Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 526 Changes in the Old Wen Family

Chapter 526 Changes in the Old Wen Family
Before the first ray of sunshine appeared in the early morning of summer, Wen Tiren had already woken up to the sound of birdsong. Although the sky was bright at this time, it was only around Yin time, that is, around five o'clock in the morning of later generations .

Although the old wife Hu Shi who shared the bed was still asleep, years of habits still made her wake up in an instant: "Master, are you awake? I am calling Sun Shi to come and serve me."

While speaking, Mrs. Hu got up and got out of bed, and made room for Wen Tiren who was sleeping in the bed, then went out of the bedroom to wake up the maid who was sleeping soundly outside, and whispered to her to go to the wing room to call Wen Tiren's concubine Mrs. Sun.

Wen Tiren moved from the inside of the bed to the side of the bed. Mrs. Hu, who had already returned to the master bedroom, hurried over, took the casual boots at the side and squatted down to put it on for her husband. Wen Tiren, who was dressed in a moon-white jacket, stood up, waved his hands and said: " You sleep for a while, I'll go out and relax."

After saying that, he paced out of the bedroom with his hands behind his back, and after Mrs. Hu watched him go out, he returned to the couch and lay down again.

Hu, who was born in a scholarly family, has been married to Wen Tiren, who is three years older than her, since she was 16 years old. It has been 45 years. Wen Tiren's eldest son, Wen Yan, and second son, Wen Kan, were raised by Hu, and the third son, Wen Ji, is a concubine. Born in the Sun family.

Decades of love between husband and wife made both of them very familiar with each other's life habits, including Wen Tiren's habit of getting up early all year round.

Wen Tiren didn't like being served by maidservants. Over the years, he had developed the habit of being served by Mrs. Hu. After taking the concubine, this task was given to Mrs. Sun.

Wen Tiren walked out of the main entrance of the main room, and Mrs. Sun, who came in a hurry, went up to the ceremony and took the maid to the kitchen in the side yard.

With his hands behind his back, Wen Tiren stepped through the moon gate on one side and walked towards the back garden.

Since Zhu Youjian gave all the officials a substantial salary increase, Wen Tiren, who holds the highest salary in the Ming Dynasty's officialdom, spent a lot of money to buy the houses around the house, and expanded the original three-entry house into a mansion with five entrances at the front and back, with east and west courtyards. As a result, the Wen family's living environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

For Wen's family of more than [-] people, including a few maidservants and servants, the original three-in-one house was indeed too cramped.

Although the original Wen family was not poor, and had hundreds of acres of fertile land in the outskirts of the city, and also ran a grain store and a cloth shop in the city, and had an annual income of nearly a thousand taels, but in the capital city where the rich and rich are everywhere, this amount of assets is fundamental. Not enough to watch.

Wen Tiren's "cleanness" is notorious, so he doesn't have much other gray income, and can only rely on his own output to survive.

In order to leave a good impression on the emperor, who hated the faction of courtiers, so that he could continue to work in the position of chief assistant, Wen Tiren had to act incorruptible and had no personal friendship with any important ministers, which led to Wen Jiamen In the past, there were few cars and horses in the cold, and almost all officials kept him at a respectful distance.

A thousand taels of silver is no problem for a large family of nearly thirty people, but it is far from enough to live a luxurious life.

However, the current Wen family is very different from the past.

Relying solely on his salary, Lao Wen has also earned quite a lot in recent years.

The monthly salary of 200 taels is 400 taels a year, plus 1000 taels of Yanglian silver, totaling 400 taels a year. After two years, Lao Wen has already received a salary of more than 6000 taels of silver, which is not counted. The income of the second son Wen Kan.

This huge sum of money made Lao Wen's family quickly enter the ranks of the junior rich.

Although the old Wen was very loyal to the emperor in the past, it was only to keep the position of chief assistant, and he was not so determined to serve the emperor willingly. , Wen Tiren immediately became Zhu Youjian's most loyal supporter.

After Wen Tiren practiced Wu Qin Xi in the garden and returned to the front yard, the maidservant had already prepared warm bath water, and old Wen took a bath and changed clothes under the service of Mrs. Sun. When he came to the newly built restaurant, Wen Yan, Wen Kan and Wen Ji have already brought their wives and eldest sons to wait.

After going up to greet Wen Tiren one by one, Wen Tiren took his seat first, then the three sons sat down in order, and the rest followed Hu and Sun to another restaurant on the side for dinner.

After drinking a bowl of porridge with side dishes and eating a small meat pie, Wen Tiren put down the bowl, chopsticks and spoon, and the sons stopped chewing quickly, waiting for their father's routine lecture.

Wen Tiren coughed and explained to his sons according to the usual practice. It was nothing more than loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, brotherhood and respect, and a low-key life. Then he communicated with Wen Kan alone and gave a few instructions. The breakfast meeting ended , Old Wen went back to his room and changed into his official uniform, boots and hats, and staggered to the front yard. The whole family saw the old man off the back house respectfully, and then went back to continue eating.

In the front yard of Wen Mansion, a brand-new four-wheeled carriage parked quietly in the middle of the yard. The groom Wang, who was dressed in a new bunt, held a whip in his hand, and stood beside the maroon horse with his chest and belly, waiting for Wen Tiren's arrival. There was irrepressible arrogance and joy on his face.

No wonder he was proud.

Wang Da, who has been driving horse-drawn carriages in the capital dealers all his life, never dreamed that he could drive such a carriage. Compared with this tall and spacious four-wheeled carriage, the narrow and bumpy two-wheeled carriage he had driven before The carriage is like a relic from the previous dynasty.

From then on, I no longer have to sit sideways at the front of the car with my legs tilted to drive. There is my own seat in the middle of this carriage. After sitting on the high seat, the field of vision is very wide. The sound of Ma Shi's yelling seemed to be more pleasing to the ear.

Wang had heard about it a long time ago. This carriage is the only one in the capital, and now only the Lord Shoufu has one. The rest, no matter whether they are princes or ministers, or the wealthy outsiders, no one has it. To be eligible to own such a luxurious car, this is a good item that no matter how much money you have, it is a symbol of status.

Since he was carefully selected to drive in Ge’s hometown, Wang Da, relying on his accumulated experience in driving for many years, quickly got started with the simpler and more convenient four-wheeled carriage. His driving skills were also highly appreciated, and his colleagues in the original car dealership were even more envious of Wang Da.

Yesterday afternoon, the second son of the Wen family personally told Wang Da that from today onwards, Mr. Ge will take this car when he is on duty or on business trips, and he has repeatedly told him to drive slowly and not to do anything because of rushing. Basket, Wang Da naturally agreed.

When he thought that from today onwards, he would be driving this unique carriage in the capital, carrying the head of the dynasty through the streets and alleys, ostentatiously passing through the market every day, and enjoying the envious eyes of all kinds of people, Wang Da felt like drinking in his heart. Like honey.

In order to make it easier for this luxury car to enter and exit Wenfu, Wen Kan specially hired someone to widen and heighten the corner door on one side, and built a large brick room on one side of the front yard, specially used to park this treasure. .

Wang Dayue, who has become a servant of the Wen family, has a salary of two taels, which is quite a good income. Before working hard in a car dealership for a month, he could not earn a tael of silver. How could he be so relaxed now? He only needs to run every day. Just a few dozen miles.

Wang Da would go to the garage almost every quarter of an hour, watching back and forth around the carriage, for fear that there would be stains and bumps, and the other maids and servants who lived in the front yard, as long as they approached the carriage within five steps, they would be punished. To Wang Da's scolding and driving away.

The group of servants who wanted to touch it with their own hands could only point and talk at the carriage a few steps away, their faces were full of envy, and they looked at Wang Da with admiration and admiration in their eyes. Respect, the maidservants usually act differently when they meet Wang Da, and even speak a little coquettishly in their tone, all this makes Wang Da, who is not yet thirty, even more proud.

"Master is here!"

 Thank you~ A lifetime promise to reward, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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