Chapter 93
A few miles away from the south gate of Shouzhou City, 20 bandit camps are spread all over the mountains and fields, and there are all kinds of tents and huts everywhere. The bandits in the camp gather in small groups, drinking and having fun, or playing money for gambling. , or listening to music and singing, or laughing and playing, or sleeping soundly in the tent, the whole camp is as lively as going to a market.

There is a large tent in the center of the camp. This is the tent of Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang, which can accommodate a hundred people. Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong and the main leaders of the bandits are drinking and discussing business.

Due to the hot weather, several tent doors of the large tent were all lifted up, and everyone inside the tent was topless, and some even wore a pair of shorts with a small nose. .

Gao Yingxiang put down the wine bowl in his hand, squinted at Zhang Xianzhong, who was munching at his desk, and said, "Jingxuan, after conquering Shouzhou and capturing the grain and grass, I plan to go directly west, take Yingshang and Yingzhou, and then enter Henan; Where is the place for us to show our talents, what is your plan? Continue to join forces with me, or divide our forces to go elsewhere?"

Zhang Xianzhong straightened up, chewing a piece of undercooked beef, and said vaguely: "King Chuang, what I, Old Zhang, means is that we will go to Fengyang after we beat Shouzhou. Grab a replenishment of food and wages, and join forces with the old horse that shakes the sky. After robbing Fengyang, we will go east and lay down the next prefecture and county, so that the court will think that we want to attack Nanjing. The soldiers of the Nanzhili Guards have long since decayed At that time, the imperial court will have to transfer troops from the Central Plains to protect Nanjing. Except for King Lu Yan who can fight in Henan, the rest of the army will not be able to fight at all. As long as King Lu Yan is transferred away, we will return to Henan with a false shot, not because we want to fight anyone!"

Gao Yingxiang thought about it for a while, and felt that what Zhang Xianzhong said was reasonable.Since his inauguration, he has only suffered a great loss under Lu Xiangsheng's subordinates. Gao Yingxiang is really not afraid of other officers and soldiers. It is an important food and taxation area for the imperial court, and there is no room for any mistakes. Once Lu Xiangsheng leaves Henan, he will have one less confidant. If he returns to Henan by himself, gathers refugees and takes advantage of the situation to take Kaifeng, it will shake the world.

However, although Zhang Xianzhong's strategy is good, it seems that he is not as good as him. If he completely acts according to his idea, then he is very incompetent as King Chuang?
Gao Yingxiang snorted and said: "Those literati in the imperial court are all cunning and ghostly. Jingxuan, your plan is not bad, but I don't think you can fool those big headscarves. To the east are rivers and ponds. I have more than ten thousand elite riders. If we can't spread our hands and feet, if we meet the soldiers and horses of Nanzhili who can fight, it's not worthwhile for us to get stuck. If you want to fight, you can lead your men to the east. I'd better go west and return to Henan. I'm not afraid of Lu Yan Wang! "

How can Zhang Xianzhong fail to see his careful thinking, knowing that he is a narrow-minded person, and he cannot allow others to be stronger than him, but who can say that he is strong?The situation is stronger than others, and under the current situation, I still have to count on him to keep out the wind and rain, otherwise, once I divide my troops, the imperial court will definitely kill me at all costs. Burning the imperial tomb is a felony for the ten clans.

While thinking about it, Zhang Xianzhong slapped his thigh, and said with a smile, "Oh! It's better to be Chuang Wang Gaoming! I forgot the more than ten thousand elite cavalry under Chuang Wang's command! The river network in Nanzhili area is densely covered. Damn, my old Zhang is thinking about it! No wonder the world's rebel army is headed by King Chuang, because King Chuang understands it! My old Zhang admires it!"

Gao Yingxiang picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, with a smug smile on his face: "I, Gao Yingxiang, have grown from a horse dealer to tens of thousands of elite soldiers today. I don't rely on fighting and rushing, but rely on here!" Put down the drink Wan, nodded his head with his finger, and continued.

"I am also a person who has read military books, and I have a strategy in my chest. It's not that I am boasting. Looking at Daming, there are not many people who are proficient in strategy like me and can command thousands of troops! Don't look at Jingxuan, you have been in the army, don't you Is it just an official army? Compared with me, it is still a bit worse, hahahaha!"

Zhang Xianzhong sneered in his heart: I have studied in private schools for several years, and after joining the army, I have also experienced many battles. I am very proficient in marching and setting up camps.You are a horse dealer, besides being able to write your own name, you are also fucking familiar with military books. Do you know the characters in the military books?Do you want to be shameless?Also proficient in strategy, I bah!You can gather so many people because you spend money lavishly, otherwise who cares about following you?
The other leaders in the big tent were all shouting and laughing, no one paid attention to the conversation between the two big leaders.

Zhang Xianzhong said with a smile: "I, Old Zhang, will obey King Chuang all my life, and I will follow King Chuang! Wherever King Chuang goes, I will go!"

Gao Yingxiang nodded approvingly and said: "Jingxuan, I, Gao Yingxiang, have just said something here. In the future, I really want to accomplish something, and I will make you a great marshal of the world's soldiers and horses!"

Zhang Xianzhong was extremely disdainful in his heart, but extremely grateful on his face. He solemnly cupped his hands and said, "Old Zhang's heart is warmed up by King Chuang's words. There is nothing to say. King Chuang has an order. unambiguous!"

Gao Yingxiang nodded with a smile on his face and said: "The most important thing right now is to take down Shouzhou. We have been here for two days, and the army just came to report that there is not much food and grass. 20 horses will consume a lot for a day. The wealthy people around Shouzhou have brought their property into the city in advance. I reckon that as long as Shouzhou is conquered, there will be no need to worry about food and grass within a month! How about this, Jingxuan, I will entrust the important task of attacking the city. You, I have to mobilize the fine cavalry to clean up the official cavalry behind. I guarantee you that the sword will not be sealed for three days after breaking the city!"

Zhang Xianzhong kept cursing in his heart, knowing that Gao Yingxiang was dissatisfied with himself for shrinking back to preserve his strength every time he fought, this time he made up his mind to use up his strength.But just now the two of them chatted so passionately that they were ready to become the emperor and make him a marshal. This time, he really couldn't shirk it anymore, otherwise Gao Yingxiang would really turn his back on him.

"Don't worry, King Chuang, I will take Shouzhou as soon as possible! It's just that the soldiers under my command are short of weapons and arrows, and I hope that King Chuang can supplement it! I'll go back to the camp to prepare, and when the supplies of King Chuang arrive, I'll take them with me immediately." People are attacking the city!" Zhang Xianzhong stood up and said impassionedly.

Gao Yingxiang was furious in his heart.With the growth of his power, the leaders of all kinds of thieves would flatter him when they saw him, and no one dared to disobey his orders. condition.Only this Huang Hu repeatedly beat around the bush and disobeyed him. Seeing that he couldn't evade this time, he opened his mouth to ask for this and that. Gao Yingxiang really wanted to draw his knife and chop him up.But now that there are officers and soldiers in the back and a strong city in front, it is really not the time to turn his face, that's all, let him bear with it, and after the city is broken, he will definitely send someone to find an opportunity to kill him!

Gao Yingxiang stood up, waved his big hand boldly and said: "The rebel army under heaven is a family, and a few soldiers are nothing! Jingxuan and go back to the camp to prepare, I will send someone to you right away! But I want to see Shouzhou will be broken within two days, if not, Jingxuan, the military order is no joke!"

Zhang Xianzhong bowed his head and cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, King Chuang! Shouzhou will definitely be captured within two days!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Xianzhong picked up the armor around him and left the table without putting on his armor, calling for Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo and other adopted sons to leave the table in a hurry.

After leaving the big tent, Li Dingguo whistled, and more than a dozen soldiers who were resting in the shade after drinking and eating hurriedly got up, ran to the grass shed where the horses were tied, and brought everyone's mounts over. Zhang Xianzhong put the armor on the front of the saddle Then he got on the horse and sat on the back half of the saddle, grabbed the reins with both hands, and knocked the horse's belly with his legs. The yellow pussy suddenly rushed out, and the people behind him quickly got on their horses and followed. A group of more than ten riders went straight to their camp. .

(End of this chapter)

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