Chapter 38

When Mrs. Gao mentioned this, Ye Linxue felt a little embarrassed. She was stared at naked for no reason, and she didn't even know who the other party was.But in the final analysis, Ye Linxue is different from ordinary women. After all, she has been on the battlefield and seen people fighting. If she is injured and does not bandage her wounds, is she waiting to die?Although she was seen all over, the other party was after all trying to save herself. Thinking of this, Ye Linxue couldn't help but feel relieved.

If one day I find this person, I must thank him.Ye Linxue thought to herself.

Madam Gao saw Ye Linxue's strange expression, and asked again: "What's wrong with you? What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about it. In fact, I passed out that day. I don't know who saved me, but I think that person should be a woman. After all, I changed into women's clothes. After I woke up, I saw the rescuer. My people left me a note on the table, saying that he had no medicine in his hand and had entered the city. At this time, people from that organization came looking for him again. I had no choice but to run away first." Ye Linxue didn't want to let Mrs. Gao knew that the man was actually a man. How could a woman have the nerve to say such a thing.

Speaking of this, Ye Linxue thought of the note in her arms. When she ran away that night, she was afraid of causing trouble to others, so she took the note away. Moreover, this note was the only one in Ye Linxue's hand. Something related to that person might come in handy someday.

Mrs. Gao nodded and said: "You are also lucky, but we should find the person who saved you as soon as possible, and then thank him well. After all, we saved your life. We can't pretend it never happened."

"Okay, you should have a good rest. Let your injuries heal first. If your father finds out, he will blame me again. I will pay more attention to your organization." Gao Yunxing looked at Ye Linxue and said.

Ye Linxue nodded.

"Rest well, girl. Auntie will come to see you at night." Mrs. Gao shook Ye Linxue's hand, said something, and left with Gao Yunxing.

Afterwards, Gao Yunxing dispatched many of his subordinates to strictly investigate people of unknown origin in Jinling City.

That night, Yuelai Inn.

Ning Wan'er stood quietly by the window, looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside, she didn't know what she was thinking.At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Come in." Ning Wan'er said lightly.

Canglong outside the door heard Ning Wan'er's words, opened the door and walked in.

"What's the matter?" Ning Wan'er turned around and asked.

"Miss, Gao Yunxing sent a large number of people today to search for people of unknown origin in the city. I guess it has something to do with us." Canglong said with a serious face.

"Don't guess, they are looking for us. I think Ye Linxue should have arrived at the Gao Mansion by now." Ning Wan'er said with a sigh.

Of course, she knew the relationship between Ye Linxue and Gao Yunxing. Ever since her subordinates failed to find Ye Linxue outside the city that night, Ning Wan'er had already thought of this result.Although she had already expected it, when she actually reached this point, she still felt a little frustrated in her heart. This trip to Jinling was a failure to the extreme. Wen Ruyan disappeared, Ye Linxue fled, and none of the goals were achieved. Thinking of this, Ning Wan'er just felt very unwilling.

"Miss, there is one more thing I want to tell you."


Canglong glanced at Ning Wan'er, bowed his head and said, "Young Master sent someone over today to pass on a message, saying that planning is up to people to make things happen. Since things can't be done, I'll let you go back quickly with your subordinates. Don't be careless when the time comes." Expose your identity and cause danger, this is Jinling after all."

After hearing what he said, Ning Wan'er frowned. The son Canglong was talking about was her elder brother. What he said was correct. It was indeed the safest time to leave Jinling at this time. Now they have attracted Gao Yunxing's attention , If you stay any longer, you may really reveal your identity.

But Ning Wan'er was unwilling to leave just now. She lowered her head and considered for a moment, then said, "Let my brothers withdraw from Jinling City first, and just leave a few decent people to help me inquire about the news."

"Miss, you don't intend to leave?" Canglong asked.

Ning Wan'er shook her head: "It's not yet the point where I have to leave, let me think of a way to lure Ye Linxue out. As for those subordinates, I remember that there is a ruined temple not far from the north of the city. It’s not small, but it’s been deserted for a long time, and it’s rarely visited by people, so let them stay in that dilapidated temple for now.”


"Broken temple, broken temple, wait a minute, I thought of a way to lure Ye Linxue!" Ning Wan'er said suddenly.

When she mentioned the word ruined temple just now, she suddenly remembered that she had seen a charlatan before, and the deception method was quite clever, even she herself believed it at the time, and she was shocked for a while.But later, because of a chance, Ning Wan'er found out what he was doing, and then understood how his so-called method came about.

It was just a trivial matter at the time. Ning Wan'er who learned the truth just gave a wry smile twice, and didn't make things difficult for the charlatan, but the tricks of the charlatan now made Ning Wan'er think of a person who could A good way to lure Ye Linxue out!
Seeing that Ning Wan'er suddenly said that he had figured out a way, Canglong asked with a puzzled face, "What way?"

"It is said that Gao Yunxing's wife is a Buddhist believer, and she is a pilgrim of the Jinguang Temple, right?" Ning Wan'er asked.

Canglong nodded: "Yes, this matter is not a secret, most people in Jinling City know about it."

"That's easy to handle. If an eminent monk suddenly appeared outside the city, with her belief in Buddha, she would definitely go to pay a visit. And Ye Linxue has experienced so many troubles recently, so why is Mrs. Gao Maybe I will let her go, and I will definitely take her to ask the eminent monk to pray for her when the time comes." Ning Wan'er said firmly.

Canglong was confused by what she said, and Canglong asked puzzledly: "But where can we find an eminent monk?"

Ning Wan'er said calmly: "Why bother to find a real eminent monk? You find the one with the kindest face among your brothers, and let him pretend to be an eminent monk."

"Can this work? The real eminent monks are all reborn. How can ordinary people pretend to be here?"

Hearing what he said, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on Ning Wan'er's face: "I'll teach you a method that can definitely fool everyone."

Ning Wan'er walked up to Canglong and whispered her method to him.After Canglong heard it, he asked in disbelief: "Will it be dangerous? Don't pretend to be an eminent monk before that time, the brother who pretends to be an eminent monk is already acquainted?"

"Don't worry, just follow what I said, you'll be fine. If you're still worried, you can try it in advance." Ning Wan'er said confidently.

Although Canglong was still a little worried, he still nodded. He had already made up his mind, and he must try it out after returning home. After all, what Ning Waner said was too unbelievable. Even though he had lived for so many years, he didn't listen to it. such a horrible thing.

"By the way, don't worry about this matter. You can act in three days. Ye Linxue's current injury hasn't healed yet. Give her a few more days to recover. When she can get out of bed and walk, Mrs. Gao will definitely take her with her. See the eminent monk." Ning Wan'er asked again.

Canglong nodded, and said to Ning Wan'er: "This subordinate knows, if Miss is fine, then this subordinate will leave first."


After Canglong left, Ning Wan'er went back to the window, looked at the night outside, and said with a sneer, "Ye Linxue, how do you escape this time?"

Three days later, in a dilapidated temple not far from Jinling City, a high-spirited monk suddenly appeared, sitting cross-legged in a hot oil pan all day long and chanting scriptures.After this incident was accidentally discovered by a citizen of Jinling City, the news immediately swept through the entire Jinling City like a gust of wind in less than half a day.

(End of this chapter)

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