Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 490 Punishment and Cultivation

Chapter 490 Punishment and Cultivation

"Who are you? Report your name!"

Sun Chuanting, who was riding on a horse, lowered his head slightly, looked down at Jiang Youcheng, Pu Yinian and others who were kneeling on the side of the horse's head, and asked in a deep voice.

In fact, he had already received a report from Sun Yingyuan in the previous battle, saying that the North Korean musketeers fought against the Qing army in the battle, and had a short and fierce battle with the Qing army who was supervising the formation. In the end, more than a hundred Qing soldiers escaped, and then the entire North Korean gunmen surrendered. The leading general will be taken to the front of the governor's horse for disposal.

"The guilty general, Jiang Youcheng, the general of the Gyeonggi Province of Korea, joins hands with all the generals, and pays homage to Grand Master Sun of Shangguo!"

Because of the many years of Sinicization, the upper-class people in North Korea can basically speak Daming official dialect. This is also a fashion and trend in North Korea’s upper-class society. Their daily life, such as clothing, banquets and rewards, is also proud of imitating Ming Dynasty.

Under the watchful eyes of a dozen standard battalion guards armed with blunderbuss, knives, guns, and crossbows, Jiang Youcheng and the others lay prone on the ground, sweating profusely, and trembling when they answered, for fear of offending them accidentally. An important minister of the Ming Dynasty, his head fell to the ground after being ordered by him.

"Oh? Since it is the Korean national army, why is it facing our Ming army on the side of the Eastern Captives? Could it be that I forgot that Daming is the suzerain of you and others, and Li's North Korea is a vassal of Daming? Come on, everyone fight Ten army sticks!"

Sun Chuanting looked coldly at Jiang Youcheng and others who were kneeling on the ground, feeling disgusted in his heart.

The small country of Cuo'er has repeatedly received the favor of the great tomorrow, and does not want to repay the favor, but actually sends soldiers and horses to help the tyrant in his abuse. These generations who have forgotten their ancestors can't understand the evil in their hearts.

As soon as Sun Chuanting finished speaking, several burly soldiers put away their weapons and kicked Jiang Youcheng and the others to the ground with their feet. A few white buttocks were exposed, and several other soldiers put the long knife into the sheath, and then pulled the scabbard down fiercely. The packers who were escorted back to Jinzhou paid attention frequently.

In a short time, the ten army clubs were beaten, and the buttocks of the several people were already bruised and purple. Sun Chuanting ordered the several people to get up and dress neatly, and then looked up to Qiu Min, the new governor of Liaodong behind him: "Brother Changbai, I still have to lead the army to chase the defeated soldiers in the East. , I will entrust you with the full power to deal with the aftermath here! You must send someone to carefully screen the tens of thousands of captured Ming people, and all those who have committed the most heinous crimes will be executed! This time, the army of North Korea will go north with the army to strive for meritorious service and atonement!
The rest of the people can't waste food. Before our army fully recovers Liaodong, you can send soldiers to monitor it and widen the official road from Ningyuan to Songjin. After Liaodong is restored in the future, the emperor must have the intention of developing outside the pass. After all, the entire land of Liaodong is fertile. , rich in products, especially rich in forest resources, it is really a treasure land!Brother Changbai, don't disappoint the Holy Majesty's expectations of you! "

Sun Chuanting didn't have a good impression of these Han people who were abandoned by the Qing army.

As a citizen of the Ming Dynasty, although it is helpless to be taken into captivity, they either produce food and materials for the Qing army, or contribute their skills to help the Qing army harm the people of the Ming Dynasty again. This kind of behavior itself should be paid for by labor. pardon.

Just a few days ago, Qiu Minyang, who served as the prefect of Hejian, was transferred to the outside of the customs by Zhu Youjian's imperial decree. He was directly dismissed from his job and returned home for resettlement.

Qiu Minyang, courtesy name Changbai, was born in Weinan, Shaanxi Province. He passed the provincial examination in the Wanli period, and moved to Dong'an County magistrate of Shuntian Prefecture with teaching instructions.In the second year of Chongzhen, he repelled the thieves, transferred the new city of Baoding, and was promoted to Yushi, and then left Beijing to serve as the magistrate of Hejian until now.

The reason why Zhu Youjian used Qiu Minyang was firstly because he valued his loyalty in the original history, when he was captured and refused to surrender after the army was defeated in the Songjin War. Talent laid the groundwork.

At present, because Liaodong is still in the midst of war and chaos, and the bitter cold outside the customs is regarded as a daunting place by officials, Zhu Youjian's move to promote Qiu Minyang did not cause any disputes or discussions.Because once there is any objection to this, it is likely that the increasingly powerful emperor will say "you do what you want" and send him to work outside the pass.

"The lower officials will definitely act in accordance with the advice of the supervisor, and will not disappoint the intention of the sage to promote them. The lower officials have little talent and learning, and they can only do their best to serve!"

Qiu Minyang, the black-faced and long-bearded man, saluted Sun Chuanting.

"Okay! Changbai has just arrived here, and I think there is a lack of available people. How about this, I will keep your staff Xie Yingsu with you, and then hand over the two thousand bids to you. Changbai will let go and do it, everything has its own roots The official will take care of it for you, don't forget, since the Holy Majesty has entrusted you and me with the land of Liao, that is the strongest backing!"

After Sun Chuanting thought about it, he finally decided to keep Xie Renxing, because Xie Renxing represented himself, the governor of Jiliao, and he was exercising power for the emperor, which would make Qiu Minyang more courageous in case of trouble.

As for the [-] standard battalion, it is just in case, and it can also deter some petty people who don't listen to orders.

His leaving Xie Renxing behind has a deeper meaning: the current situation is very clear, no matter how hard the Qing army struggles, they will not escape the fate of destruction in the end, and the ensuing governance of Liaodong has become the top priority.

Xie Renxing's talents and abilities have been fully demonstrated in many things in Shaanxi's Tuntian Anmin. In the future, the area under the jurisdiction of the governor of Liaodong will expand several times, and many officials will be needed. After the war is over, if there is no accident, he will return. Go to the center of the capital, leave Xie Renxing behind, and build a good relationship with Qiu Minyang earlier, which will help him better in his future career.

"With the supervisor caring so much, how dare I not do my duty with all my heart?"

Qiu Minyang, who was not good at words, readily accepted Sun Chuanting's move, and did not show any resistance.

He has also been in the officialdom for a long time, and he is quite familiar with the affairs outside the customs. He knows that the situation here is complicated. If there is no strong support behind him, it will be difficult for him to let go of his hands and feet to make some political achievements.

Now that he has the full support of Governor Ji Liao, a powerful court official, he will seize the opportunity to do a good job.

"Yingsu, come here and meet Qiu Futai! After I go north, you must obey Futai's orders in everything, and you must not be negligent! When there are omissions in Futai and government affairs, you have to fill in the gaps." , do your best to do well the tasks assigned by the court! You are also an old man who has followed me for many years. When the court employs people, you must seize the opportunity to use the talents you have learned in Shaanxi Civil Affairs and strive to make some achievements! "

Sun Chuanting called Xie Renxing who was on the side, first introduced both parties, and then Chunchun gave him some advice.

"Teacher, don't worry, the students will definitely follow Qiu Futai's lead in everything and everything, and will never disappoint the teaching of the supervisor, and strive to make contributions here!"

After several years of tempering, Xie Renxing, who was originally gentle and refined, has become a lot more mature and sophisticated. He naturally understands the meaning of Sun Chuanting's cultivation. discredited.

"That's it! This time I lead the army to the north to chase the enemy, and it will take some time to return. I will hand over the related affairs of the Songjin line to Changbai!"

After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, he bid farewell to Qiu Min, urged his mounts, and followed the army slowly to the north.

 Thank you for squatting in the ditch to look at the girl and Qi Fei for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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