Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 555 Miss Zhao's Rejection

Chapter 555 Miss Zhao's Rejection

The Six Rites are the traditional marriage rites of the Han nationality, referring to the six etiquettes in the process from marriage proposal to completion, namely: Na Cai, Asking Names, Naji, Na Zheng, Asking Date, and Greeting.

Nacai means that the man's family invites a matchmaker to the woman's family to propose marriage. After the woman's family agrees to discuss marriage, the man's family prepares six rituals to propose marriage.

Ask the name, that is, the man's family asks the matchmaker to ask the woman's name and date of birth.

Najib, that is, after the man retrieves the woman's name and horoscope, he is looking for someone to do divination.

Nazheng, also known as Nacoin, is a dowry gift from the man's family to the woman's family.

Please ask for a date, the man's family chooses the date of marriage, prepares the gift and informs the woman's family, and asks for her consent.

Personal welcome, that is, the bridegroom goes to the bride's house to marry.

"Nacai" is the first of the six rituals.

"Book of Rites · Hunyi" says: "The person who accepts the pick is called the ceremony of picking, so the ceremony is issued, and the geese are accepted."

Qin Huitian from the Qing Dynasty explained: "If you want to marry him, you must first let the matchmaker tell you what to say, and the female family agrees to it, and then let others accept the ceremony."

It means that the man's family proposes to the woman's family, and the matchmaker will convey it on her behalf. After the woman's family agrees, she will receive the gift from the man's family for marriage proposal.

"Goose" is used for accepting gifts.

"Hun Li of Rituals" "There are six Hun rites, and the five rites use geese, Na Cai, ask names, Naji, ask for dates, and greet personally."

As for why "geese" is used? The author of "Yi Li Shi Hun Li" thinks that "the one who uses wild goose as a gift, whichever is the one that communicates with Yin and Yang.

When Li Jinzhong returned to the barracks, he was thinking about whether the remaining silver on his body would be enough for his marriage. Around the end of the day, Li Shuli from the yamen of the Ministry of War came to the barracks and told him in a regretful and puzzled tone: Lang Zhong asked someone to find him. After Mr. Zhang of the Nursing Home, Mr. Zhang entrusted Xin Guocheng to come to propose marriage in person, but Mrs. Zhao disagreed with this marriage. She replied that she asked General Li to find another spouse, and returned the wild goose used to propose marriage.

Miss Zhao's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations, and Li Jinzhong was completely taken aback.

I thought it was a good thing to be sure, but I was blocked from the door before I passed the first hurdle.

Because according to common sense, whether it is talent or status, Li Jinzhong is more than enough to match Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao, who is blind in her right eye, is a typical high-ranking lady, but I never expected that such a good thing would be rejected by others. up.

"Scribe Li, why did Mrs. Zhao refuse to propose marriage? Could it be that she doesn't like her ugly appearance? Or does she dislike her as a rude soldier, and is afraid that she will bully her when she gets married?"

Li Jinzhong's swarthy face was filled with infinite disappointment, and his tone of voice became low. Di Ma Jingtian raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. What to say.

"General Li, I don't know the exact words of Mrs. Zhao. According to what she means, she probably means that she is not good enough for you, General. She also said that if she gets married in the future, the long-sick old lady and younger brother will have no one to take care of them." , in order to take care of the old and the young at home, she has given up the idea of ​​marriage in this life, Miss Zhao thanked the general for his kindness, and said that she only hopes to meet the general by fate in the next life!"

"In other words, it's not that Miss Zhao didn't want to be a mother-in-law for Er, but she refused because of some concerns? If all her worries can be resolved, she will be willing to marry Er, right? Li Shuli, yes Does that mean?"

After listening to Li Shuli's brief introduction, Li Jinzhong's dark eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help himself, he stretched out his hand to grab Li Shuli's arm and asked repeatedly.

"Probably that's what it means, General Li, just let go!"

Li Shuli, who was hurt by Li Jinzhong's big hand, grinned back.

"Haha! That's it!"

Li Jinzhong laughed and let go of his arms. Without saying a word, he strode out of the room like a gust of wind, and went straight to the stable not far away.

"Li Jinzhong, you're going to do something wrong! It's almost time, and the capital is not allowed to walk at night!"

Ma Jingtian shouted and chased out the door. Li Jinzhong had already ran dozens of steps away. Ma Jingtian was afraid that this ramming goods would cause trouble, so he hurriedly chased him.

Li Jinzhong ran to the stable, picked up the saddle on the side and put it on the back of a maroon war horse. After fastening the leather buckle with his hands and feet, he untied the reins of the war horse, moved the saddle, took the stool and flew on the horse. With the reins on, the war horse Xilulu neighed and turned around, Li Jinzhong squeezed the horse's belly with both legs, ignoring Ma Jingtian who was galloping over, the maroon horse flew all four hooves, and went straight to the gate of the camp.

The soldiers on duty at the gate of the camp were all his subordinates. They saw his superiors galloping on horseback from a distance, so they hurried forward to open the gate of the camp together, and the maroon horse galloped away with a puff of dust and smoke.

The holiday approved by the Ministry of War has not yet ended, and it is still early in the summer, so the soldiers thought that their Shangguan still had something to buy, and they were going to the market to spend money while they were free.

Li Jinzhong, who had been in the capital for several days, relied on his background in the military and his special observation and memory of the topography. During these few days of wandering around, he was familiar with the several roads he walked back and forth. Behind the gate of the camp, Li Jinzhong urged his mount to go straight to Beicheng Nursing Hospital.

Although it was the end of summer, the sun was still scorching hot. There were not many pedestrians on the street when Shen Shi was late, and the horseshoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the spacious and flat stone road. In less than half an hour, Li Jinzhong arrived at Yangji hospital.

Li Jinzhong turned over and jumped off the horse. The gatekeeper saw the military master coming again, so he stepped forward to hold the rein with a smile and a word of greeting. Li Jinzhong asked eagerly, "Brother, is Miss Zhao here?" In the courtyard?"

The concierge was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied: "Miss Zhao just returned home because of something, and she hasn't come back yet, if the general has something to do, you can go to the manager to discuss it."

"Do you know where Miss Zhao's family lives?"

Li Jinzhong knew that it must be because the steward of the Nursing Home was entrusted to visit the door to propose a marriage, so he asked Miss Zhao to go home early and wait. The reason why she didn't come back now may be because she refuted the steward's face and felt uneasy.

The concierge had already heard about Mrs. Zhao's marriage proposal, and felt a little sorry for Mrs. Zhao's refusal of other people's marriage proposal. Now seeing Li Jinzhong like this, he suddenly realized after a little thought.

"I know, I know! To tell you the truth, the general, the villain and Mrs. Zhao live not far away. They are close neighbors, and she is the most familiar with Mrs. Zhao's family.

Speaking of which, Ms. Zhao is also a miserable person. Her father and brother died of illness several years ago, and her mother was also seriously ill because of this. Most of the family savings were spent, and Ms. Zhao could only bear all the big and small things.

Because her family was in dire straits, she had no choice but to find this job, earning a little money every month to subsidize the family, such a good little girl, but her life is so miserable, alas! "

Li Jinzhong couldn't bear his nagging at first, but because the matter involved his favorite person, for him who was eager to know everything about Miss Zhao, the other party's nagging actually made him listen with gusto.

"Look at my rambling, I almost missed the general's important business. Mrs. Zhao's house is not far in front, so she simply has nothing to do, and the villain will take the general for a while. By the way, General, how many troops have you brought here?"

After chattering for a long time, the concierge saw that Li Jinzhong was not irritable, so he was happy and volunteered to take this simple and strong general to recognize him.

The concierge has great affection and sympathy for the gentle and virtuous Miss Zhao.

In his opinion, the general in front of him really has sincere feelings for Mrs. Zhao, and this time he will come to the door in person, maybe he will stage a good show of snatching the marriage, which will become a topic of discussion for many years.

"A man? A man? Brother, it's getting late, let's hurry over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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