Chapter 6

Since it was Zeng Bu who raised the challenge, naturally he would not be the one to pose the question, and Fan Zhongyan would not stand up. After all, Ouyang Xiu is the master.

Ouyang Xiu stroked his beard and thought about it, and asked Zeng Bodao: "Among the many scriptures, which scriptures have you not read?"

Zeng Bu bowed and said, "Returning to Master, the student still has "Spring and Autumn" that I haven't read yet."

Ouyang Xiu asked Fan Zhongyan with a smile, "How about "Spring and Autumn"?"

"Spring and Autumn" is a relatively remote branch of the Five Classics, and it is certainly impossible for Fan Ning to have read it.

Fan Zhongyan nodded, "Then use "Spring and Autumn"!"

Ouyang Xiu immediately ordered his servants to fetch three copies of "Spring and Autumn" and handed them to the three of them. He smiled at Fan Ning and said, "Generally, one stick of incense is the limit for memorization in competitions. You can count as much as you can memorize. Do you understand what I mean?" ?”

Fanning nodded, "I understand!"

Ouyang then asked someone to fetch a stick of incense and light it, and the timer started.

The three of them immediately opened the book, paced back and forth in the lobby, and began to recite silently.

In fact, Fan Ning had already read the book "Spring and Autumn" in his previous life, and he could recite it backwards. It was only two years later that he still needed to review it.

A stick of incense is very thin and short, and it takes about 15 minutes to burn it all, so there is another saying about the time of a stick of incense.

After a while, the incense burnt out, Ouyang Xiu shouted: "Stop!"

The three of them stopped endorsing, and Ouyang Qian's face was a bit regretful, obviously she didn't memorize much.

She looked at Zeng Bu eagerly again. Zeng Bu smiled and looked full of confidence, which made her secretly happy.

"How about it, which of you three will recite it first?" Ouyang Xiu asked with a smile.

Just as Zeng Bu was about to speak, Fan Ning raised his hand first, "I'll come first!"

Fan Zhongyan stroked his beard and nodded secretly. Generally speaking, of course, those who endorsed later took advantage, and he could get reminders from those in front.

Fan Ningken endorsed the book first, which shows that he is upright, which makes Fan Zhongyan very pleased.

Zeng Bu didn't want to take advantage, so he said, "Then I'll wait in the hall!"

Fan Ning waved his hand, "You don't have to go away, if my little brother recites something wrong, please ask Brother Zeng for advice!"

Ouyang Xiu took the book and said with a smile, "You can recite as much as you can."

Fan Ning started to recite from the section "Year of Yin Gong":
”The concubine of Duke Hui, Mencius, died, and his successor, Shengzi, gave birth to Duke Yin. . . . . . '

He memorized Wen Gong seven years in one breath, and suddenly found that Fan Zhongyan's face was not right, and then realized that he had memorized too much, he stopped quickly, scratched his head and smiled: "I'm sorry, I only memorized so much."

At this time, everyone in the lobby was stunned, it was only a short stick of incense!It is unbelievable that Fan Ning can memorize the second half of "Spring and Autumn".

The whole version of "Spring and Autumn" has more than [-] characters, and Fan Ning has memorized almost [-] characters, and unexpectedly every word is good, which really shocked everyone.

Fan Zhongyan quickly grabbed Fan Ning's arm and asked, "Have you already memorized this book?"

Fan Ning quickly shook his head, "This is the first time my grandson reads it."

Ouyang Xiu patted his forehead lightly, sighed and said, "I've finally realized that there are such child prodigies with outstanding memories in the world."

Zeng Bu was ashamed, he boasted that he could not forget, but he could only memorize about [-] words in one stick of incense, which was too far behind Fan Ning, which made him feel ashamed.

Ouyang Qian was very unconvinced, brother Zeng's memory was unmatched in the capital, how could he lose to this little guy?This little guy might be cheating.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qian said with a smile: "Of course the competition needs two victories out of three to be convincing. Daddy might as well have a second competition."

Ouyang Xiu was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and asked Fan Zhongyan, "What do you mean, brother?"

Fan Zhongyan also knew that this competition was not convincing enough, after all "Spring and Autumn" can be bought in bookstores all over the world.

"Let's compete in the second match!"

Ouyang Xiu thought for a while, then took out an article and said with a smile: "This article is a travel note I made in Chuzhou last year. I just finished the first draft half a month ago. No one has read it yet. Each of you read it once, and then stay silent."

Fan Ning's heart moved, could it be "Drunkard's Pavilion"?

Ouyang Xiu handed the manuscript to Fan Ning first, and the first sentence was "Huanchu is all mountains." . . . . '

Fan Ning secretly rejoiced, it really was "The Drunkard's Pavilion", and he skimmed it again.

But before he could take a closer look, Ouyang Xiu took the manuscript out of his hands and handed it to Zeng Bu.

Zeng Bu didn't take advantage of it, he just skimmed through it, and the manuscript was transferred to Ouyang Qian.

Before Ouyang Qian finished reading the manuscript, her father took it away. She stomped her feet anxiously, "Daddy gave me the shortest time to read it!"

Ouyang Xiu chuckled, "You're just here to join in the fun, it doesn't matter if you watch it or not!"

Ouyang Qian pouted her lips, and was unwilling to back down, so she sat down obediently and began to write silently.

Zeng Bu moved his pen like a fly, afraid that he would forget what he wrote down in a blink of an eye.

Fan Ning was hesitant. According to his normal memory, he could only remember about [-]% of the story, but he knew the whole story.

Should I only write [-]% of the article, or should I keep silent about the whole article?
Out of the corner of his eye, he secretly glanced at Zeng Bu, and saw that Zeng Bu had already written a lot, and he was stopping to meditate.

Fan Ning no longer hesitated, and simply took up his pen to silence the entire "Drunkard Pavilion", but Fan Ning still learned the lesson of memorizing "Spring and Autumn", and slightly changed a few words later.

After all, it's too perfect to be real.

Not long after, the three of them handed over their manuscripts to Ouyang Xiu. Ouyang Xiu knew it well. The time he gave the three of them was too short, and it was impossible to write it down completely. It depends on who remembers more.

The first one to be eliminated was Ouyang Qian. She only memorized three lines and misremembered three words.

Ouyang Qian was not depressed, she was just joining in the fun, she cared more about Zeng Bu, as long as Zeng Bu could defeat that brat, she would be happy.

Zeng Bu was not bad, he wrote down [-]% of it, but he made mistakes in five places.

Ouyang Xiu drew a pen to circle the wrong place, and glanced at him with a half-smile, Zeng Bu's face suddenly turned red.

"It's not bad, I can remember [-]%, which is better than I expected."

Ouyang Xiu smiled, put down Zeng Bu's paper, and picked up Fan Ning's paper expectantly.

When reciting "Spring and Autumn" just now, the child's behavior shocked him very much. I don't know what kind of shock it can bring him this time.

As soon as he picked up the paper, Ouyang Xiu was stunned, this. . . .This word is simple. . . . .
Ouyang Xiu looked at Fan Ning in disbelief. Of course Fan Ning understood the surprise in his eyes, and he didn't feel annoyed. He said with a smile, "Senior, there is still time to change calligraphy!"

Fan Zhongyan was a little ashamed, and sighed: "This kid is pretty good in everything else, but his calligraphy is terrible. I hope Uncle Yong can give him some pointers."

Ouyang Xiu smiled generously, "When I was his age, I couldn't write well. In fact, I don't have any tricks in calligraphy. Just practice more. I won't comment today. I will read it in ten years."

Only then did he take a closer look at "The Drunkard's Pavilion" written by Fan Ningmo.

Gradually, the smile on Ouyang Xiu's face disappeared, and the words were correct. At the end of the reading, he suddenly found that Fan Ning was completely silent, and he was stunned, "Impossible!"

Although everyone praises prodigies for their photographic memory, in fact, it is an exaggeration to say that people who can remember it after reading it once are almost rare. Even talented prodigies must read it at least twice.

And the time Ouyang Xiu gave Fan Ning could only read it once at most.

He looked at Fan Ning strangely, is this kid really so powerful?Actually in such a short time can remember all, or. . . . .
"When did you read my article?" Ouyang Xiu blurted out.

Ouyang Xiu's question was a bit absurd, daughters Ouyang Qian and Zeng Bu couldn't help laughing, even Fan Zhongyan couldn't help laughing, what happened to Uncle Yong today?
Fan Ning said calmly, "Senior Ouyang thinks that I have read this article beforehand?"

Ouyang Xiu was at a loss for words, this "Drunkard's Pavilion" was written by himself not long ago, and he had never shown it to anyone, even his daughter had no chance, and it was even more impossible for Fan Ning, who came to Beijing on the first day, to see it.

But. . . . . .
Ouyang Xiu sat down slowly, he was extremely shocked, he was able to recite all the words in a very short time, how is this possible?He is only eight years old!

At this time, Fan Zhongyan smiled and said, "Can Uncle Yong show me?"

Ouyang Xiu handed him the paper, and Fan Zhongyan stroked his beard to read it carefully, and then picked up the manuscript from the table for comparison.

Fan Zhongyan didn't react as violently as Ouyang Xiu, he had already experienced Fan Ning's amazing memory.

"Uncle Yong, look at these two paragraphs!"

Fan Zhongyan pointed out the differences at the end of the paper to Ouyang Xiu.

"The one who can share the joy when drunk, and who can express words when awake is the prefect. Who is the prefect?"Luling Ouyang Xiu also. '

"Look at his dictation, he left out the phrase 'prefect, who is the prefect?' in the middle.

Also, "the sun is setting on the mountain, and the shadows are scattered", he wrote "the shadows are messy".

It can be seen that my grandson's memory ability is not perfect, and there are still flaws. "

Ouyang Xiu didn't notice it just now, but when he looked carefully, there were indeed two dictation mistakes at the end.

Fan Zhongyan was right. Although Fan Ning has a very high talent for memory, it is not perfect. He looked at Fan Ning and sighed, "But even so, the ability to make Sun's photographic memory is too impressive. Shock."

Zeng Bu's expression changed, and he lowered his head dejectedly, knowing that he lost again in the second competition.

Ouyang Qian's small mouth moved, almost crying with anger.

Ouyang Xiu couldn't help but read Fan Ning's paper three times carefully, then shook his head, and said to Fan Zhongyan: "Ling Sun is a genius, a real child prodigy, and I, Ouyang Xiu, are convinced!"

It was the first time Fan Zhongyan heard Ouyang Xiu praise a child so much, he was really happy, but he stroked his beard and smiled slightly: "In terms of real talent and learning, he is far behind Zeng Bu, my virtuous brother praises him too much."

When Fan Zhongyan turned his head, he saw an unconcealable smugness in Fan Ning's eyes, and was so angry that he stretched out his hand and slapped him on the head, "Where did the words of humility go? Tell me quickly!"

. . . . . . . .
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(End of this chapter)

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