Chapter 559
On the third day after a series of celebrations such as the victory of the army, the welcoming of the crown prince, the offering of prisoners at the Meridian Gate, the sacrifice to the Taimiao, and the amnesty of the world, Zhu Youjian once again issued a decree to give all the soldiers who participated in the war a half-year holiday to let the fighting The soldiers who have been in the army for more than half a year return home to visit their relatives, and send the reward silver and the "trophies" they have captured to their homes, and take the opportunity to go home and get married in order to complete the glorious and important mission of multiplying future generations .

This time the entire army was on vacation for a certain period of time, and each batch of five days left Beijing in turn.

The first to get the holiday was the former Qin Army formed by Sun Chuanting and the current Yongwei Battalion, with a total of nearly 2 people.

According to the rules formulated by Zhu Youjian, the officers and soldiers of the Qin army can go to various markets in the capital to buy supplies within five days, and then leave the capital to return home.

Zhu Youjian's decision was warmly welcomed by all the soldiers participating in the war.

After fighting outside the pass for half a year, the mental fatigue of the soldiers had reached its peak, and it was time to relax completely.

Home is the best harbor for self-cultivation. The faces and words of the elders, brothers and sisters, elders and juniors are what people look forward to the most.

This time all the soldiers who participated in the battle were rewarded for their meritorious service. Most of the soldiers had never seen such a large amount of property rewarded by the imperial court. Such generous rewards were enough to change the family circumstances of most people.

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometowns, they travel at night like clothes.

Everyone longs to be recognized and praised deep in their hearts, and having a lot of wealth is the basis for being recognized by others and one of the symbols of success. This principle has never changed.

This holiday of the whole army is to give the soldiers an opportunity to be widely recognized by the elders in their hometown, and it is also something that everyone is looking forward to.

In the next few days, every market in the capital and shops of all sizes in the city were overcrowded.Nearly [-] soldiers of the Qin Army, originally from various prefectures in Shaanxi, swarmed here with a large amount of precious metals, frantically purchasing all kinds of goods, especially cloth, shoes and hats, pastries, candies, rice noodles, oil, and salt. , ham, cheap rouge gouache jewelry and other daily necessities for the most.

These are the necessities of daily life, and every family will use them. For families in the north where materials are scarce and most of them live below the poverty line, it is best to wrap their stomachs to keep warm.

As for jewelry gouache, maybe it was bought for my mother and sister, maybe my mother-in-law, maybe my favorite person. At that time, no matter how cheap gouache jewelry was, it was considered a luxury for ordinary women.

As for silks, brocades and other valuables that can be used as currency, few soldiers buy them, and only a few generals buy a little. generally.

The Four Seas Commercial Bank had known this news in advance, and according to the vision of these shrewd shopkeepers, of course they knew what was most popular among soldiers.

The Four Seas shops in the capital were already fully stocked with goods, which were basically the daily necessities needed by the soldiers. In just five days, the money that Zhu You inspected was transferred back in another way.

But this time, despite the sharp increase in turnover, there was almost no profit, or even a slight loss.

The shops under the name of the Four Seas Trading Company sell all the commodities sold to the soldiers at the cost price plus the freight and then sell with zero profit. This is all done in accordance with Zhu Youjian's order.

There is no shortage of money in the internal funds now, and Zhu Youjian doesn't want to use this method to earn the hard-earned money of the soldiers. What if he earns such unconscionable money?There will be a sense of guilt in the heart of flowers.

Originally, according to his own temperament, Zhu Youjian planned to sell these daily necessities to the soldiers for free or at half price, but considering that doing so would disrupt the normal commercial order in the capital, he decided to sell them to the soldiers at cost price.

After five days of massive purchases, the former soldiers of the Qin Army began to gather in the prefectures and counties where their hometowns are located, and left Beijing to return to their hometowns after finishing the follow-up related matters.

In order to make it easier for the soldiers to return home, in addition to using the power of the increasingly perfect postal system, Sihai Commercial Bank also mobilized all the carriages in the Gyeonggi area, and hired a large number of carts and drivers. Under the action of this huge external force, nearly [-] Qin It took several days for the army to leave the capital.

The expenses incurred by these means of transportation and manpower are all borne by the imperial court and the Four Seas Commercial Firms, and the soldiers of the Qin Army only need to be optimistic about the commodities they buy.

Four-wheeled wagons played an important role in this large-scale transportation.

After producing dozens of passenger cars, Zhu Youjian decreed that the workshop that produced horse-drawn carriages in Zuoju would stop producing passenger cars and instead focus on manufacturing four-wheeled trucks. The purpose of this move was to speed up the circulation of goods and promote The prosperity and development of Ming Dynasty business.

The carriage workshop of the general bureau has been expanded again and again within half a year, recruiting a large number of craftsmen and apprentices.

Because of the adoption of the assembly line process, coupled with the timely arrival of various pieces and incentives, hundreds of craftsmen and apprentices burst out with amazing energy.

With the advent of summer, the days become longer and the nights are shorter. Under the strong request of the workshop workers, the opening time of the workshop has been advanced from the original Chen hour to Mao hour, which is six o'clock in later generations, fully advanced. One hour has passed, and the time to get off work at night has also been extended by one hour, from the end of Shen hour to the end of You hour.

Calculated in this way, the daily working hours of the workers are six hours, and as many as twelve hours in later generations. This is the result of Zhu Youjian's consideration of humanization. Let the steward of the workshop light the lanterns and work until Xu time.

Paying money by piece is the biggest motivation. Doing more means getting an extra piece of money at the beginning of the month. In this era when work is never regarded as hard work, most ordinary people do not take labor as a thing.

Isn't human life just work?

The way of life in the northern population, how can there be a way if you don't work?How do you live if you don't do it?
Since there is such a generous salary to take, shouldn't it be better to do more?

Under this general perception, driven by money, four-wheeled trucks are being produced at an astonishing rate of ten vehicles per day, and as the workers' proficiency improves, this daily output is often refreshed. It is estimated that in half a year, four-wheeled trucks The daily production of carriages will reach [-], so that [-] carriages with larger carrying capacity will be put on the market every month.

With the widening and smoothing of roads in the North, especially in the Gyeonggi area, these newly added horse-drawn carriages will greatly improve Daming's cargo transportation capacity, further promote the speed of commodity circulation, and directly promote the rapid development of Daming's economy.

As soon as the four-wheeled carriages were put on the market half a year ago, the Four Seas Trading Company took the lead in purchasing 50 carriages at a price of [-] taels of silver each for the transportation of goods from the capital to Zhangjiakoubao.

This official road is also in addition to the Gyeonggi area. Zhu Youjian ordered the first to widen the flat road in order to facilitate trade with the Mongolian tribes attached to the outside of the Great Wall. While obtaining a large amount of goods outside the Great Wall, give these relatively docile The Mongolian tribes provide a lot of daily necessities to appease these unruly hearts.

Practice over the past year has proved that this move has been a great success.

With the rapid improvement of the living standards of the first group of Mongolians who came over, more Mongolian tribes came after hearing the news. While grazing cattle and sheep outside the side wall, they obtained tea, cloth, shoes, hats, etc. from the caravan. A large number of daily necessities, including iron pots, grain, fine salt, sugar, patent medicines, etc., make the small life more and more moist day by day.In this case, you can't drive these Mongols away even if you drive them away.

The more purpose of the raids and looting at the beginning was just to seize some living supplies. Now that you can get it without robbing, why do you want to take the lives of your husband and son to rob?What's more, it may not be possible to grab it.

After a few days of vigorous large-scale purchases and subsequent loading into groups according to their hometowns, on the tenth day after Zhu Youjian issued a holiday order, nearly [-] former soldiers of the Qin Army left Beijing, the disabled took cars, and the intact walked. Everyone embarked on the journey home full of longing and anticipation.

The newly married Li Jinzhong did not return home with the army this time.

He selected a six-year-old boy from the nursing home for his cousin as the successor, and handed it over to his second brother, who was promoted to Chief Qian, and took him back to his home in Xi'an Mansion, where he was taken care of by his father. The mother, mother, brother, and child were sick and could not escape and stayed in the capital.

In fact, he was just afraid that his father would be dissatisfied with Mrs. Zhao and force him to divorce his wife. Li Jinzhong planned to wait until he had a few more children before taking the children home, so that his father would not be dissatisfied.

 Push the book, "The Gate of Righteousness at the End of Han Dynasty", about the Three Kingdoms, friends who are interested can go to support it.

  Thank you 20180711084812771 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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