Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 552 Deploy water transportation and establish a navy

Chapter 552 Deploy water transportation and establish a navy

In Zhu Youjian's strategic deployment, Huang Degong's troops will go north and south to maintain the smooth flow of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, while deterring the Jiangnan area, they can send troops to the southeast coast at any time and make a threat to Zheng Zhilong. This can effectively cooperate The imperial envoy went to Fujian for the purpose he wanted to achieve.

Huang Degong's Ministry also played the role of protecting the granary built along both sides of the canal when Chen Qiyu was the governor of water transportation.

These granaries are now being guarded by the Water Transport Yamen and the local government. Such security measures are too simple. Once there is any major trouble, these soldiers and servants who have not been in battle will not be able to do anything at all.

In case of emergency, these important facilities must be protected by strong troops.

It is enough to arrange 200 people in each granary, 2000 in Huai'an, [-] in Linqing, [-] in Yangzhou, and [-] in the five granaries in the middle, so that the entire main section of the canal will be guarded by elite soldiers, and cooperate with Jinyiwei's intelligence network , enough to control the entire canal and protect the healthy operation of this economic artery.

Taking Zhang Yuan as the general army in Nanjing, most of the 3000 troops stationed in Nanjing must also be divided into surrounding states to set up barracks in order to suppress emergencies in a timely manner and prevent major turbulence in the south of the Yangtze River.

Zhang Yuan's department performed well in protecting the supply camp, so this time the whole group was promoted and had a good place to go.

The important inland areas have been fully prepared, and the next step is to integrate the frontier army.

Under the situation of internal and external stability, the important towns on the nine frontiers have become the rear area, and it is superfluous to keep the army. It is only necessary to keep an army of several thousand in Xi'an Mansion, and the rest of the frontier soldiers are receiving 20 taels per person. After the increase of Anjia Bank and Jiangguan ranks, all will be abolished. The accompanying policy is that each person can be exempted from land tax for three years, and after the three-year period expires, the collection will be halved within the new three years.

I believe that this policy will also be warmly welcomed by the vast number of frontier soldiers except for a few generals.

20 taels of silver may not seem like much, but for many poor frontier soldiers, this is an astronomical sum of money.

With this Anjiayin, marrying a mother-in-law, buying a cow, opening a few more acres of land, being able to eat enough for most of the year, and having a few more children, isn't this the greatest pursuit in life?

It is Zhu Youjian's goal to solve the problem of food and clothing for most people in the world within five years.

In the case of substantial tax reductions, three-year tax exemption for newly cultivated land, and a [-]% tax reduction for the new three-year period, supplemented by various water conservancy facilities in place, this five-year plan may not be a dream.

For the vast majority of people who are used to being poor in the Northland, food and clothing are their greatest wish.

However, the most basic demands and rights of human beings have become extravagant hopes of countless people in this era. As the head of a country, I have an inescapable responsibility and obligation for this.

Although the conditions are gradually improving, there are still many people struggling on the death line, and there is a long way to go to solve their basic survival problems.

After expanding the territory, protecting the safety of water transportation, and reducing the border troops in various towns, the next thing to do is to form new arms, or rebuild.

The Royal North Sea Fleet of the Ming Dynasty was established in Dengzhou. Liu Guoneng was promoted to be the commander of the North Sea Fleet, and Zhang Wenyao was the admiral of the North Sea Fleet. .

Zhu Youjian originally planned to name it the Royal Beihai Navy, but the Navy sounded unattractive, so he simply named it after the fleet. Although this fleet is just an empty shell, not even a gunboat, but at least The shelf still needs to be erected.

Judging from the current situation, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's troops are the only ones in the Ming Dynasty's army that understand the sea conditions. During the year in Dengzhou, most of the time was spent on boat drills, and it was the best way to transform them into naval forces. It couldn't be more appropriate.

After the arrival of the gunboat purchased from the Netherlands, under the guidance of the Dutch instructors, the first regular navy in the history of Ming Dynasty may not be born in a few years.

Of course, if Zheng Zhilong can bow his head and obey orders this time, the strongest navy of Ming Dynasty in the future will still be in Fujian.

In order to let the fleet grow as soon as possible, Zhu Youjian has ordered Luo Yangxing to use the power of Jinyiwei to recruit experienced sailors from coastal areas including Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and take them to Dengzhou under coercion and lure. To a certain extent, the time for fleet formation can be shortened, and more qualified sailors and helmsmen can be trained as soon as possible.

As for the gunner, it can only be fed by ammunition.

Bombarding targets on a floating ship is a very difficult skill to master. In this case, in addition to recruiting experts from the Guards Battalion to train them, they also need theoretical guidance from Portuguese and Dutch instructors.

As long as there is enough gold and silver, experienced gunboat instructors in Europe are still easy to find, but now Zhu Youjian lacks everything, except gold and silver treasures.

As long as he is a talent, as long as he likes money, then use money to knock him out and get him here.

There is no way, money is so self-willed, it is difficult not to be self-willed, there is too much money, if you don’t spend one hundred and eighty thousand taels a day, you will feel that something is missing, and you will feel uncomfortable.

The formation of the navy is a long process, during which a huge price needs to be paid.

Although Liu and Zhang are relatively familiar with the sea conditions, all their exercises are in the offshore, and they are in the relatively calm waters of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Compared with the Dutch who span thousands of miles of ocean, this kind of training is simply Pediatrics.

Regardless of whether it is the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, although various emergencies occur on the vast and boundless sea, the ship may capsize and people may die at any time under severe and extreme weather, but only after coping with and experiencing various complex weather conditions can a team truly China's ocean-going navy will be born.

All beginnings are hard.

Since one wants to build a maritime power, all sacrifices and sacrifices must be experienced, and there is no shortcut in this matter.

Speaking of silver, Zhu Youjian couldn't help thinking of a rumor that was widely circulated in later generations: After Li Zicheng broke through the Ming capital, he found 3000 million taels of silver from the palace.

Driven by this rumor with nose and eyes, Zhu Youjian once secretly ordered Wang Chengen to lead people to search every corner of the harem, not even letting go of a mouse hole, but the final result made him dumbfounded.

Unofficial history is harmful.

I, an adult who has always claimed to be rational and calm, actually believed in such groundless nonsense. This IQ is really ashamed of my ancestors.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, Zhu Youjian felt that this matter was too absurd.

If there is such a huge sum of money, can Zhu Youxiao not tell his younger brother and future emperor before his death?
What's more, such a large amount of money requires several large warehouses just to store it, and every time it is transported into the palace from outside, a large number of eunuchs will be used, which cannot be concealed from anyone at all.

If it was true, at the beginning of Chongzhen's ascension to the throne, there would have been those who invited credit and rewards to flatter him. Could it be that the things that everyone knows are only hidden from the emperor?In the palace like a sieve, can such a shocking event be kept hidden?
If there is such a large sum of money, why would Chongzhen in history wear patched clothes?As for letting the queen who is the mother of the world spend her days spinning in the palace?

Furthermore, since Wanli came to power, all the expenses of the huge harem and tens of thousands of eunuchs and maids come from more than one million taels of gold flowers and silver every year, and this amount of money has to be calculated every year. How did the taels of silver be accumulated?

The huge amount of silver circulating in the world today all flowed into Daming from overseas after Long Wan opened the sea. Before that, the main currency of Ming was copper coins and silk. Where can I buy such a huge amount of silver?

This kind of brainless conjecture is just like the legend that the emperor used a golden hoe to cultivate the land, it is really ridiculous.

At the end of the imperial decree, Zhu Youjian ordered that when all the armies were ready, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, and Qin Liangyu would lead the team back to Beijing, and the prince would go to the outskirts of Deshengmen to welcome him in person.

 Thanks to the little fish lying on the bottom of the sea and spitting bubbles, a little sword fairy, and a5s5 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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