Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 579 I can give it to you, but you have to exchange it for something

Chapter 579 I can give it to you, but you have to exchange it for something
When Zou Weilian arrived in Quanzhou at around [-]:[-] that night, Bo Jinghai and Zheng Zhilong hosted a banquet at the most luxurious restaurant in Quanzhou Prefecture, Hongbinlou, to entertain the imperial envoys from afar.Except for Liu Xuan, who lives in Quanzhou's Jinyiwei Qianhu Office, Lu Jun and other high-ranking officials who went to the pier in the afternoon to greet him all attended the feast that night.

The main table of the banquet was set in the flower hall on the water pavilion in the backyard garden of Hongbin Building.The spacious flower hall is brightly lit, and hundreds of various lanterns are dotted on the covered bridges extending into a pool of lake water. Under the moist and warm breeze after nightfall, against the backdrop of the emerald green lake water, the exquisite lanterns lighten up. Gently swaying and swinging, looking from a distance, it gives people a feeling of entering a fairyland.

The large square table in the middle of the flower hall was filled with all kinds of delicious delicacies. Zou Weilian, dressed in a blue loose Taoist robe, sat on the main seat without hesitation. On the left and right sides were Jinghai Bo Zheng Zhilong and Fujian Governor Lu Jun, opposite Zou Weilian. Instead of high-ranking officials such as inspector censors, chief envoys, and inspectors, Zheng Zhibao, who was in the post of Fujian general, was seated. The rest of the high-ranking officials and imperial envoys were assigned to the other two tables. This arrangement is true. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

But this was arranged under Zou Weilian's special order, so no matter how dissatisfied other people are, they can only hold it in their hearts, and they have to keep a smile on their faces, expressing that they have no objection to this, even though they are secretly cursing in their hearts more than.

"The day before the Ministry Hall arrived in Quanzhou Prefecture, there was still heavy rain in various prefectures in Fujian. We are still worried. If the rain does not stop, we don't know where there will be disasters. Li, it can be seen from this that the Butang is indeed the lucky star of Fujian! This official proposes to toast the Butang's arrival in Fujian to convey the holy hearing, and welcome the Butang to visit the old place again!"

After everyone finished exchanging greetings, Lu Jun, who was dressed in a blue casual robe, stood up holding his wine cup high as the chief executive of Fujian, looked around everyone and delivered an enthusiastic toast. They all stood up and toasted, or echoed repeatedly, or nodded with smiles on their faces. Under Lu Jun's leadership, they drank the amber-colored daughter Hong in the cup.

"Everyone, sit down and sit down. Lu Zhongcheng's words really make this old man ashamed. Although this old man is too strong to drink, he still has to try his best to drink this glass of wine. This is to express the kindness of Uncle Jing Hai, Zhongcheng and the rest of you!"

Zou Weilian said with a smile, brought the wine cup to his mouth, covered his face with his big sleeve, and drank the wine in the glass.

"The Butang is really bold! Let's use vegetables! Feihuang Zhibutang especially loves to eat boiled sea prawns and conch, so he specially ordered his servants to catch and steam them in the sea. Although they are not big in stature, they taste the most delicious. Hall please!"

Zheng Zhilong, who was also dressed in casual clothes, used public chopsticks made of red sandalwood to put a pipa shrimp that was as long as his index finger on the plate in front of Zou Weilian and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Okay, okay, Feihuang has a heart! To tell you the truth, the old man is a true foodie. He loved this kind of food when he was in Fujian. It has been a long time since he went to the capital. Today, the old man can I'm going to feast on it, hehehehe! You don't have to be cautious, let's do as we please!"

Seeing that Zou Weilian was so easy-going and friendly, except for Zheng Zhilong brothers who were familiar with him, the rest of the restrained people also relaxed. Amidst the laughter of eating, drinking and inviting each other to drink, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became warmer.

After everyone at the second table came to the main table to toast Zou Weilian, the topic of discussion at the table began to shift from small talk to business affairs.

Lu Jun didn't know much about the local customs and customs in Fujian because he had been here for a short time, so he took the opportunity to put down his dignity and began to humbly ask Zou Weilian for advice as a junior.Zou Weilian also raised some important points, and Lu Jun kept nodding his head to show that he was educated, and the atmosphere of the banquet became more friendly.

"This time I was sent south to Fujian by the Holy Majesty, and one of the official duties was related to Jing Haibo and Lu Zhongcheng. Today's banquet is also considered an official matter, so there is no such thing as leaking secrets. The two of you just took advantage of this opportunity. Have some fellowship so that the Holy Majesty's strategy can be put into action as soon as possible."

After chatting for a while, Zou Weilian washed his hands in the copper basin of clear water brought by the maid, looked at everyone at the same table and said.

Zheng Zhilong raised his eyes and looked at the welcoming guests at the Hongbin Tower and waved his arms. The welcoming guest gave a soft instruction. They stopped exchanging glasses and listened respectfully to what Zou Weilian had to say.

"Everyone is thousands of miles away from the capital, and it will take time for many news to be delivered, so I will briefly talk about it here.

After the official army wiped out the Eastern captives, the Holy One immediately decreed that Ma Xianglin, the general of Zhenbei, led a [-]-step ride to the north after the beginning of spring in the next year. They will migrate north from Shanxi and Yansui to develop the rich and beautiful Chilechuan. In other words, the original strategy of moving from Shanxi to Taiwan will be terminated. "

Zou Weilian's words aroused exclamations of admiration and voices of discussion from everyone in the hall, which also made the imperial envoys all proud. Lu Jun couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard that he no longer had to immigrate from the north to Taiwan. tone.

Although he is a newcomer, he knows that Fujian is a transit point for victims from Shanxi to Taiwan, and the monthly consumption of food and supplies is not small.And all these tasks require the cooperation of the governor's yamen. Once some kind of accident occurs, it will be recorded in the file by the official department, which will seriously endanger his official career.

"As for other dispatches and conquests by the officers and soldiers, there are a lot of other matters, so I won't say more. The reason why I separate the Northern Expedition is because it has something to do with Taiwan.

However, although the migration of northerners to the south has come to an end, the emigration to Taiwan has not yet ended. The Holy Majesty has decreed that the emigration to Taiwan should be taken as a century-old plan, and the source of the emigration is from Fujian. "

The matter of emigrating from Fujian to Taiwan was actually proposed by Zou Weilian, and Zhu Youjian immediately praised and agreed.

There are many mountains in Fujian, and there is an old saying that there are eight mountains, one river and one mu of land. From this we can see that the natural environment in Fujian is harsh. In other words, the food produced in Fujian is not enough for the people of Fujian. This is the main reason for being able to attract a large number of poor people from Fujian to Taiwan over the years.

With the continuous expansion of the range of extreme weather in the late Ming Dynasty, many prefectures and counties in Fujian have also encountered continuous droughts that have not happened in a century in the past two years. The already scarce fields in Fujian have reduced production or even failed due to insufficient irrigation.

After learning of the disaster situation in Fujian, Zhu Youjian once again issued an order to Zheng Zhilong, ordering him to increase his efforts to purchase grain from Champa, Siam, Cochin and other places and import it into Daming, and allowed the governor of Fujian to keep [-]% for relief. The disaster-stricken people in Fujian.

"When talking about immigration, the Holy Majesty has always praised Jing Haibo very much, and said that there are many nobles in the Ming Dynasty, and people like Jing Haibo who do their best for the country are really rare. Over the years, Jing Haibo has spared no effort. Donating financial and material resources to the country, and only being an earl is really a bit of a treat!"

Zou Weilian's words were indeed said by Zhu Youjian himself when he summoned him, and it was also one of his strategies to try to win Zheng Zhilong over completely.At this time, when Zou Weilian said it in public, even a fool could hear the meaning.

As long as Zheng Zhilong fully cooperates in opening the sea, Zhu Youjian doesn't mind changing his Boss of Jinghai to Marquis of Jinghai. Although it's not now, Zheng Zhilong won't be allowed to wait too long. Just exchange for what you want.

"Minister...I just did my duty, how dare I be praised by the Holy Majesty like this! I am just a sea merchant. I have been conferred the title of earl by the Holy Majesty, and now I have received all kinds of praises from the Holy Majesty. Even if my minister Zheng Zhilong is smashed to pieces, it is difficult Thank you for your kindness!"

As soon as Zou Weilian finished speaking, Zheng Zhilong stood up with a flushed face. Under the envy, jealousy and hatred of the crowd, he turned to the north and bowed his hands.

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(End of this chapter)

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