Chapter 894

Soon after Sun Chuanting became an official, Zhu Youjian decided to take the Zen position, but before that, he decided to do a major event.

On a certain day in the early summer of the 35th year of Chongzhen, a special imperial decree was issued from the Qianqing Palace, and teams of Jinyi guards rushed out from various gates of the capital and rushed to various places in the Ming Dynasty.

This imperial decree is aimed at the vassal princes everywhere.

The wording of the imperial decree is very strict. The content is that the clans above the county kings and above must move their families to the southern provinces and the New World of North America before the end of the 35th year of Chongzhen. The amount shall be paid by Taicang.

In other words, the fields, shops, workshops, and mansions under the names of these vassals and counties are no longer owned by individuals, but become the public property of the court.

Among them, the palaces in various places will be rebuilt and used as local higher schools, and other real estate will be leased out. The proceeds will be used to subsidize the consumption of schools and hospitals, and the rights and interests will belong to the local government.

The relocation order clearly required that all the vassal princes and clansmen in the north of the Yangtze River be moved to the southern provinces, and all those in the south of the Yangtze River were moved to the New World of North America.

After more than ten years of construction, Sihai Commercial Bank has made some progress in the development of the North American continent, and the infrastructure in some areas has also begun to take shape. They chose a large river (Mississippi River) as their foothold. Subsequent development and This is the starting point and it spreads to the surrounding area, and the princes and clans with their families will become the new driving force for development.

Considering the strong resistance of the royal family to this imperial decree, Jin Yiwei was ordered to send a large number of people to various places. They will "assist" these clans in their relocation. Great collaboration and support.

This cancer of the vassal king cannot be left as a headache for future generations. Since he is going to abdicate, let's be a bad guy for the last time.

From now on, all the feudal vassals of the Ming Dynasty will be moved overseas, and land will no longer be granted in the mainland.

In the autumn of the same year, Mangbai, brother of the king of Burma, usurped the throne after killing his brother Mangda. Zhu Youjian was furious when he heard the news, and immediately sent officers and troops out of Yunnan to attack him. Da's youngest son is the king of Burma.

Because of his youth and ignorance, he sent several great Confucian scholars from Yunnan to the Burmese royal palace to teach him authentic Confucian civilization. Fearing that he would be backlashed by the reckless and white forces, [-] officers and soldiers were sent to stay in Burma to protect the safety of the royal family and the Burmese country. And confiscated the entire territory of Myanmar's armed forces and demobilized the army.

Mangbai was the creator of the cursed water disaster in the original history. It was he who ordered the killing of all the guards of Emperor Yongli, and finally handed over the last emperor of Nanming to Wu Sangui.

Originally, Zhu Youjian had forgotten him a long time ago, but he deserved his fate, and he actually usurped the throne and conspired against him as in the original history. It happened that he accidentally reminded Zhu Youjian and showed his existence, which gave Daming a With the opportunity to control Myanmar, the Ming Fleet also had several more outlets to the Indian Ocean.

After finishing these few things, Zhu Youjian and Chongzhen issued the last imperial edict during their reign in November 35th, saying that they were old and sick, and felt that they were unable to deal with state affairs in daily life; The appearance of a benevolent monarch is in the prime of life, and he will ascend the throne to take care of his father. Therefore, from now on, I will abdicate to rest and recuperate. All soldiers and civilians in the world should take orders as one.

Because the news had been released in advance, whether it was the court or the people, it had long been heard that the emperor wanted to abdicate to the virtuous, so the edict did not cause much fluctuation in the capital, and no one thought of anything else.

On the day after the edict was issued, Zhu Youjian, Zhou Hou, Tian Guifei, Yuan Fei and others took several four-wheeled carriages, and quietly left Beijing under the guard of a hundred Jinyi Tiqi, and started a journey to travel all over the Ming Dynasty .

Wang Chengen, who is over sixty years old, also accompanied him, and he arranged all the affairs of this trip.

The first stop of Zhu Youjian and his party was Jinan Prefecture. After appreciating the beauty of Daming Lake, they headed southward to Tai’an. After paying homage to the statue of the Five Sacred Mountains, they proceeded to Dongchang Prefecture, where they took a boat along the Grand Canal. Yangzhou, and then spend the spring in the misty and rainy Jiangnan.

When they come back from the tour and return to Beijing, Zhu Youjian and his harem concubines will move into the newly renovated Xiyuan. From then on, unless there are special circumstances, they will never step into the Qianqing Palace for life.

After hearing the news that his parents had traveled far away from Beijing, Zhu Cihong drove his horse and galloped to look for them, but Zhu Youjian and his party had disappeared long ago. Zhu Cihong knelt down and cried southward before returning to the East Palace.

Chief Assistant Lu Xiangsheng invited important cabinet ministers, civil and military officials in Beijing, and other relatives to gather in the East Palace to invite the crown prince to succeed him. Zhu Cihong resigned three times. In desperation, he had to be crowned and enthroned in Qianqing Palace to accept the worship of all officials. It was Ming No.18 On behalf of the emperor.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, he issued the first imperial edict, respecting Zhu Youjian as the Supreme Emperor, adding the title of "Wencheng Wude Sheng Emperor", and stating that the meaning of the Supreme Emperor is my meaning, and those who do not follow in the world will be punished as deceiving the emperor. The previous rules remained the same.

In the following year, Zhu Cihong changed his reign title to the first year of "Chengqian".

At the end of that year, Zhu Youjian returned to Beijing after finishing his one-year tour. That night, Emperor Chengqian and his wife took their three children with them to Xiyuan to visit their parents with King Yong, King Ding and Aimee Zhu. He proposed to return the throne to his father, but Zhu Youjian refused with a smile.

In the eighth year of Chengqian, Lu Xiang, the chief assistant, was promoted to an official position, and he was granted the crown prince Taifu, Huagaidian University scholar, Jin Zijin Guanglu doctor, and the Taimiao by the Emperor Qiandi's imperial decree.

In the same year, Chen Qiyu, the elder of the original pavilion, died of illness. The Emperor Taishang sent a special envoy to mourn, posthumously awarded the posthumous title "Wencheng", and allowed him to share the Taimiao.

In the 12th year of Chengqian, Tian Guifei died of illness.

In the 14th year of Chengqian, Qin Liangyu, who had returned home for the elderly, passed away. The Supreme Emperor mourned greatly. Wen Kan, a special cabinet minister, went to Shizhu chieftain to express his condolences.

In the 17th year of Chengqian, Sun Chuanting, the former head assistant, passed away. The emperor, who was nearly [-] years old, went to the mansion to worship and shed tears on the spot. He was given the posthumous title "Wenzheng" and was allowed to enjoy the Taimiao, and another [-] silver coins were presented.

In the 18th year of Chengqian, Concubine Yuan Gui passed away.

In the 19th year of Chengqian, Wang Chengen died of illness, and the Supreme Emperor personally carried the coffin to send him to be buried. Wang Chengen's tomb is next to Zhu Youjian's tomb. This is the first time in history that someone was buried next to the emperor's tomb as a eunuch.

In the 23rd year of Chengqian, the original Chief Assistant Lu Xiangsheng passed away. The 74-year-old Supreme Emperor insisted on going to the mansion to express condolences in person despite his old age and frailty.

Afterwards, Lu Xiangsheng was given the posthumous title of "Wenzheng", and he was allowed to enjoy the Taimiao, and he wrote a sacrificial text to commemorate it.

Chen Qiyu, Qin Liangyu, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and others passed away one after another, which represented the end of an era. It was the dedication of these loyal ministers and righteous men headed by them that made the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment.

In the 28th year of Chengqian, Queen Zhou passed away.

So far, there is no one who can talk to Zhu Youjian.

In the early summer of the 31st year of Chengqian, the Taishanghuang was critically ill. He recovered as usual shortly after taking the medicine, but his condition suddenly deteriorated a few days later. Bless the Supreme Emperor to pass through safely.

On the third day, the Taishanghuang fell into a coma. He couldn't drink water and rice, and his body suddenly became thin. All the children and grandchildren wept secretly.

At this time, Zhu Youjian was ignorant of any movement outside, but in his mind, it was like a movie replay, with many pictures clearly passing by frame by frame.

He saw countless men, women and children struggling desperately in the flames.

He saw Lu Xiang's tall, emaciated body, wearing armor and a helmet, his eyes wide open and he was slashing furiously with a knife.

He saw Sun Chuanting's expression was stern, and he scolded all the generals under his command.

He saw Qin Liangyu, at the age of sixty, leading soldiers with stone pillars and white poles trekking between mountains and rivers.

As for himself, he was sitting on the throne, and all the officials in the hall suddenly turned into beasts, baring their teeth and claws at him with gray hair and a frustrated expression.

The sky suddenly darkened, and darkness suddenly enveloped the earth.

In a daze, the endless darkness in front of his eyes was suddenly brightened by a beam of white light falling from the sky. Immediately afterwards, Zhu Youjian saw a familiar yet unfamiliar woman's face appearing in the sky.

She is so beautiful, so gentle, and the smile on her face is so kind, like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, she exudes holy light all over her body, and her eyes are full of love when she looks at her. He was sure that this woman must be the mother he had never met in his previous life, and she was here to take him home!

Zhu Youjian wanted to yell and throw himself into her arms, and confide to her loudly with tears: Mom, I miss you!

Why did you abandon me in the first place?

I have waited for you all my life, searched for you all my life, and missed you all my life!
However, for some unknown reason, his whole body seemed to be cast by a magic spell by an immortal. He could not utter a sound, and could not move a single bit of his body. The most beautiful face in the world slowly dissipates in the sky.

Mom, under the moonlight, quietly, I miss you. . . .

Quietly, the care dripping in the blood. . . . . .

Amidst the mourning voices of Zhu Cihong and all his children and grandchildren, Zhu Youjian, who had already been silent, suddenly hummed a strange song in his throat, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and infinite expectations and regrets on his face, walked into the room. Another world.

 It's over, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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