Chapter 141

The more people gathered, the people standing in the front row couldn't wait, so they went to knock on the door......

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!".
"Open the door, what time is it! Don't open the door yet!"

"We want to buy snow salt, open the door quickly! Open the door quickly!"

The common people shouted loudly, causing the guys in the surrounding shops to come out to see the joke!
"Shopkeeper, what should I do?" ..
"That's right, shopkeeper, selling for five cents is already a loss, why buy two taels and get one tael free!"

The shopkeeper gritted his teeth and said: "Stop talking nonsense, everyone must obey His Royal Highness' orders unconditionally!"

"Squeak ~" ..
The door of the shop finally opened, and the common people took salt bags and waited at the door of the Wu Family Salt Shop!
"Get out of the way, .. get out of the way!".
"Get out of the way, everyone line up!"

The guys were busy setting up their stalls. The shopkeeper stood right in front of the crowd and said to the common people, "Don't worry! Don't worry! Today, the snow salt in my Wujia Salt Shop only sells for five cents a tael. Buy two, get one free!"

"What? Such delicious snow salt. It only sells for five yuan and one tael!"

"Yes, shopkeeper, this is too... cheap!"

"And buy two taels and get one tael free?".
"Quick, quick, quick, I want to buy two taels!"

"Give me two taels too!"

The guys put a big wooden box directly at the door to collect money, and there is a booth next to it!

At this time, after hearing the price of the Wujia Salt Store, the people in the family shop sneered, and began to send their staff to shout...

"Hey, everyone, I heard that Wang's Yanba Bawen costs one tael! And buy one tael and get one tael free!"

"Everyone, listen to me, Zheng's Salt Bakery is also worth one or two taels of money. Buy one or two and get one or two free!"

"Everyone, everyone, Cui's Salt Bar is also eight cents and one tael! Buy one or two, get one or two free!"

The common people were just taken aback after hearing this, thinking that the family's salt is cheap, buy one or two and get one or two free, that means four Wen and one or two, which is cheaper than the snow salt from the Wu Family Salt Shop...

They were moved, but this is Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty, the most prosperous city in the entire Tang Dynasty. Could it be that they would buy ordinary salt full of impurities because of the price difference of a penny?
What's more, anyone who knows a little bit of arithmetic can figure it out. Buy two taels of snow salt and get one tael free at the Wujia Salt Shop, which is equivalent to buying one tael for about three Wen... The common people are not fools...

No matter how the folks in the family shop shout, there are no people to buy!
And there are more and more people at the gate of Wujia Salt Shop!
In just one morning, the money for ten large wooden boxes was sold!
There are hundreds of copper coins in each box, ten large wooden boxes, that is a thousand copper coins, and there are still more and more people in front of the door......

These snow salts are simply not enough to sell...

"Quick, hurry up and notify the owner! The snow salt is almost sold out!"

The buddy quickly put down the salt bag in his hand, and went straight to Wufu...

At this moment, the samurai Xun is looking at the previous ledger with a sad face, hoping to find some solutions from it...

"Patriarch, Patriarch! There is not enough snow salt in every store!"

The samurai Xun was taken aback, sold it?

Five hundred catties of snow salt was distributed today, and it was sold out so quickly?

The man hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Patriarch, this snow salt is almost sold out! There are still some, not enough to sell!"

The warrior Xun was short of breath, and shouted to the door: "Housekeeper! Go and transport the two thousand catties of snow salt to various shops!"

"Patriarch, according to the current level of popularity, if we increase the price to seven coins, we will definitely be able to sell it, and the supply is in short supply!"

The samurai Xun thought for a while and said, "No, the price must not be raised!"

"Patriarch, the people here say that the snow salt is delicious, even if it is more expensive than ordinary salt, they are willing to buy it, so let's increase the price by two pennies, it's no pain to the people!"

The samurai Xun turned cold and said, "Where are so many nonsense? If you tell you to go, go!"

The guy's face turned white and red, and he was scolded by the owner. Although he felt uncomfortable, he could only bear it. Who made himself sign a contract of sale with the Wu family?
Until the evening, the entrance of the Wujia Salt Shop was still crowded with people, and it was difficult for the common people to walk... After the remaining 2000 catties of snow salt were transported to various shops,...

The shopkeepers of each shop quickly ordered: "Quick, add more stalls!"

Looking at the copper coins piled up like a hill, the shopkeeper couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. He has never seen so much money piled up together...

This is simply in response to that sentence, earning a hundred dollars every day, making a lot of money every day, and making a million dollars a month!

The people in the family shop nearby are in a hurry, because for such a long time, except for those common people who have not paid their bills, they think they have picked up a bargain, so they go to the family's salt shop to buy salt... 0
The rest of the common people are buying salt at Wujia Salt Shop!
This situation was also seen by Li Er's spy, and he reported it to Li Er as quickly as possible...

Li Er looked at the secret report in front of him and couldn't understand it.

"Why are the people scrambling to buy the salt of this rebellious son first?"

Then he shouted to Li Junxian who was outside the door: "Go, buy me a catty of snow salt!"


Li Junxian took the order and galloped straight to Fangshi to buy snow salt!
Li Er looked at the snow salt that Li Junxian bought back, and was shocked, no wonder it was called snow salt!

Normal salt is yellowish in color and about the size of a small stone... But this snow salt is not only as white as snow, but also as fine as sand...

Li Er wanted to eat it directly, but he was afraid that the snow salt would not taste good, so he winked at the old eunuch beside him and said, "Taste the snow salt for me!"


The old eunuch immediately bowed to accept the order,...the emperor's life is hard to do, and he couldn't help hesitating at all...

I directly picked up a little snow salt and put it in my mouth, and tasted it carefully!

"Well~, Your Majesty, the taste of this snow salt is very pure! And it doesn't taste bitter at all!"

While talking, the old eunuch pinched some snow salt and put it into his mouth, saying: "Your Majesty, this snow salt tastes very fresh!"

"Oh?" Li Er saw that after the old eunuch ate, there was no sign of poisoning at all.

Then I pinched a little snow salt and put it in my mouth!

After tasting it, he said: "Not bad! Not bad, the taste of this snow salt is indeed pure, and the color is better than ordinary salt!"

Li Er's face suddenly changed, and he said viciously: "Hmph! This rebellious son, who has such a good thing, doesn't know how to honor his father first! He even lowered his status to go into business!"

(End of this chapter)

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