Chapter 595

Gu Shun still had a calm look on his face, but the trace of fear in his eyes still betrayed his true inner thoughts.

He has also heard about some of the cruel methods used by Jin Yiwei during the torture, knowing that falling into the hands of this group of people will inevitably suffer physical pain, but out of various considerations, Gu Shun still decided that even if he was beaten to death or maimed, he would still be tortured. Never reveal any secrets, so that even if he dies, with Gu Shenqing's usual generosity and care for the people around him, his offspring will have no worries about food and clothing.

But the scene in front of him caused Gu Shun to be a little confused while being terrified: yellow paper?Could it be that after you beat me to death, you still have to burn some money and food for me to spend underground?Unexpectedly, Jin Yiwei has some conscience!

"Gu Shun, right? If you feel that you can't hold on any longer, just give the rope a hard tug, and we'll let you go, remember?"

The young captain holding a stack of yellow paper looked at Gu Shun and said in a gentle voice, his soft tone made Gu Shun feel like his own relatives.

Without waiting for Gu Shun to signal, the captain put the yellow paper on the wooden bed, rolled up a few sheets with both hands and wet them with the clear water in the water tank, leaned his upper body forward, held the wet yellow paper in his hand and gently It covered Gu Shun's entire face.

Gu Shun, who was still in doubt, suddenly felt a darkness in front of his eyes, his mouth and nose were completely covered by the sticky yellow paper, his smooth breathing suddenly became difficult, the fear in his heart suddenly swelled, his mouth He also subconsciously opened up, and his chest began to rise and fall.

Immediately afterwards, the second layer of wet yellow paper was pasted up again. Gu Shun's eyes were wide open, trying to get rid of the great fear brought by the darkness, but with the arrival of the third layer of yellow paper, the feeling that was about to enter the boundless The fear of Yong Ye occupied his entire mind, his lungs seemed to be on fire, the intense burning sensation made him want to scream loudly, but he couldn't make any sound because of the yellow paper attached.

The young captain still used gentle movements to paste the yellow paper on Gu Shun's face one by one, ignoring the fact that Gu Shun's whole body began to struggle and twist desperately.

Everyone in the hall, including Li Lie, watched the scene with great interest, just like admiring a fish struggling on the grass after being caught.

After the fifth layer of yellow paper was pasted on, the twisting trend of Gu Shun's whole body began to slow down. The captain remained unmoved and pasted up the sixth layer of yellow paper again. At this moment, Gu Shun's mouth and nose had already started to suffocate. Blood flowed out, and the consciousness of the whole person began to blur.

The young captain smiled, looked at Gu Shun with satisfaction, then opened Gu Shun's clenched fist, and stuffed a rope tied with a silver bell into his palm. Gu Shun, who was about to faint The lieutenant's explanation just now appeared in his mind, and he pulled hard with his right hand, and the crisp bell rang throughout the hall, Li Lie and others burst into laughter.

Gu Shun, whose consciousness was almost completely blurred, suddenly felt a burst of brightness in front of his eyes. A large gust of fresh air poured into his fiery lungs, extinguishing all the flames inside like a shower of sweet rain. He breathed greedily with his mouth wide open, and in his mind His consciousness also gradually returned to its original state.

"Old Gu, how do you feel? Did you remember something? If you haven't remembered it yet, let's help you think about it again!"

Looking at the gentle smile on the face of the young captain, Gu Shun seemed to see a demon.

"Officer, official, the villain remembers, remembers! The villain remembers everything!"

Gu Shun tried his best to retract his body, avoiding the ordinary face in front of his eyes, and replied with a trembling voice.

Early the next morning, a contented Li Lie took a group of his subordinates and returned to the Jinyiwei Thousand Households of Songjiang Mansion on the passenger ship of Gu Mansion. Not long after, following his order, several school captains rushed out The Queen of the Yamen stepped on the horse and galloped separately into the city and outside the city, conveying orders to the Jinyiwei teams that had been prepared long ago, and a large-scale arrest officially started.

The first to bear the brunt was Gu Shenqing who lived in Songjiang City.

At about six o'clock in the morning, in front of the majestic gate of Gu's mansion, several Gu's servants in gray cloth robes were washing the flat stone road on the street in front of the gate with buckets. Chatting and passing by the door of Gu's mansion, everything is as usual.

At this moment, a burst of chaotic footsteps came from not far away. A servant of the Gu family straightened up and looked towards the sound. Or a warrior with a long sword on his waist is coming quickly.

Before the servants of Gu's mansion could react, several warriors left the group and ran towards them. With a wave of their arms, they knocked down several servants on the ground, then took off the rope from their waists, and tied them up. Then threw it against the wall.At this time, the two captains had already entered the courtyard through the corner gate. After a while, the two heavy doors opened slowly, and Zhang Tao, the governor of Beizhen, took the lead and entered the courtyard with big strides.

"Zeng Liang, the old rules, go and get the rightful owner first, then ask about the account book and the secret room, and the rest will be the old and weak, women and children, and those who dare to resist will be killed on the spot!"

Zhang Tao, who walked around the screen wall and entered the courtyard first, strode forward, giving orders casually, and teams of school captains bypassed him and rushed towards the courtyard behind.

The domestic servants and servants in Gu's mansion either stood still in fright, or fled back to their bedrooms while screaming, and then all the people were gathered together under the scolding and kicking of the school captains.

Last night, Gu Shenqing, who was resting in the concubine's residence in the fifth room, got up at the end of the day, and then washed up under the service of the maid and the concubine. After eating the delicate breakfast, Gu Shenqing teased her precious son for a while, just thinking He went to the front yard to take a car to Guanjia on Saturday. Before he could step out of the house, he heard the sound of chaotic footsteps in the yard, as if many people broke in.

"Who is outside? If you don't understand the rules, get out quickly! Gu Shou! How can you guard the door, you bloody slave?"

Gu Shenqing was furious, and stepped forward to the door of the room, just about to open the door to see who was outside, when there was a loud bang, the two rosewood carved wooden doors were kicked open from the outside, and the loud noise shook Gu Shenqing's body. The young boy was so frightened that he grinned and burst into tears.

A man wearing a blue hood stepped into the room, took a look at the trembling Gu Shenqing, and said in a solemn voice, "Gu Shenqing?"

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on a private house? Is there any law for the king? Outside of me, I am a man of merit! Don't be rude!"

When Gu Shenqing saw the outfit of the person in front of him, his heart felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on him for three or nine days. It was cold from head to heel, and a sense of despair and powerlessness made his complexion pale and uncertain.

He recognized this servant, and knew that it was the special attire of Jin Yiwei. Judging from the person's posture, the Gu family's situation was more or less ominous.

"Wang Fa? Hehe!

Gu Yuanwai, when you sent people to attack and kill the court officials, do you still remember Wang Fa?

What's the matter?Do you dare to say that this royal law is set by your family?You say when there is, there is, and when there is no, there is no?So where do you put the Son of Heaven?Where will I wait for the pro-army?

A certain is Li He, a hundred households in Fusi, Beizhen, Jinyi's pro-army, and this is a certain waist card!
Gu Shenqing, your case has been announced!Let's go with someone! "

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card, Lan Shuyue, and book friends 20190104115654297 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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