Chapter 796 Mutiny
Mu Xiqiu returned to the big camp, turned away everyone who was the head tent, sat alone on the head seat, and the candle was not lit, so he hid alone in the darkness.

He was thinking about what Wen Ruyan had behind him!
What did he do in Floating Cloud City?
This thought lasted for a whole night, and this night, many carrier pigeons landed in the barracks again, and countless soldiers rushed out of Mu Xiqiu's tent after learning of the tragedy their family members had suffered in the capital.

And Mu Xiqiu's methods were exactly as Wen Ruyan had guessed. Although he was extremely troubled by this matter, his encouraging words of encouragement calmed down the morale of these soldiers!
Mu Xiqiu's words seemed to carry some kind of magical power. Although those soldiers who couldn't believe what was said in the letter were still a little uneasy, they were still a little relieved.

It's about the safety of their family members, so they will naturally think about the good side.

After dealing with this matter, Mu Xiqiu returned to the tent.

This is Wen Ruyan's backhand?A bad premonition suddenly rose in Mu Xiqiu's heart!
In the early morning of the second day, just after dawn, a caravan suddenly appeared on the endless plain in the south. Sima Zongheng sent troops to stop it, but found that it was just an ordinary caravan from Southern Chu, but the caravan The appearance of the family members of the soldiers in the team directly changed Sima Zongheng's face.

After about a stick of incense, there was a sudden burst of miserable crying in the Nanchu camp. The families of those soldiers who were wronged in Floating Cloud City finally saw the pillars of their families. How can you bear the grievances you suffer?

And when those soldiers learned that their family members far away in the capital had suffered such inhuman treatment, how could they restrain their anger?

Although the caravan did not bring many people, sadness can be contagious. When these people cry, how can other soldiers feel at ease when they hear about their tragic situation and leave their family members far away in the capital?
Their family has been wronged, what about their own family?Last night, His Majesty said that it was all false, but since it was false, why did the family members of Paoze cry like this when they came here?
Could it be that what the letter says is true?

I heard that Prince Yan galloped on the street, but trampled to death and injured many people, and among those people, do they have any family members?
My family members didn't rush over, have they already been killed?

As soon as the miserable cry erupted, Mu Xiqiu, who had been thinking for a whole night and didn't understand Wen Ruyan's backhand, instantly realized that his face changed drastically. There was a trace of paleness!
It is so!It is so!
And at this moment, another large number of homing pigeons came overwhelmingly.

Seeing such a scene, Mu Xiqiu's face became paler and paler, and Sima Zongheng's face showed a long-lost panic.

The letters brought by those flying pigeons were passed on from ten to ten, and within half an hour, the entire Nanchu military camp erupted with soaring resentment!

The eyes of countless soldiers turned red, and they tightly held the weapons around their waists. Because of too much force, their arms were trembling slightly.

"We went out to fight and killed the enemy in blood, but those high-ranking and powerful people are trying to kill our relatives in the rear?"

"When I saw the families of those brothers just now, I thought my family was fine, but who would have thought that my daughter died tragically and my wife's whereabouts are unknown. This is the end that Chu State brought us?"

"My poor child was only four years old, and he was trampled to death by a horse just because he was playing in the street?"

"Look for Your Majesty, His Majesty must give us an explanation for this matter!"

"Yes, that's right! We must give us an explanation. I waited and fought bloody battles on the front line, but my family suffered such torture in the rear. What's the point of our desperate efforts? Could it be that we are waiting desperately for those damned dog officials?"

"If the country cannot provide a stable environment for our family, what is the point of my allegiance?"

The quarrels between the soldiers became more and more intense, and the entire barracks seemed to be shrouded in an extremely depressing storm. At this moment, nearly [-]% of the soldiers drew their weapons from their waists, and everyone was crowded People rushed towards Mu Xiqiu's main tent!
Mu Xiqiu looked at the mutinous soldiers, the blood on his face was completely drained, he suddenly laughed miserably, and said to Sima Zongheng: "We are defeated!"

There was also a trace of bitterness on Sima Zongheng's face.

Now that the matter is over, how can the two of them fail to understand what Wen Ruyan did in Floating Cloud City?King Yan's son galloped on horses and trampled many people to death. This incident cannot be false, but most of the things described in the letters brought by the overwhelming number of carrier pigeons could not be true.

It is impossible for so many family members of soldiers to be bullied in the capital, and most of those things were definitely fabricated by Wen Ruyan out of thin air.

But now the two of them explain to these mutinous soldiers, will they believe it?
The family members who came with the caravan are the most favorable evidence!These people are like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the deepest part of the hearts of the soldiers!

Since they have suffered such humiliation, can our family members be spared?
Mu Xiqiu and Sima Zongheng have no way to explain it, and it's useless to explain, no one will believe them anymore!
At this moment, countless soldiers rushed in front of Mu Xiqiu and Sima Zongheng, everyone's eyes were red, and the weapons in their hands were pointing at Mu Xiqiu!
At that time, several generals stood up and reprimanded them loudly.

"What are you trying to do? How dare you point your weapon at His Majesty?"

As soon as their words of reprimand came out of their mouths, a soldier yelled at them, "I'm going to fight here with my head tied on my trouser belt, but our family members are being humiliated like that in the rear? What's the point of this!"

"Shouldn't His Majesty give us an explanation?"

"It doesn't matter if such a country dies!"

"Bold, do you know what you are going to say? You can't rebel if you want to?"

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and an arrow immediately sank into the man's chest, and Li Gongcheng, the chariot general not far away, yelled angrily, "I'm going against my will!"

His only son was killed, and the murderer was at large, but today the emperor forcibly kept him here and forbade him to return to the capital. Can you stand it?
As soon as he took the lead, the soldiers who were already on the top shouted loudly: "It's wrong, I'm wrong!"

Lu Zhiyong immediately led those soldiers who were still hesitant and rushed over to block Mu Xiqiu. Sima Zongheng was shocked and wanted to stop him. Right now, the group of soldiers had been dazzled by anger. At this time, facing them with swords and swords, wouldn't you want to force them to do it?

Sure enough, before Sima Zongheng could utter his words, those soldiers who had collapsed emotionally went up immediately when they saw that they were blocked, only heard someone shouted, and then all of them rushed towards the person in front of them with their weapons in hand.

The entire barracks was in chaos at that time.

After driving for seven or eight miles, Wen Ruyan sat on the horseback, looking at the Nanchu military camp in the distance with a smile on his face, Ye Linxue followed him and asked blankly: "You did all this of?"

"It's rare to go to Floating Cloud City, so you have to do something, don't you?"

And the generals like Jiang Yunchuan didn't know what to say at this time, they were all sitting on their horses dumbfounded, looking at Wen Ruyan with god-like eyes!

Who would have thought that a few days ago they were still exhausted because of Mu Xiqiu's tricks, but today they witnessed a mutiny in the Southern Chu army camp?

Is that human being?

"Pass down this king's order! Target the Southern Chu military camp, kill!"

At that time, the soldiers of the Great Zhou broke out shouting and killing all day long. Wen Ruyan took the lead and rushed towards the Nanchu barracks.

This war ended very quickly, how much combat power can the mutiny have?In less than half an hour, Nanchu's nearly [-] soldiers threw away their weapons one after another and surrendered to Da Zhou's iron cavalry.

Wen Ruyan led thousands of people, and surrounded Mu Xiqiu, Ning Wan'er and others in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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