that the Ming army would land on the island suddenly, and they suffered a big loss by being caught off guard. They were basically strangled by the Ming army at home.

The remains of the dead officers and soldiers have been cremated and put into clay pots, and sent back to Dengzhou together with the wounded.

As for the future control of each island, we can only see how the imperial court arranges it after sending the letter back.

"Well, Lao Zhang, so many gold and silver treasures are buried here. If someone finds out and finds out, then we will lose a lot! I think it's better to send it to me according to the merit book recorded by the military discipline officer. That way you guys feel at ease!"

Liu Guoneng squatted on the ground with his hands around his knees, looked at Zhang Wenyao who was wearing a bunt and wielding an engineering shovel, and reminded him with anxiety.

After the entire battle on the island was over, various ministries seized a large amount of property from more than 100 Jiannu households. According to a rough estimate, it was worth at least 8 to 700 taels of silver. On average, each Jiannu household was worth about [-] taels property.

After taking stock, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao were both surprised and delighted. They didn't expect these slaves to be so rich, but after thinking about it later, they both felt normal. After all, these people were all enlisted in the army when they were young, and then followed the army of slaves to plunder everywhere. It is not too surprising to have saved some property over the years.

According to the unwritten regulations in the army, after the property is distributed to the soldiers who landed on the island according to their merits, the rest will be evenly distributed to the generals and soldiers who have no combat missions. This is the most fair and reasonable way, and no one can say anything else Come.

Military Disciplinary Officer Ye Tianxian came to Liu and Zhang with the military merit album, and discussed how to distribute the rewards. After arguing, Ye Tianxian and Zhang Wenyao finally agreed, that is, to hide the property first, and wait for the reward. When the whole battle is over and the return is over, it will be picked up and distributed.

"You know what! If the money is sent to someone, these money lovers will definitely be distracted during the war, always thinking about the little money in their arms, for fear that they will die in battle and teach others to give it to Mo, so who will work hard? We As long as these goods are hidden away, and then tell those melons, and say that after the battle, they will be distributed according to their merits, and those bastards will not be able to do their best to make meritorious deeds?

Besides, it has been almost a day since we landed in this land of Liaodong, and the sentry sent out at least three times, and they ran all over a radius of fifty or sixty miles. X will know that we bury money in this land?
The name E Zhang Miao Shou is not for nothing. I think that during the rebellion in northern Shaanxi, E Zhang and his sons robbed the good things of those big families. They all found land and hid them until they changed places. Take it out, never lose it! "

Zhang Wenyao straightened up and wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeves. First he taught Liu Guoneng a lesson, and then he proudly boasted about his great achievements back then.

"Cough cough!"

A few coughs sounded, and Ye Tianxian, who was making noises from the side, turned his head with a stern face, and Liu Guoneng turned his face away with a suppressed smile.

Zhang Wenyao came to his senses after being taken aback for a moment, and could only continue to work while bending over with an embarrassed expression on his face.

He knew that Ye Tianxian, who was born in Jinyiwei for generations, was the most annoying to hear him talk about the rebellion, because he rebelled against the emperor's family, and Jinyiwei was the most loyal eagle dog to the emperor. same face.

Fortunately, the three of them get along well in normal times. If Zhang Wenyao's remarks alone are spread and the court knows, Zhang Miaoshou's future will be in danger.

"Well, Supervisor, Er and Lao Zhang are leading people to work here, why don't you go to the camp to have a look and arrange for people to slaughter [-] sheep, so that the sons and daughters have a good meal at night, you think it's feasible ?”

Seeing the embarrassment of the scene, Liu Guoneng quickly changed the topic, and by the way, gave Ye Tianxian a favor so that he could go to work.

"Zhang Miaoshou, Zhang Miaoshou, you are indeed a man, but there is a gap in your mouth, and I, Ye, know that you are heartless, so I don't care about you. If you change What do you think will happen to the villain who is obsessed with getting promoted and getting rich, and a secret performance? You can be more careful in the future!"

After Ye Tianxian taught Zhang Wenyao a few words, he patted his buttocks and walked towards the camp across a dirt slope.

Seeing Ye Tianxian's figure turn around the slope, Liu Guoneng laughed: "Ah, Lao Zhang, are you being honest this time? Hehe! You don't know why Jin Yiwei are all shady people? It's just Supervisor Xiaoye The army's heart is not bad, if there is someone who loves to make trouble, maybe he will lead the army alone, ah, ha ha ha ha!"

"Bah! You have a good idea! Don't scare him! The imperial court was lowered earlier than you, and the emperor even rewarded an official with such a large amount, but he is devoted to his old man! But, again Now, I really have to think about it when I talk about it in the future! Hey, hey, you are in the sky, hurry up and get down to work, you have been squatting for a long time, you didn't even shovel the soil, and you just watched me work hard !"

It’s already April, if you’re in Guan, it’s the time to wear sleeveless bunts in this climate, but at this time, the ground in the northeast is still warm and cold, but the daylight hours are much longer.

The Ming army camp of nearly 5000 people stands on the ground with its back to the south, and the vast Bohai Sea is about [-] miles away from the back. Because it is known that the Jiannu army is fighting with the official army in Songjin, and several sentries are wandering dozens of miles away. Therefore, the Ming army only set up barracks on the east, west, and north sides.

In the evening, the spacious camp was very lively. Apart from the soldiers on duty, thousands of soldiers sat around talking and laughing in small units, waiting for the delicious food to arrive.

On the side of the spacious passage in the middle of the camp, dozens of steaming cauldrons are placed on the burning marching stove. Dozens of soldiers accompanying the army are busy adding firewood and pouring water. The large pieces of mutton in the pot are rolling with the soup. With that, the tempting fragrance can be smelled from a long distance away, and many soldiers swallowed their saliva from time to time while stealthily watching.

After this small-scale battle on the island, although the Ming army left most of the food and supplies to the Han people on the island, Chen Zhi, the general manager of Qian, still took the initiative to get some sheep and all the war horses from the slaves' homes. After returning home, this move was highly praised by Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao, and even Ye Tianxian didn't think it was too much.

Liu Guoneng, Zhang Wenyao, Ye Tianxian, and several thousand bosses gathered in an open space. A wide door was placed on several large stones, and several large wooden basins filled with freshly cooked mutton and soup. Some people picked up a lamb leg with both hands and gnawed it, some grabbed a large piece of lamb and stuffed it into their mouths, and some picked a piece of tender meat on a large skeleton with a sharp short blade to taste carefully Then, as pots of mutton were brought in front of the soldiers, the buzzing conversation disappeared instantly, and there were biaji sounds of mouth opening and closing everywhere.

"Eh, the supervisor, eat the big pieces of meat first, and then chew the bones after the meat is finished, otherwise the meat will be gone in a blink of an eye!"

While biting the leg of lamb, Zhang Wenyao flattered Ye Tianxian vaguely.

 Thanks to Han Xingye Jinghu Chen, Xingchen Fengtian, Yanyan Yufei 77 for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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