Chapter 572
This incident actually happened two days ago, and Jin Yiwei's senior management more or less knew about it, but because the person involved was a close friend of Jin Yi's pro-military commander and acquainted with Qi Changguo, Luo Yangxing and others, due to their past sympathy, did not respond to this matter. He adopted an attitude of turning one eye and closing one eye, and had no intention of reporting to the palace for the time being, but secretly hinted to Liang Qi to clean up the guards so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

The matter was triggered by a case handled by Jin Yiwei this year.

On the eve of the battle outside the pass in the first half of the year, Jin Yiwei received a secret report from the eyeliner, and then Liang Qi, a thousand households from the [-]th household, led a team to rush outside the pass, arresting Liu Yuanli, a member of the arsenal who was in charge of the Ningyuan supply camp, and others, and returned to Beijing. The charge was corruption of ink and reselling military food and supplies.

There are as many as [-] people involved in the case of the Ministry of War, ranging from Liu Yuanli, a foreign official, to the warehouse ambassadors and small officials who are in charge of the entry and exit of grain and grass materials. During the one-year period of transporting supplies, they have been greedy and bought tens of thousands of shi of military food and supplies and then resold them to merchants related to them. They illegally obtained a total of more than [-] taels of silver. pole.

In this case, since several accomplices who sold stolen goods were in other places, it took a long time to arrest and collect evidence.And because of this, it also gave some people a gap to use their power to amass money.

Liang Qi, who presided over the case, was formerly a member of the Jinyiwei Yangzhou Thousand Households Office, and made great contributions to cracking the case of the Huai'an Salt Lifting Division that year.

After earning a lot of unexpected money abroad, Liang Qi is not satisfied with his current status. What he wants is to return to the capital's yamen, to be closer to the officials in the hall, and wait until Wang Zhengyuan, the governor of Nanzhen Fusi, gives up his seat. After coming here, I can go one step further and sit in this important position in charge of Jinyiwei's internal military discipline.

After spending a lot of money, Liang Qi was finally transferred back to the capital as he wished, and exchanged seats with Li Qibin from the third thousand households.

When Zhu Youjian decentralized Jinyiwei, he deliberately strengthened the power of Nanzhen Fusi, a department that existed only in name. Shangguan and Beizhen Fusi Zhenfu envoy.

Nanzhen Fusi Zhenfu envoy Wang Zhengyuan, a character who is usually ignored by no one, suddenly rises strongly, and takes advantage of the situation to deal with a few tough people in the Wei who have always been rebellious but were caught in the wrong place, thus establishing his own prestige in the Wei. .

But Wang Zhengyuan was nearly sixty years old, and his health was not good. Due to the sudden increase in the intensity of work, his body gradually felt exhausted.

After learning about this situation, Zhu Youjian had already planned to send someone to take over his post. If Luo Yangxing and other high-ranking officials said something nice for Liang Qi, then the post of Governor of Nanzhen would really belong to him.

But unfortunately, in the incident that Zhu Cihong accidentally learned about, the protagonist was Liang Qi.

In order to save her husband's life, the wife of Liu Yuanli, the principal culprit in this case, asked people everywhere to intercede, and finally found Liang Qi under the introduction of others.

When Liang Qi saw Liu Yuanli's wife was young and beautiful, he immediately became lustful. He said to Mrs. Liu: "As long as you take out 5000 taels of silver and become my official, then this official will protect your husband from death."

Liu Yuanli's wife was eager to save her husband, and she believed Liang Qi's words to be true, so she asked everywhere after returning, and finally raised 3000 taels of silver.

Not to mention the past, Liang Qi learned from the raiders that Liu Yuanli's daughter is 16 years old and is still in her boudoir, so Liang Qi once again asked Mrs. Liu to let them serve him together. .

In order to save Liu Yuanli's life, Mrs. Liu had to agree to Liang Qi's shameless request after discussing with her daughter. In this way, before the investigation of the case was completed, Liang Qi enjoyed the good deed of both money and sex.

However, the case has been submitted to the palace, and Zhu Youjian has made an order after learning about it. All the criminals will be executed, and the execution time will be set on the fifteenth of this month, which is three days later.

After the news came out, the mother and daughter of Mrs. Liu who heard the letter were stunned on the spot. After crying, Liu Yuanli's daughter hanged herself in the rented house, and Mrs. Liu ran to the Crying and cursing Liang Qi on the street attracted many passers-by to watch and sigh, and then Mrs. Liu returned to the rented yard and threw herself into a well to die.

It is not difficult to find out this matter as long as you know the name of the person involved, because after all, many people have heard and witnessed Mrs. Liu's tragic situation at that time, so the incident was quickly put on Zhu Youjian's desk, and Zhu Cihong also got a copy, and What Zhu Cihong didn't know was that at this time, Liang Qi and a group of trusted lieutenants had already been arrested and sent to prison.

"I didn't expect that such an evil thing would happen right under my nose, and the people involved were thousands of households of the army! This is really a disgrace to the army and the royal family!

The prince knows a little bit about it, and he can investigate it immediately after accidentally finding out about it. It is a great kindness to not allow ugly things to appear in the world. I hope the prince will uphold this heart and continue to do so after he ascends the throne in the future.

Now that the truth has come to light, let me ask you, how do you plan to deal with this matter? "

After listening to Zhu Cihong's statement, Zhu Youjian, who was less angry in his heart, first praised him, and then asked follow-up questions.

Hearing his father's praise, Zhu Cihong was very happy. He hesitated for a moment and then saluted and replied: "I report to my father, my son thinks that Liang from a thousand households used his power to illegally extort ill-gotten wealth and occupy other people's wives and daughters. The crime should be punished, so he should be beheaded and abandoned in the busy market, and his family property should be confiscated; all the officials in the pro-military court turned a deaf ear to this matter, so that the pro-military discipline was lax, so they are all guilty of negligence, and they should be demoted and punished to serve as an example!"

After Zhu Cihong finished speaking, he looked at his father eagerly, hoping to hear his father's praise again, but this time Zhu Youjian did not show an expression of appreciation, which made Zhu Cihong a little disappointed.

"Brother Lang, have you thought about it? Liang's actions are not secretive. With the eyes and ears of the pro-military, would he be unaware of this? If you hadn't happened to encounter this matter, with the pro-military means, this matter might not be necessary. How long it will be annihilated by various means.

This matter seems simple, but at its root, it is actually a sign that my family has lost control of the pro-army!
The royal family has been in the deep palace for a long time, if they want to know all about the affairs of the world, they can only rely on the factory guards!But now a scandal is happening at the feet of the emperor, but the royal family is kept in the dark, what about outside the capital?If this is the case, there are thieves all over the place, but the capital is still singing and dancing, and I am afraid that if the thieves hit the capital, you and I will not be able to detect it! "

Zhu Youjian's remarks not only made Zhu Cihong realize the seriousness of the matter, but also made Wang Chengen feel uneasy, angry and guilty.

My own nephew, who is in charge of punishing thousands of households in the East Factory, is charged with the heavy responsibility of monitoring the pro-army. He didn't even notice this matter. He is really ashamed of the emperor's respect and cultivation.

"My lord, my lord, Dongchang pretended to be a servant of the Tian family, but realized it later, it really deserves to die! This thief Wang Shiqin should be removed from his post and investigated! My lord, my lord, this matter has brought shame to the Tian family." , the old slave is really guilty! When the old slave finds a free time, he will definitely beat this thief to death!"

Wang Chengen fell to his knees with a puff, kowtowed and then straightened up, gnashing his teeth.

"Come on, buddy. Dongchang is indeed responsible for negligence in this matter. Now that the world is peaceful, many people are already feeling slack in their hearts. It's time to beat it!"

Just after Zhu Youjian finished speaking, a young eunuch rushed in and knelt loudly: "My lord, the officials of the factory and guard halls are ordered to enter the palace to have an audience!"

 Thank you for the fate that you missed. Once again, you will be rewarded with [-] starting coins, and I sincerely say thank you!At the same time, I would also like to thank Qingcheng Yunwu Mimiao for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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