Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 191 Turkic Grassland, Like Purgatory

Chapter 191 Turkic Grassland, Like Purgatory

After Li Tai repelled the seventh wave of ambushes, he finally received Li Chengqian's order!
At this moment, the armor on their bodies is dripping blood, and the black robes on their backs can even bleed...

After seeing Li Chengqian's order, Li Tai was speechless. Is this really an order from the emperor?I thought he would let him retreat, but I didn't expect to let him find a way to solve it by himself......
I have no choice but to think of a way by myself!

If you keep using the Zhuge Liannu to fight, although it is easy to destroy the Turkic soldiers, it will take a long time to retrieve the fine steel arrows... If you encounter ambushes again during this period, then They can only raise their knives and fight again, or run away...

In this way, after the fine steel and arrows are lost, there is no way to replenish them!
So until the last moment, they can only use the Zhuge Liannu cautiously...

Now, they can only fight these Turkic soldiers with knives. As long as they kill the leader of the Turkic soldiers, they will be afraid and flee in a hurry...

However, after these soldiers dispersed, more Turkic soldiers will come to surround them next time...

Right now, the sun is setting. Li Tai and the others are also ushering in the eighth wave of ambushes!
There is no way but to kill!

Immediately, Li Tai shouted loudly: "All the troops obey the order! Follow the king to kill!"




This may be the last battle of the day, four thousand soldiers of the Beiwei army directly rushed to the ambush with their swords and horses...

This time the leader of the Turkic soldiers was a very burly and strong man, holding a huge mace in his hand, rushing towards Li Tai like a humanoid tank...

Because only Li Tai in the crowd is wearing a golden grimace mask, so he is the easiest to identify...

Li Tai sneered at the corner of his mouth, thinking: This big stupid guy is three circles stronger than the king, the emperor brother may be able to knock him down with one blow, but he can't...

However, he would not back down, and went straight to this big stupid man with a gentian silver gun...


The mace in the Turkic leader's hand made a sound of breaking through the air, but was perfectly relieved by Li Tai's slippery gun, and then the end of the gentian silver gun in his hand directly pierced the back of the Turkic leader...

As a result, the Turkic leader moved his body slightly due to his length... Li Tai's shot directly pierced his armpit...


The Turkic leader suffered from the pain and fled forward on his horse, letting his soldiers consume Li Tai...

Most of the soldiers went to besiege Li Tai and Xue Rengui, ignoring the soldiers of the Beiwei Army...

Among the entire team led by Li Tai, Li Tai and Xue Rengui were the weakest. Before the expedition, Li Tai and any soldier of the Beiwei Army would be abused...

Because the soldiers of the Beiwei army were ignored, but the soldiers of the Beiwei army would not let go of the leader of the Turkic soldiers,... they flattered their horses and went straight to the leader of the Turkic soldiers...


The sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded, and the Turkic leader was still holding up the mace, trying to attack the soldiers of the Beiwei Army...

However, he never imagined that the new Tang Dao in the hands of soldiers of the Beiwei Army was half a foot longer than the ordinary Tang Dao...

Three or five soldiers of the Beiwei army rode back and forth around the Turkic leader, and directly dismembered the leader of the Turkic soldier on the spot...

Although surrounded by [-] soldiers, their main general is dead, and they are still facing a massacre by the soldiers of the Beiwei Army......

Their inner line of defense has long been ruthlessly defeated...

The battle lasted from the setting sun to the end of the afterglow of the sun... Only more than 2 Turkic soldiers left and fled on horseback...

Looking around, there are corpses all around, and you can't see the edge... The soldiers of the Beiwei Army on the battlefield are like Shura who has returned from hell
Their only belief is to kill all the alien barbarians in front of them!
Everyone is panting...Because of the two-hour battle, every blow has to use all their strength...The Turkic soldiers were cut in half with their weapons...

Now, they must rest, otherwise, if they encounter ambushes again, they will not even have the strength to escape...



Sure enough, this group of beasts did not give them a chance to rest...

Hearing the sound of rumbling horseshoes, at least [-] troops are approaching. They must have heard the sound of fighting here...

Fortunately, it has entered the night now, and the remaining horses of the Turkic soldiers are everywhere...

Li Tai shouted loudly: "All the soldiers obey the order! Get off your horse and lie on the ground!..."

"A man can bend and stretch! All dismount and lie on the ground!"

After hearing this order, the soldiers of the Beiwei Army immediately got off their horses and lay down on the ground...

In fact, if they continued to fight, someone would surely die under the hooves of the horses... Today, this method is the only method that can be used...

Their black robes and armor provided a huge boost...



Sure enough, the sound of horseshoes was getting closer, and the boundless Turkic army appeared in their sight...

Li Tai lay on the ground trying to calm down his breath, and went to recover his strength as soon as possible,...

Fortunately, after seeing the battlefield here, this group of ambush soldiers thought that Li Tai and the others must be exhausted and would not be able to run far, so they all sped up their speed and chased in the direction where the [-] Turkic soldiers fled...

Li Tai looked at the direction they were leaving, and he smiled happily...

"Sure enough, this most dangerous place is the safest place!"

Taking advantage of the battlefield here, quickly eat some beef jerky and drink some water to restore your strength... Although the food for humans has been solved, the food for war horses has not been solved...

Tonight, I must go to the nearest city to provide food for the horses, otherwise, there will be no way to continue the battle tomorrow...

After all, today's battle is overloaded for people and horses...

And the city closest to here is the city of Tuli Duoduo... Li Tai never expected that after killing a large circle, he would come back again...

However, Li Tai was also very reluctant to go to the city of Tuli Duoduo, because this woman is very difficult to mess with, if he catches her in the urn, it would be too big a joke...

Therefore, there must be a careful plan to take down Tuli Duoduo without anyone noticing...

(End of this chapter)

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