Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 516 Hot Knife Cutting Butter

Chapter 516 Hot Knife Cutting Butter

Sure enough, as expected by Zhao Wu, the Qing army did not launch an offensive in the afternoon of the same day. After the two yellow banner men and horses who rushed over had rested and recovered, the Qing army launched a night attack on the Ming army after midnight.

However, because the Ming army had been prepared for a long time, the Qing army's night attack did not work. After the troops who broke into the Ming army's camp were defeated, the Qing army's attack ended in failure again.

The Qing soldiers who returned to the camp were exhausted and their morale dropped again.

Daishan was also annoyed by two consecutive defeats. After a brief discussion with Shanji and the two yellow flags Jia Lazhang Jingte Qiwu, Daishan decided to send people back to Shengjing after dawn, so that Duoduo could gather troops and build a shield Che and Duo gather and coat over, and they will definitely wipe out this Ming army completely.

At this time, I can't care about whether I can lose face or not. The Ming army in front of me is too dangerous. For the benefit of the Qing Dynasty, if I lose face, I will lose it.

After the discussion, Daishan ordered the sentry to be arranged, and then everyone went back to their tents to rest.

Just after the Qing army camp became quiet, the [-] Ming army cavalry led by Luo Shifang quietly approached ten miles away by taking advantage of the bright moonlight.

In the early morning of summer, the cool south wind blew across the plains of Liaodong, and the sleeping Qing soldiers were all immersed in dreams, unaware that the god of death was approaching them step by step.

When the sky was just dawning, the crescent moon had not yet completely sunk, and there seemed to be a faint sound of thunder in the quiet wilderness. Several Qing soldiers on duty first looked up at the sky, and there was not a single cloud in the blue sky. But these experienced Qing soldiers immediately realized something, and at the same time as their faces changed drastically, a soldier blew the horn, but it was too late.

There seems to be a black line moving towards the Qing army camp in the distance. As the distance shortens, the speed of this black line is also gradually accelerating. The big flag suddenly appeared, and a sea of ​​red wrapped the big flag.

The sleeping soldiers of the Qing army were awakened by the loud sound of horns. Without waiting for the commander's order, the cavalry, whether armored or unarmored, hurried out of the camp and ran towards the horses. The infantry rushed out of the camp with swords and bows Start looking for the team's identification flag.

Luo Shifang in plate armor galloped in front of the three thousand cavalry, followed by two standard bearers half a horse behind. Follow along.

Seeing the chaotic Qing army camp two miles away, Luo Shifang curled his lips slightly, and raised his arm holding a long iron spear high. The big flags held by the two flag bearers immediately pointed forward, Luo Shifang's arms fell back, The other hand let go of the reins and wiped off the steel mask. After bending down, his legs pinched the horse's belly forcefully, and the horse galloped at a constant speed and rushed out instantly.

Following the pointing of the battle flag, the cavalry in the back raised their horse speed almost at the same time. The three thousand cavalry in red armor, like hot magma flowing after a volcanic eruption, rolled towards the Qing army in an unstoppable manner. go.

"Quickly blow the trumpet and gather troops! Quickly! Put on armor!"

In the camp of the Ming army, Liu Guoneng, who had long been awakened by the sound of the Qing army's horn, stepped out of the tent while giving orders, and Zhang Wenyao, who was next to him, also rushed out of the tent with a long knife in his hand.

"What happened?! Can Jiannu come to reinforce the army again?"

Zhang Wenyao hurried a few steps with his long legs, catching up with Liu Guoneng who was walking quickly towards the hill, and asked in a loud voice.

"It doesn't seem like it! If the reinforcements came, Jiannu wouldn't make such a big noise! ​​Could it be...?!"

Liu Guoneng stopped suddenly, turned his head and looked at Zhang Wenyao, both of them saw ecstasy in each other's eyes.

The two stopped talking, and ran to the hill not far away almost at the same time, followed by several personal soldiers holding the general's armor and blade.

"My dear, my dear! This is the official army?! Hahahaha! Lao Liu, hurry up and pinch your forehead! Don't you have a wooden flower in your forehead?! Hahahaha! This formation! Tsk tsk! If there are 5000 of us Put it there, and it will be gone in the blink of an eye!
Who is the fierce general at the front?This armor is so dazzling!What a dear mother!It's even time to wear this kind of armor! "

When Zhang Wenyao, who climbed the mountain bag, saw the fiery red that could not be seen at a glance, he was amazed at first, and then he couldn't help talking nonsense after being overjoyed. Pointing, the face is also red.

No wonder he was so excited.

After their lone army crossed the sea and set foot on the land of Liaodong, all contact with Daming was completely cut off. Along the way, they also risked being wiped out by the Qing army at any time, and they arrived at today's position step by step with trepidation. It was the first time in months that I saw the familiar red armor and flag, and my heart was finally relieved.

"Let's just talk about it! The imperial court will definitely not ignore us! This cavalry must have been sent by the Holy One to meet us! Old Zhang! We are going to flourish this time! Hahahaha!"

Liu Guoneng, who has always paid attention to his image, picked up Zhang Wenyao and jumped a few times, grinning and laughing loudly. The soldiers were infected by the emotions of the general, and all of them were smiling, pointing at the approaching Three thousand cavalrymen were talking excitedly and loudly.

"Come, come, put on armor and form a team! After the horse team has charged, it's time for us to go into battle!"

Liu Guoneng, who quickly calmed down from the ecstasy, yelled loudly, and the soldiers stepped forward happily, and began to put on armor for their generals. The Ming soldiers in the camp had already put on their armor and held their blades. The flags were in formation, Zhao Wu, Li Sanpao and several other generals were loudly ordering their own soldiers to raise the flags.

Luo Shifang's carefully chosen timing for the surprise attack was extremely appropriate. The Qing army's attention was focused on the Ming army in front of them. It never occurred to them that there would be a large group of Ming troops sneaking behind them. In addition, this time of the morning is the time when sleep is the most sound. , Most of the Qing army took off their armor to rest and recuperate. No matter how elite the Qing army was, the reaction time left for them was too short, so there was no suspense from the beginning of this battle.

Facing the Ming army that had raised their horse speed to the highest, the more than 1000 Qing troops who hurriedly mounted their horses in the chaos had no choice but to use low speed to hedge, because if you hit your horse and run away, you can only be beaten by the Ming army if you don’t have enough speed. Knocking over and cutting down, it is better to fight with a desperate mentality.

The fan formation of the Ming army cavalry was wide enough. After sweeping across the Qing army camp, they rushed forward and circled along the wide plain, and like a comb, they combed the remaining Qing army that had already collapsed. After the first charge, the Qing army on horseback was no longer seen on the battlefield.

Luo Shifang lifted off the blood-splattered mask, slowed down the speed of the horse, and then urged the horse to meet Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao who were coming. The cavalry in the brigade had been divided into small groups of hundreds of cavalry, chasing the remaining cavalry of the Qing army who had fled to the distance. At that time, the soldiers of Liu and Zhang's troops had already used the team as a unit to encircle and kill the defeated Qing army.

"Luo Shifang, the deputy commander of the Qin Army, was ordered to come to support the two troops! Hearing that the two led a lone army deep into the enemy's rear for several months, Luo really admired it!"

After inserting the blood-stained spear into the horse's pocket, Luo Shifang, who was wearing plate armor, got off the horse with some difficulty, and clasped his fists at Liu and Zhang and said.

Two soldiers jumped off their horses and hurried over to help Luo Shifang take off the plate armor and the heavy helmet.

"The humble guerrilla generals Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao have met General Luo! They dare not be praised as generals, but the court has ordered them, and the humble ranks will go forward!"

Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao hurried forward to salute and sign up to meet this surprisingly young general.

"Why don't you dare to be the leader! The courage and courage of the two of you are the leaders of our generation of warriors! Now this stock of building slaves has been destroyed, and the imperial army has surrounded Shengjing. It is said that the slave chief Hong Tai is also in the city. The achievements of the chieftains are within your reach, and after cleaning up this place, the two of you will follow a certain west direction to join the army and share this great achievement!"

 Thanks to the crazy bookworm for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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