Chapter 34
In the study, Zhou Lin carefully put the bottom of the cylindrical Taihu Lake stone into hot water. After a while, all the holes were steaming.

"It's really the best Taihu stone!" Zhou Lin praised repeatedly.

The first time he saw this Taihu stone, he thought it was a fake. It is impossible to have such dense small holes on the outside without breaking.

But he felt like it was real, so he tried it out and it turned out to be true, which surprised and delighted Zhou Lin.

"Fanning, you are truly a blessed person!"

Fan Ning didn't hide anything, so he explained in detail how he got the Taihu stone.

Zhou Lin nodded, "I have also been to Qishi Lane, but the things there are either fake or too low in quality. If there is even a good Taihu stone, it will be taken away by the shop. If you come across this stone, What a coincidence."

"It's not entirely a coincidence, I think it's the greed of the Qishiguan."

Zhou Lin smiled and said, "It cannot be said that the Qishi Museum is greedy. If shopkeeper Li had said that this Taihu stone was real, then the scholar might not be willing to sell it. The key is that the small vendor saw it wrong."

"That's right!"

Fan Ning is now concerned about how much he can sell it for. He scratched his head and asked with a smile, "Old man, what do you say about this stone?"

Zhou Lin smiled and said: "Since you bought it for one tael of silver, then I will buy it for ten taels of silver and earn you ten times the profit, how about it?"

Fan Ning snatched the Taihu Stone in his hands, and said with a long face: "The bed in my dormitory is a little unstable, and I just need a stepping stone. Old man, you can rest! I'll go first."

Zhou Lin was angry and funny, grabbed him and said, "You black-hearted little guy, I'm afraid of you, so I'll give you 200 taels of silver."

"How much?" Fanning hastily picked out his ears.

"200 taels is a lot, so don't bargain any more, or I'll have to pay for the lessons."

Fan Ning quickly smiled and said, "I'm not greedy at all, 200 taels of silver is a deal!"

"Go! You have earned two hundred times, and you still have the nerve to say that you are not greedy?"

"That's my luck, old man, I have one more thing to ask you today."

Fanning took out a paper bag from the book bag, opened the outside paper, and inside was a pile of torn paper.

"You take a look, can this book be repaired?"

"what is this?"

Zhou Lin flipped through it, "It looks like a manuscript."

"It's Ding Wei's manuscript "Ping Jiang Ji."


Zhou Lin was taken aback, it turned out to be Xiangguo Dingwei's manuscript, he hastily and carefully spread it out, seeing that it was torn to pieces, he said angrily, "Who did this?"

"Old man, let me declare first that I definitely did not do it. I brought it back because I felt it was a pity."

The more Zhou Lin looked at it, the more heartbroken he was. Ding Wei passed away ten years ago. This manuscript should be an orphan. At most, only a few of his poems have been handed down to the world. If this manuscript is destroyed, it means that other poems will be annihilated from then on.

Zhou Lin carefully spread out the pieces of paper one by one, looked at them for a while and asked, "Are all the pieces of the manuscript?"

Fan Ning nodded, "I've been looking for it for a long time, and they should all be here."

"If it's all, I can find someone to try. The best paper maker in the world is in Changzhou County. I just want to go back tomorrow."

Zhou Lin stared at Fan Ning, "Tell me, who did this?"

Fan Ning shook his head, "I really can't say, I am also responsible for this matter."

Zhou Lin smiled helplessly and said, "After I repair the manuscript, I will print it out, and then you return the original manuscript to Mr. Zhu."

Fanning was stunned, "Do you know its owner?"

Zhou Lin said unhappily: "I saw it in his mansion. This is his treasure. It was torn like this. If he finds out, I don't know how angry he will be. Boy, you can ask for blessings!"

Fan Ning muttered in a low voice: "It's not me who tore it up, so what do you want me for?"

"Okay! Put your things away and get ready for class."

Fan Ning quickly sat down, Zhou Lin put away the manuscript carefully, and took out five pieces of beautiful jade from the bookcase, "Today I will tell you about jade..."

Fan Ning hid the two hundred taels of silver when he returned home. He didn't want to tell his parents that the family was not short of money for the time being, and Fan Ning planned to use the 200 taels of silver to open a medical clinic for his father.

Opening a medical clinic is not something that can be done with a pat on the head, and investigation and research and feasibility analysis are also required. At least he needs to know whether 200 taels of silver is enough to open a medical clinic?

Once his father opened the clinic, they might have to move, and Fanning had to think carefully about all aspects.

Before dawn the next day, Fanning and his father left home and returned to school.

Fan Tiezhou seemed to be in a low mood. He sent his third brother back to Lu's house yesterday, but Yuanwai Lu grabbed his third brother by the neck, cursed and dragged him home.

It's normal for the father-in-law to beat and scold the son-in-law in the countryside, but Fan Tiezhou didn't care. Rush to the cowshed to sleep.

This simply doesn't treat the third brother as a human being, it's too bullying.

"Is father still thinking about third uncle?" Fan Ning asked.

Fan Tiezhou nodded, forced a smile and said, "Your third uncle mentioned you yesterday."

"What did third uncle say about me?"

Fan Tiezhou said: "Your third uncle said you forgot about him."

Fanning froze.

"Your third uncle likes you the most. You were only two years old at the time. He carried you on his shoulders all day long. If there is anything delicious, he will leave it to you. If other children bully you, he will rush to protect you." you.

Once you fell into the river and almost drowned. It was your third uncle who rescued you from the bottom of the river, but he himself was entangled in water plants and almost died. "

Fan Tiezhou smiled and said, "But let me tell you, third uncle, you have been ill for a while and have forgotten many things in the past."

After a moment of silence, Fan Ning asked in a low voice: "If the Lu family is returned 200 taels of silver, can this marriage be dissolved?"

Fan Tiezhou shook his head, "It's not just about money, it's mainly about your third uncle's hesitation. He can't stand the bullying from the Lu family, but he can't bear to part with his sons and daughters. I have to go to the Lu family today. I married this family at the beginning. When we kissed, we promised not to bully your third uncle, but the Lu family didn't keep their word."

"Where is this Lu family?"

"In Jiaobaiwan Village, Hengtang, Lu Yuanwai has no sons, only one daughter. The family has quite a lot of land, so they recruited a son-in-law. Your third uncle joined their family four years ago."

Fan Ning pondered for a while and said, "If you need 200 taels of silver, daddy will tell me. I told Yuanwai Zhou about it yesterday, and he is very willing to help us."

Fan Tiezhou smiled wryly in his heart, Zhou Yuanwai was not his relative, how could he take 200 taels of silver as he wanted, and besides, the matter of the third child may not be settled by money.

Fan Tiezhou still smiled and comforted his son, "Since Mr. Zhou is willing to help, I can go to Lu's house today, so I can be more confident."

. . . . . . . .
Fan Ning entered Yanying Academy almost on time, and walked into the classroom quickly as the bell rang.

The classroom was noisy, and many students, like Fan Ning, walked in following the bell.

But to Fanning's surprise, his single desk and chair were missing.

Fan Ning looked again at the first row by the window. Little Lolita Jupe was already seated. She raised her head and looked at the roof, with a slight twitch of her mouth and a hint of disdain on her face.

The seat next to her was still vacant, which made Fan Ning hesitate, should he take that seat?

"Fanning, why are you still in a daze?"

Headmaster Liu came in and saw Fan Ning still standing at the door in a daze, so he glared at him, "Hurry up and sit down!"

Helpless, Fan Ning had no choice but to go back to his old seat and sit down. As soon as he sat down, Zhu Pei hummed softly beside him.

Fan Ning pretended not to hear, he opened the book bag, took out the homework and handed it to the teaching assistant.

It's not easy for them to have a day off. Each of them has to copy "The Analects of Confucius" once, which is more than 1 words.

Dean Liu knocked on the table, and the class became quiet.

"Professor Cai asked for leave today, and I will take a class for him. Everyone, take out "Mencius" and turn to the first chapter of "Gaozi". Today I will briefly explain this article, how to understand it... ..."

All morning, Zhu Pei didn't say a word to Fan Ning, not even a look.

Even Fanning's arm accidentally crossed the line twice, and Jupe ignored it, as if the two were complete strangers.

There are usually two classes in the morning, with a break for a stick of incense in between. Just after class, the students rushed to the latrine, but Dean Liu walked in front of Fan Ning.

"Fanning, come with me!"

Fan Ning had no choice but to stand up and follow Dean Liu to go outside.

At this time, the corner of Zhu Pei's mouth revealed a trace of imperceptible satisfaction.

When he came to Dean Liu's room, Dean Liu pointed to the chair.

"Sit down!"

Dean Liu sat opposite him, knocked on the table with his knuckles, and said to Fan Ning, "Reading is not only about learning the scriptures, but also learning how to behave in the world?"

"Does the host mean what happened the day before yesterday?"

Dean Liu nodded, "Two things happened the day before yesterday, both of which had something to do with you. To be honest, I was very disappointed!"

Fan Ning said coldly: "Does Master Liu understand the whole story? For example, why did I splash Fan Jiang with vegetable soup?"

Headmaster Liu was silent for a moment and said: "I originally planned to expel Fan Jiang. Yanying Academy would never allow insulting his parents, but his father came to intercede and was willing to apologize to you, so I gave him a chance."

It was a bit beyond Fanning's expectation, and the resistance in his heart was also eliminated a lot. He shook his head and said, "There is no need to apologize. If there is another time, I will beat him up directly."

"This is what I want to criticize you for, how can you be so narrow-minded, a majestic man? Of course I'm not talking about Fan Jiang, I'm talking about Zhu Pei, you know she's a little lady, you have to let her go, treat her as a Just like my sister, don't just change seats and leave."

Fan Ning asked for a while, "Has Zhu Pei's grandfather consulted the master?"

"That's not true. That day after school, Zhu Pei came to me and cried, saying that you bullied her and slapped her face in public. She said that she had good intentions and used a good copybook to help you improve your calligraphy. In the end, you didn't appreciate it." , and humiliated her severely, is there such a thing?"

Fanning couldn't say a word, the thing was true, but it was completely reversed, who humiliated whom?

Fanning shook his head, "That's not the case."

Dean Liu said with a smile: "You don't need to explain. In fact, I understand in my heart that Zhu Pei has a strong personality but a good heart. She did steal that copybook for you from her grandfather's study. You just need to follow her a little bit." , nothing will happen."

Fan Ning didn't bother to say any more, Dean Liu was partial to Zhu Pei, so what he said was useless.

He asked directly: "How does the headmaster plan to deal with her beating Fan Jiang?"

"That's why I came here. Fan Jiang insulted you and you will be expelled, but Zhu Pei will also be expelled for beating Fan Jiang, so these two things cancel each other out. Do you agree?"

Fan Ning's eyes widened all of a sudden, how could he deal with the problem like this?
Headmaster Liu laughed, "I'll take it as your consent, and go to the toilet quickly, class will start soon."

(End of this chapter)

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