Chapter 477
On the 11th of May, 5000th year of Chongzhen, hundreds of vehicles from the Yongwei camp, stationed ten miles southwest of Songshan City, began to move to the north. On both sides of the camp, there were [-] people from the Beijing camp to cover the flanks. .

The 5000 people of the Lianglan Banners stationed ten miles outside the west gate of Jinzhou City saw the strength of the Ming army. After quickly passing the news to the camp and receiving instructions, they began to retreat to the north. The Ming army arrived at the original Qing army camp in half an hour. Jinzhou The periphery of Ximen finally returned to the hands of the Ming army.

Immediately afterwards, the west gate of Jinzhou City, which had been closed for more than two months, suddenly opened from the inside. Under the command of the defenders, thousands of young and strong men came out of the city in batches with shovels, sacks, dustpans and other utensils, and began to fill the Buried several trenches outside the city gate.

Afterwards, the north gate of Jinzhou was slowly opened, and several infantry phalanxes of the brave guard battalions who entered the city from the south gate and passed through the city, came out of the city one by one under the leadership of their respective superiors, and quickly expanded to the two wings. In less than half an hour, a large square formation of 5000 people on the left and right was formed three miles outside the city.

The Mongolian cavalry in charge of monitoring the north gate watched the movement of the Ming army from afar outside the trench five miles away, and several knights galloped towards the camp.

The subsequent scene was the same as that outside the west gate. Thousands of young and strong people from the city poured out of the city, the purpose was still to fill up the several ditches five miles away.

After receiving the news of the large-scale dispatch of the Ming army, Huang Taiji immediately ordered to blow the trumpet to gather the generals, and not long after, all the banner owners of the Manchurian and Han banners arrived outside Huang Taiji's big tent.

"Tan Ma came to report one after another that the Ming army dispatched large soldiers from the camp outside Songshan City, and has solved the difficulties in the west and north of Jinzhou. I guess this is a harbinger of the Ming army wanting to fight me decisively!"

After Huang Taiji on the throne looked around at the people under the tent, he stated his judgment in a simple and clear manner. Everyone, including Jierhalang, Dorgon, Yuetuo, etc., listened intently with serious expressions.

"This battle can be said to be a key battle related to the fate of the Qing Dynasty. All the banners must put aside their selfishness and fight with all their strength. They will fight with the majesty of our Eight Banners and severely damage the Ming army. They will stop at the line of Songjin and be unable to advance to Shengjing!

Prince Zheng listens! "

Huang Taiji stared at Jierhalang and said solemnly.

"The slave is here!"

Jierharang stepped forward and clapped his hands and responded loudly.

"You personally led the two blue flag guards to line up in the front of Jinzhou to the east to meet the Ming army's right-wing troops. If you teach the Ming people to break the formation, I will definitely kill you!"

"The slave leads the order!"

Ji Erhalang got up and retreated after hitting a thousand times.

"Yue Tuo and Abate listen to the order!"

"The slave is here!"

"The two of you lead the two red flag guards to line up to the west to meet the left wing of the Ming people! If you don't follow my order, those who retreat will be killed!"

"The slave leads the order!"

Yuetuo and Abate returned after saluting.

"Prince Rui, Wuying Baylor obeys orders!"

"The slave is here!"

"The two of you lead two white flags to line up behind the central army's formation, and you can flank the left and right wings at any time!"

"The slave leads the order!"

Now that it has come to the critical moment of the Qing Dynasty's life and death, Dorgon and Azige did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and bowed solemnly and returned the decree.

Since the two white flags suffered the heaviest losses in the previous battle in Ningyuan City, Huang Taiji used the two white flags as a reserve team, which can be regarded as an act of care. Dorgon and Azige knew it well.

"King Sanshun obeys the order!"

"The slave is here!"

Kong Youde and others hurried forward to salute and listen to the order.

"The three of you gathered all the artillery in the middle, trying to bombard the front of the enlightened army. After I lead the two yellow flags and the artillery formation, I will look for opportunities to fight!"

"The slave leads the order!"

The three of Kong Youde returned after saluting.

"The Mongolian Eight Banners cavalry team is divided into two teams, covering the two wings of our army, and waiting for an opportunity to break through the enemy. If the enemy misses the opportunity for fear of the enemy, I will never forgive me!"

"The slave is waiting for the order!"

Geri Leng, Suba Yin and As Leng from the Eight Banners of Mongolia saluted and returned after receiving the order.

"Since Taizu launched an army against the Ming Dynasty with thirteen pairs of armor, our Qing army has had very few defeats in the fight against the Ming army! The only good fighters in the Ming Dynasty are the new firearms army and the chariot battalion. The rest are nothing to worry about! Unsurprisingly, The Ming army will arrange the new army and the car battalion in the middle, and I will fight with the two yellow flags, and you will take the opportunity to break through its weak wings, and then lead the army to flank the middle army. If this is the case, our army will surely win! Let's fight!"

Huang Taiji looked around at everyone in the tent sharply, and gave the final order with the voice of gold and stone.

Just as more than [-] Qing troops left the camp one after another and headed to their respective positions under the guidance of the recognition flag, banners were also displayed outside Songshan City, and the various Ming troops who received their respective tasks also began to march north of Jinzhou City.

The official road from Songshan to Jinzhou has turned into a fiery red river. Countless soldiers of the Ming army, wearing red cotton armor and flying red tassels on their helmets, are marching in great strides to the north following the Shangguan’s recognition flag. .

Since the founding of Nurhachi and the founding of the Qing Dynasty by Jin and Huang Taiji for more than ten years, this is the largest northward movement of the Ming army. The total number of people and various equipment far exceed that of the battle between Sarhu and Hunhe. Ming army.

On the opposite side, the Qing army is almost fully mobilized, and the two largest armies in the world are about to start a head-to-head contest. The result of this battle will determine the ownership of the entire Liao territory, as well as the future and destiny of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The two armies have a total of nearly 30 horses, and it took several hours just to line up the troops, especially the Ming army who took the offensive had to rush from Songshan, [-] miles away from Jinzhou, to the north of Jinzhou City. Time went by more.

However, the Qing army, which had always adopted an offensive posture when confronting the Ming army, put up an offensive and defensive formation this time, and did not launch an attack when the Ming army was mobilized. Take the initiative to attack.

After the two sides prepared and needed it, it was late in the afternoon. At this time, the ground hundreds of miles from Yizhou to Jinzhou had become a sea of ​​flags, and the two armies had placed dozens of flags five miles apart. A square formation of different sizes, except for the neighing of war horses, there is no other movement on the battle formation, and a big battle is about to break out.

Sure enough, as expected by Huang Taiji, the middle army of the Ming army protruding to the left and right of the two wings was composed of the chariot camp and the brave guard camp. Sun Chuanting placed the two most powerful offensive teams in the middle.

Zu Dashou also paid a lot of money this time. He transferred a total of more than 2000 cavalry from Jinzhou, Xingshan Fort, and Tashan Fort to the front line, plus more than [-] cavalry from Ningyuan, a total of [-] Guanning cavalry. Then, according to Sun Chuanting's deployment, they were divided into two teams to cover the two wings of the Ming army.

The right wing of the Ming army was composed of border town officials such as Xuan Da. Sun Chuanting placed more than [-] white soldiers who had fought against the two white flags under the city of Ningyuan in the rear of the border army. The purpose of doing so was mainly for monitoring and Collision.

There are five thousand Qin troops on the right flank with the white-armed soldiers. With this configuration, even if one side is out of support, there will be two strong teams behind that can go up at any time.

Sun Chuanting has always maintained doubts about the combat effectiveness and discipline of the frontier army, but since the imperial court dispatched them, it is inevitable to go into battle.

The left wing consisted of [-] troops from the Beijing camp and [-] Qin troops, and the remaining [-] Qin troops were placed behind the Chinese army as a reserve.

In the middle of the future, with the beating of hundreds of war drums, the Ming army began to move forward slowly from the left, middle and right, and the shocking battle was about to start.

 Thanks to Shu Shanqin for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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