Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 492 Cabinet Candidates

Chapter 492 Cabinet Candidates

The third group to enjoy this kind of treatment is the next batch of cabinet ministers. These people include Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, Chen Qiyu, Yang Sichang, Hou Xun, Fan Jingwen, etc., plus the two big bosses of the Inspectorate: Li Banghua and Shi Bangyao.

Originally, Zhu Youjian was scratching his head on the question of who would be the chief assistant after Wen Tiren became an official in the future, but now the choice is much easier than before, because of Hong Chengchou's accidental serious injury.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​looking for Zhu Youjian, as soon as the war is over, the cabinet will be reorganized immediately. Wang Yingxiong and Zhang Zhifa will return home, Hong Chengchou and others will join the cabinet. Only Wen Tiren will remain in the original cabinet. It is the smoothest and least controversial process to give up the chief assistant seat to others at the age of 70.

In fact, Zhu Youjian wanted Sun Chuanting to take the position of chief assistant in the future, but in terms of seniority and official connections, Hong Chengchou was a stumbling block in front of Sun Chuanting.

In terms of qualifications in the examination field, Hong Chengchou was in the 44th year of Wanli's mid-term examination, and Sun Chuanting was one subject later than him. If the two got together, Sun Chuanting would respectfully call Hong Chengchou senior.

In terms of official qualifications, Hong Chengchou is far stronger than Sun Chuanting.

Hong Chengchou successively served as the head of the Jiangxi Qingli Department of the Criminal Ministry, Yuanwailang, and Langzhong. He was later promoted to Zhejiang Tixueqian. Shaanxi chief envoy to participate in politics.

Since the reign of Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou's official position has risen like a rocket. He has successively served as governor of Yansui, governor of three sides, governor of five provinces, etc., and finally supervised Ji Liao as a bachelor. An important minister in the court.

In comparison, Sun Chuanting's official resume is much simpler and shabby.

After the pilot test in the 47th year of Wanli, Sun Chuanting was first awarded the county magistrate of Yongcheng, and then successively served as the chief inspector of the Ministry of Officials, Ji Xun Langzhong and other middle and lower-level positions, until he was re-promoted by the current Zhu Youjian as the governor of Shaanxi , Even if you add the status of the current bachelor and the governor of Ji Liao, you can't compare with Hong Chengchou.

At that time, when it came to the comprehensive ability in all aspects, Sun Chuanting was firmly ahead of Hong Chengchou. This was exactly the conclusion Zhu Youjian came to after comprehensive consideration. Figure out some way to get Sun Chuanting to send Hong Chengchou in front.

They are all ministers who have contributed to the country. If they rashly forcibly break the rules, the result is likely to be counterproductive, which will cause dissatisfaction and resistance from other important ministers.

It is not so simple to reduce talents without sticking to one pattern. The traditions and rules formed over thousands of years are difficult to be easily broken and changed. It must take a long time. It still exists and affects all aspects of society.

Just when Zhu Youjian was in a dilemma, he didn't expect Hong Chengchou to have an accident.

Although Zhu Youjian sent the best imperial doctor to rescue the important official outside the customs immediately after learning of Hong Chengchou's serious injury, but in this era of cold weapons with relatively backward medical conditions, he wanted to make a seriously injured person recover completely. It is very difficult.

Hong Chengchou was shot in the chest with a bow and arrow by the raiding Qing army, and then his mount was also shot to the ground by an arrow, causing several fractures in his left leg after falling off the horse. Although his life was safe after careful treatment by the imperial doctor, according to the news from Jin Yiwei, it was confirmed , even after recovering in the future, Hong Heng Jiu will become a lame man.

In today's world where the appearance of officials is extremely important, physical disabilities mean that you will lose the face of the court. No matter how high your position is, you will no longer be able to attend the court.

In the face of such rules to be observed by all, it would be Hong Chengchou's only choice to return home sadly.

The information sent back by Jin Yiwei specifically stated that Hong Chengchou, who had come to his senses, was extremely depressed after learning the facts.

Wu Sangui had the same fate as Hong Chengchou.

Wu Sangui, who was severely injured in several parts of his body in last year's Jinzhou fire, injured his lungs, causing him to be out of breath after a little exertion, and he could not recover no matter how much he recuperated.

Under such circumstances, as a general, he had to choose to retire from active service.

Wu Xiang, who loves his son dearly, has submitted his resignation to Zhu Youjian a few days ago, and plans to move his family to settle in Jiangnan.

Because several famous doctors told Wu Xiang that Wu Sangui's condition would be more serious in the dry and cold north, and moving to the humid and warm south would be of great benefit to him. He hesitated to make such a choice.

Although I feel a little sorry for the misfortune of Wen Yiwu, but the fact is already the case, and no one can change it. Zhu Youjian can only prepare to give Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui titles first, and then allow them to choose a place for honor. As for Hong Chengchou The placement depends on the important minister's own thoughts, and it is better to leave him with some dignity.

However, Hong Chengchou's sudden accident made the question of choosing the chief assistant less difficult.

Now the only important minister who can still compete with Sun Chuanting for the position of chief assistant is Lu Xiangsheng, but according to Zhu Youjian's understanding of this direct minister, if the rumor spreads that Sun Chuanting's position in the cabinet will be ahead of Lu Xiangsheng's, this is a big deal. A loyal minister who puts state affairs first will definitely not compete with Sun Chuanting.

Lu Xiangsheng is not a person who likes to seize power, nor is he the kind of powerful minister who is good at manipulating power. He has been the prime minister of the military affairs of the five provinces for several years, but he has never used such power to seek personal gain, nor has he taken the opportunity to form cliques and try to Forging a good relationship in the officialdom, it is most appropriate to use the word loyalty and straightness to evaluate him.

However, although Lu Xiangsheng is also capable, down-to-earth and capable, he is more like a general in the cloak of a civil servant, and may be slightly weaker than Sun Chuanting in his ability to control the overall situation. This is why Zhu Youjian is more inclined to Sun Chuanting between the two An important reason for serving as the chief assistant.

As for the seat vacated by Hong Chengchou's failure to enter the cabinet, Zhu Youjian planned to give it to Li Banghua, the censor of Zuodu.

Since last year, Li Banghua went south to deal with the abolition and relocation of the Nanjing small imperial court. He has been away for more than half a year, and he did not return to Beijing to reunite with his family even during the New Year. It was not until the middle of last month that old man Li followed the last wave of northward relocation. The officials of the Nanjing Department returned to the capital.

Zhu Youjian also respected this important minister who was extremely serious and responsible for his errands, and spoke highly of Li Banghua when he entered the palace to hand over his assignment.

As for Li Banghua's post after leaving office, needless to say, Shi Bangyao, the censor of the right capital, must take over. This important minister is also a capable minister that Zhu Youjian can trust. He has served in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for many years.

Zhang Guowei, the Minister of Rites who is most looking forward to joining the cabinet, not only has no chance to join the cabinet this time, he can't even keep his current position.

Zhu Youjian has already decided that after the war is over, Zhang Guowei will be sent home in the name of unusable talent, and Fujian Governor Zou Weilian will replace him as Minister of Rites. If not, the Ministry of Industry will make some internal adjustments, and many hard-working officials will be promoted.

Li Congqun's promotion will be an important weather vane in order to declare that he will continue to reuse educated and skilled technical officials.

Only by mobilizing talented officials and making them feel that doing things for the court and the people will have good results, will the atmosphere of being pragmatic and unrealistic in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty be gradually changed.

 Thanks to book friends 20191010220511950, Smurfs, and Lin Lingsu for their rewards in 2018.

(End of this chapter)

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