Chapter 585

The urgent report sent to the palace came from Songjiang Mansion.In addition to the report from the local government, the Jinyiwei Qianhu Office stationed in Songjiang Mansion also sent a more detailed report.

According to the joint report by the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, the general judge, and the procurator of the proposed sentence, the officials of the Ministry of Industry who planned to build a wharf along the coast of Shanghai County, Songjiang Prefecture had disputes with the local people, which led to small-scale civil uprisings and conflicts. Three deaths and eight injuries were caused to relevant personnel of the Ministry of Industry. Many buildings on the dock were also destroyed or burned, and the construction of the port came to a standstill.

Due to the high temperature in the area, in order to prevent the outbreak of the epidemic, the remains of the victims have been cremated, and the injured have been sent to the city for rescue and diagnosis and treatment.

Although the local government dispatched police officers to the scene after the incident, all those involved in the killing and wounding have fled. Due to the large number of remains at the scene and the lack of witnesses, it is impossible to identify the relevant persons. holy order.

The report sent by Jin Yiwei was completely contrary to what the government said.

One hour after the incident, Qianhu stationed in Songjiang Prefecture received the news, and immediately led a team to the scene, and arrived at the scene of the incident an hour later. At this time, there was no one present at the scene except for the dead and the injured. Officials from the Shanghai County Yamen and Songjiang Prefecture Yamen arrived later than they did.

After careful search by Lieutenant Jinyi, an abandoned bloody dagger was found in the woods not far from the scene of the accident.

Jin Yiwei claimed in the report that the attack on court officials was by no means a civil uprising, but a premeditated and targeted vicious case.However, due to too few clues left at the scene, it is temporarily impossible to track down the planners and perpetrators of the case.The Matsue Thousand Households Office has dispatched a large number of people to investigate and investigate, trying to solve the case as soon as possible.

"Companion, the Chief Assistant, Second Assistant, University Scholars Lu Jiandou, and Fan Mengzhang of the Xuan Cabinet enter the palace to discuss matters! Jinyiwei North Town Fusi Town Fushi Li Lie immediately takes people south to Songjiang Mansion! Also send people to Mingzhou and Guangzhou to inform the army as soon as possible At the household office, immediately arrange for personnel to protect the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Industry and so on! Also, send someone to inform Feng Shun that if something happens in Fujian, the Tiqi team will immediately transfer to Songjiang Prefecture, Mingzhou Prefecture, and Guangzhou Prefecture to investigate and prevent suspicious movements!"

After reading the two completely different reports, Zhu Youjian ordered with a sullen face, and Wang Chengen hurriedly trotted to the gate of the hall, greeted the two young eunuchs and explained a few words, the two young eunuchs bowed and saluted Fei also turned around and ran away.

Zhu Youjian has already approved Jin Yiwei's judgment on this incident in his heart, and the memorial of Songjiang Mansion is actually a bureaucratic article, and the content is more like trying to muddle things over. judge.

This incident was clearly aimed at Kaihai.

The cabinet has written to the relevant prefectures and counties that all private docks along the coast will cease to be used in half a year, after which all merchant ships will have to call at ports built by the imperial court.

Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Industry sent a group of technical officials to the south to survey the terrain in the relevant area and start building a larger dock and improve related supporting facilities to facilitate the berthing and use of more merchant ships.

Obviously, once this policy is implemented, all merchant ships will be taxed, which is unacceptable to many maritime merchants from all over the south of the Yangtze River.The vicious incident of beating and killing court officials, which is tantamount to rebellion, must have been planned and carried out by someone in this interest group.

However, due to the fact that there are too many merchants engaged in maritime trade in the Jiangnan area, and the new port is located in a relatively remote place, coupled with the careful planning of the organizers, it is difficult to find witnesses. Finding the culprit is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

While Zhu Youjian was meditating, Wen Tiren and others came to Qianqing Palace together with the loud report from the eunuch outside the gate of the palace. Zhu Youjian immediately gave orders, and everyone moved to Zhaoren Hall to start a discussion on this matter.

"Qizou Shengshang, the ministers think that this is definitely not the civil uprising reported by the Songjiang Mansion, it must be deliberately committed by someone. If this is the case, then this act is no different from treason!

The ministers and others thought that the Holy One immediately ordered the relevant officials of the Ministry of Punishment to go south to investigate the case, and ordered the Songjiang Prefecture to fully cooperate. After the instigator behind the scenes was found out, he would be given a canonical punishment, so as to deter other people with ulterior motives! "

After everyone was seated, the chief assistant, Wen Tiren, stood up first to salute, and then played, giving the cabinet's judgment and handling strategy on the matter.

The memorials of Songjiang Mansion were first delivered to the cabinet by the Secretary of General Administration, and then sent to the palace after being circulated by the cabinet ministers.During this period, everyone had a brief discussion on this matter and reached a consensus quickly.

"The decision of the cabinet is in line with what I think. People in Songjiang Mansion hastily gave the theory of civil uprising without detailed investigation. If it is not for ulterior motives, it is also a crime of dereliction of duty! When the case finally comes to light, the relevant officials must be held accountable!
Since the cabinet has a plan, let's implement it immediately!I have sent the pro-army Beizhen Fusi to the south to investigate this case. Whether it is the criminal department or the pro-army, we must work together to solve the case as soon as possible and give justice to the casualties!
The sky is bright and the sky is bright, and someone dares to openly plan to attack and kill court officials. His behavior can be described as extremely insane!This move is nothing more than a vain attempt to stop the plan to open the sea!

I will let some people understand that this policy is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and it is also related to Huangming's future century-old plan. If anyone dares to be a chariot with his arms, he will be killed without mercy!

This matter is of great importance, so important court officials must go to supervise it!I intend to use Lu Qing as an imperial envoy to personally go to a place in the south of the Yangtze River and take full responsibility for matters related to this case! "

Although Beizhen Fusi has great powers and can arrest relevant officials, but considering that not everything can be done by the hands of Jin Yiwei, in that case, not only will the courtiers have great opinions, but over time, Jin Yiwei's family will become a monopoly. The big situation is not conducive to the implementation of the policy of ruling the country by law.So Zhu Youjian decided to send important ministers south to supervise the battle after careful consideration to prevent Jin Yiwei from abusing his power.

"Qizou Shengshang, I believe that while investigating this case, the matter of opening the sea must also be accelerated. I suggest that the construction of ports and wharves should be strengthened, more people should be hired, and local talents who are familiar with port construction should be hired to assist the officials of the Ministry of Industry. Strive to be completed and put into use as soon as possible!"

After Lu Xiangsheng saluted and received the decree, Sun Chuanting got up and saluted and put forward his own opinions.

"Sun Qing's proposal is very good! After returning later, the cabinet immediately drafted a document on this matter and sent it to the relevant prefectures and counties, ordering the local government to select talents in this field from the local area. The port is under construction!"

After receiving the decree, Fan Jingwen asked, "Qizou Shengshang, how should the victims be compensated? How should the injured be compensated? I think it's best to give them generous sympathy, so as to reassure the hearts of officials all over the world!"

"The victims of this time should receive the same compensation as those killed on the battlefield, and their memorial tablets will be enshrined in the Hall of Martyrs! There is one Enyin who has children in the family! The injured will be compensated according to the military merits!
That's the end of the discussion on this matter. After you go back, you should immediately act according to what you just discussed! "

Just when the ministers got up and were about to send Zhu Youjian away respectfully, a young eunuch hurried into the hall with an unopened document in his hand and knelt down and said loudly: "I want to report to the emperor, there are relatives from the Mingzhou Qianhu Office Urgent report!"

After hearing this, all the ministers looked at each other quickly, and a thought arose in their minds: Is it true that misfortunes never come singly?

 Thanks to a little sword fairy and egg cake robber for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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