This prince is going to heaven

Chapter 756 Qingyun Mountain

Chapter 756 Qingyun Mountain

in the study.

Wen Ruyan's whole body seemed to be dazed for a while, sitting quietly on the chair alone, frowning, his thoughts were already in a mess.

According to Chen Ling, when the Great Zhou soldiers rushed into the valley, the Southern Chu army was completely out of formation, and none of the generals under Mu Xiqiu's command were there, and there was no one commanding them at all.

So the question is, where are these generals?

Also, where did Mu Xiqiu go?

Could it be that Mu Xiqiu already expected that I would send people to attack them tonight?But this reasoning doesn't make sense at all, since he already predicted that I would send people there, why did he place the army in that valley?These troops are already all of his troops in Sichuan and Shu, so wouldn't he be heartbroken to lose them in vain?

But if he didn't expect that I would send people there, where did these generals go?The [-] troops belong to each battalion, and each battalion will have its own commander, and the commander should stay with the soldiers under his command, so why don't you see them tonight?
What the hell is Mu Xiqiu doing?
And why did the five or six thousand soldiers go to Minchuan?

No matter how much Wen Ruyan thought about it, she couldn't understand what happened tonight, and she was completely trapped in a demon at this moment.

There is no way, Wen Ruyan knows who Mu Xiqiu is, if he can't grasp the opponent's psychology in a fight with such a person, how can he win this war?
The teacup in Wen Ruyan's hand had already been smashed into pieces by him. Ji Qiu just opened the door and walked in with a pot of new tea. His body staggered suddenly, if he hadn't learned martial arts from Wen Ruyan since he was a child, he might have fallen to the ground.

Ji Qiu glanced at Wen Ruyan with blank eyes, and then saw that the cup in his hand had turned into powder, then shouted in shock: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

After he said this, Wen Ruyan didn't react at all, and was still immersed in his own thoughts, as if he didn't feel that someone was coming in front of him.

Ji Qiu felt that something was wrong, so he took a step forward and put the teapot on the table, and stretched out his hand towards Wen Ruyan's shoulder, but when his hand was just on Wen Ruyan's shoulder, a sudden force suddenly hit him. Suddenly, Ji Qiu flew upside down and fell straight into the yard.

Hearing the commotion in the courtyard, Ye Linxue hurried out of the room, just as Ji Ning and Ji Yuan also rushed out from the other side, and then saw Ji Qiu lying on the ground with his hands on his chest.

Ji Ningfei pushed Ji Qiu up from the ground, and Ye Linxue also asked, "What happened?"

Ji Qiu coughed lightly and said, "General Ye, hurry up and see His Highness."

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Ji Ning and Ji Yuan's expressions suddenly changed.

And Ye Linxue turned around and ran into the study at that time, only to see that Wen Ruyan was still sitting there quietly, the powder in her hand slowly slipped to the ground, her brows were furrowed but her eyes were blank, as if she had lost her mind. soul.

Ye Linxue was frightened when she saw him like this, so she hurriedly stepped forward to look at him and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Wen Ruyan ignored her, Ye Linxue took a step forward and wanted to touch Wen Ruyan, but Ji Qiu, who was helped by Ji Ning and walked in, immediately said, "Don't touch Your Highness!"

Ye Linxue's hand stopped in the air immediately, and then she turned to look at Ji Qiu, who smiled wryly, "Just now I saw His Highness looked weird, and he didn't respond when I called him, so I stepped forward and touched his shoulder, and then my whole body shuddered. It was thrown out."

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Ji Ning was also a little confused. Among these teenagers surnamed Ji, he had been with Wen Ruyan for the longest time, but he had never seen Wen Ruyan like this before.

"Why does it feel like being dazed?" Ji Yuan said in a daze.

As soon as he said this, Ye Linxue reacted immediately. She lifted the teapot from Wen Ruyan, touched it with her hand, and Ji Qiu said: "The teapot is already cold, I just came to bring hot tea to His Highness." Then I discovered his strangeness."

Ye Linxue nodded, then took a cup and poured a cup of herbal tea, then poured it directly in front of Wen Ruyan.

This is the only way she can think of right now.

The tea splashed directly on Wen Ruyan's face, and Wen Ruyan woke up instantly after being so stimulated.

He subconsciously wiped the water stains on his face with his sleeve, then looked up and was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What's going on? Why are you all here?"

Ji Qiu smiled bitterly: "Your Highness, don't you know what happened to you just now?"


Ji Qiu hurriedly told him what happened just now, after hearing what he said, Wen Ruyan didn't know what to say.

"What were you thinking just now?" Ye Linxue asked worriedly.

Wen Ruyan let out a long sigh, and said directly: "I was wondering what Mu Xiqiu's intentions were, but no matter how I thought about it, I still couldn't figure it out. Maybe I was stunned."

Ye Linxue also sighed, and said: "Actually, I also feel that this matter is too wrong."

She really didn't just say this casually, others may not know who Mu Xiqiu is, how could she not know?During the Battle of the Northern Territory the year before last, she and Yang Ping were led by Mu Xiqiu on the battlefield, and they lost one after another. If Wen Ruyan hadn't gone to the Northern Territory to contain him in the end, she might not have survived Well, the year before last in the battle of the Northern Territory, I still didn't know what it was going to be like.

In that battle, Mu Xiqiu almost put her and Yang Ping out of the shadows. With such a character, how could Ye Linxue dare to believe that he was in a daze?
At this moment, Wen Ruyan heard Ye Linxue say that and asked, "Then what did you think of?"

Ye Linxue smiled wryly, and said, "How can I understand something that even you can't understand?"

Wen Ruyan sighed, shook his head and fell into silence. After a long time, he said directly: "I plan to lead the troops to Minchuan!"

Ye Linxue was startled and said, "What are you doing there?"

"Mu Xiqiu has never been able to do meaningless things. Although I can't figure out why he sent people to Minchuan, there must be his deep meaning in it. If I don't go there to take a look, I'm afraid I won't be able to calm down. , and I always have a feeling in my heart that he must be among those people!"


Wen Ruyan smiled wryly: "Although this may sound like a joke, I believe my feelings won't lie to me."

Ye Linxue shook her head, and said, "No, you know exactly where Minchuan is. Leaving aside the dangers there, the thick fog that lingers all day long will make people lose their way if they are not careful. Fighting in other places in Dazhou , You still have the advantage of being familiar with the geographical location, but once you lead the army into Minchuan, then your advantage will disappear, this is too dangerous, I disagree."

Wen Ruyan got up and stood in front of her, and said: "You also know Mu Xiqiu, don't care whether he is among those people now, even if he is not, then you can't let the enemy army ignore it, if they are more allergic Chuan, then we will go directly to Zhuyang County."

"Could it be that he sent people into Minchuan just to destroy Zhuyang County?" Ye Linxue didn't believe this.

Wen Ruyan shook his head and said, "I'm sure he's not doing it for Zhuyang County, because there's no need to spend so much effort for a small city, but anyway, they've already arrived there, how can they let Zhu Yang go County? Although Zhuyang County is sparsely populated, it is also my homeland, and I really don't want to see the tragedy in Tunyu County happen again."

Ye Linxue was silent for a moment, then said directly: "Then don't go, I'll go!"

Wen Ruyan looked at her and said, "If that Mu Xiqiu is really among that enemy army, are you sure you can defeat him?"

Ye Linxue was at a loss for words.

To be honest, if she were to face Mu Xiqiu alone, it would be no exaggeration to say that she would not even have a [-]% chance of winning. Ye Linxue knew this well, so she couldn't refute what Wen Ruyan said now.

"Ok, deal!"

Ye Linxue wanted to say something but was interrupted by Wen Ruyan directly: "I know you want to accompany me, but you can't, you still need to help me keep an eye on Chen Ling from behind, and if something goes wrong, you still have to come to support me !"

Ye Linxue sighed, and finally nodded helplessly: "It's hard to spread the news of entering Minchuan, you have to leave me a time limit, and if you don't return when the time limit expires, I will personally bring someone in to find you. "

"If I haven't returned in half a month, you can go and find me, okay?"

"it is good!"

Day two.

Wen Ruyan issued an order in the main tent, ordering Chen Ling to lead an army of [-] to pursue the retreating Southern Chu army, while Ye Linxue and Xie Shan led [-] soldiers from the black cavalry battalion to guard Chuanzhou City to prevent other accidents , he will personally take three thousand soldiers from the Black Riding Battalion to Minchuan.

Originally, Ye Linxue thought that the number of people he led was a bit small. After all, the strength of the Chu army was twice as strong as his, but Wen Ruyan said with a smile that the strength of the Black Cavalry Battalion was the best in the world. If you can't kill the [-] ordinary soldiers, the title of number one in the world might as well be given to another battalion.

Qingyun Mountain.

The mountains are ups and downs, with several peaks in the middle pointing directly at the sky, and the surrounding forests are densely covered. It may be because of the cold weather that the originally lush mountains and forests are now full of a withered yellow color, but this withered yellow color is densely covered in the mountains. It also adds a strange beauty here.

On the mountain peak in the middle, there is a Taoist temple that seems to be left behind and independent. This Taoist temple is not too big. There is a small courtyard in front of it. There is a big locust tree growing, and an old well is on the right side. After the cauldron, there are steps covered with moss. After crossing the steps and going up, it is the main hall of the Taoist temple.

There are several statues of Taoist gods enshrined in the main hall. These statues are not mixed with gold and silver, but are all carved from stone. Although they are not very gorgeous, they are lifelike.

After passing the main hall, there is a flower garden. Although it is winter, there are still hundreds of flowers blooming in the flower garden.

After passing through the flower garden, there are three old houses with a few hints of simplicity, one is located in the middle, and the other two are on both sides.

This is the whole appearance of the Taoist temple, but although the Taoist temple is not big, for some reason, it always gives people a feeling of transcending the world. Standing here, it seems that it will become a flying fairy at any time.

At this moment, the door of the room on the left was suddenly pulled open, and then a tall, pretty girl in her twenties, but with very plain clothes, came out.

After the girl came out of the room, she yelled directly to the opposite room: "Little boy, it's time to water the flowers!"

As soon as her voice fell, a yawning child who looked about eleven or twelve years old came out from the opposite room, looked at the girl with dissatisfaction and said, "Sister Wan'er, why do you pour water every time?" The flowers are calling me, you can obviously move the water, why bother me?"

Ning Wan'er in plain clothes scolded with a smile: "You little guy knows how to be lazy. This is the master's confession. The master asked you and me to take care of this flower garden. If you have any opinions, go directly to the master and complain to me." What is the use."

The little boy curled his lips and glanced at the room in the middle, then walked up to Ning Wan'er and said in a low voice, "This old guy spends all his time sleeping and looking for trouble for me, Sister Wan'er, I'm only 11 years old this year. , every day besides carrying water, chopping firewood, cooking and watering the flowers, I am exhausted after a day, do you think this old guy tortured me on purpose?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Wan'er was about to smile and comfort her, but there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and the little boy standing in front of her changed his face and leaned back suddenly, and a small stone flew past him at that time .

Then the sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The little boy sneered, stepped on his body and jumped into the air, rolling several times in the air, and then a few stones brushed his clothes and flew past.

It's just that before he landed on the ground and stood still, before he had time to be happy, a small stone hit his forehead directly, and the boy squatted down covering his head in pain, grinning non-stop.

Ning Wan'er laughed out loud at that time, and the little boy looked at her with his forehead covered in displeasure and said, "You laughed so happily when you saw me being smashed."

Ning Wan'er squatted down and looked at him and said with a smile: "You said why you just forget to eat but not beat. You know the master's temper and deliberately provoke him. You deserve the beating."

"Hmph, I won't call you Miss Wan'er again."

"Then what do you call me?" Ning Wan'er squatted in front of him with a smile on her face.

Xiaotong thought for a while, and said directly: "I will call you Wan'er from now on!"

These two words seemed to instantly touch Ning Wan'er's memories. She was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that she raised her hand and slapped the boy on the head lightly, saying: "Little boy The guy is looking for a fight!"

After saying this, Ning Wan'er got up directly, and said, "Hurry up and fetch water, be careful that Master will beat you again later."

The little boy reluctantly stood up from the ground and went to the front yard resentfully.

Not long after, he came in with a bucket of water and put it at Ning Wan'er's feet. Ning Wan'er picked up the water scoop and sprinkled it lightly. Ning Wan'er suddenly showed a hesitant expression on his face.

Ning Wan'er said with a smile: "Just say what you want to say, you are not a temper that can be held back."

The little boy thought for a while, then spoke directly.

"Someone went up the mountain last night!"

(End of this chapter)

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