Chapter 337

Hearing the voice from this side, the soldiers on the Chang'an city wall all turned sideways to this side.When they saw that this person was Yu Chigong, they immediately shrank their necks.

I was thinking in my heart: "It seems that the lieutenant general is going to be beaten again.!!"

Yuchi Baolin listened; the roar of the old man was very aggrieved and said: "Father~ I can't leave my post without authorization!!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Chigong's face darkened suddenly, and he cursed angrily: "You bastard! You can't inherit more of your father's excellent blood, why are you so stupid.".
" can't change with the Chang'an city guard who is patrolling the city!!"

"Oh!! Dad, you are right!!" Yuchi Baolin looked suddenly enlightened, and was about to turn around and leave immediately, but she just took a step, then turned back and asked: "It's not right, Dad! I Why do you want to be familiar with His Highness the Crown Prince!?"

Wei. Chi Gong raised his hand and whipped Yu Chi Baolin with a horsewhip and shouted: "You bastard! Get out of here!! If you can't talk to His Highness the Crown Prince today, don't go home!!"

"Father! I'm going now, I'm going now~~"

Yuchi Baolin rode his horse directly to the Qianniu Guard's troops patrolling the city. Just when he explained his purpose, the captain of the Qianniu Guard agreed to change his guard without even thinking about it.

There was no way. When he heard that His Royal Highness was on the street, he immediately felt a headache.

Because when His Royal Highness was in Anxiang Pavilion, he personally killed Fusang's envoy, and he happened to meet him, and now he is going to patrol Chang'an City, what should he do if he encounters His Royal Highness and kills him again.

What's more, the father of Lieutenant General Yuchi is Wei Chi Gong, the Duke of E of the Tang Dynasty, and he is simply not something he can afford to offend.

Yuchi Baolin set off with Qian Niuwei's team on horseback.

At the same time, Fang Jun, the son of Fang Xuanling, and Changsun Chong, the son of Changsun Wuji, also received the news that His Highness the Crown Prince was visiting Chang'an City.

He hurried out, hoping that he would meet His Highness the Crown Prince by chance and get acquainted with each other.

And the news of His Royal Highness patrolling the city is not only spread among the ministers, but also word of mouth among the common people,

"Have you heard!! His Royal Highness is patrolling the city!"

"Really!? In which direction!?"

"I heard that it seems to be in the west of the city, and it is going in the opposite direction to the east of the city!!"

"Is the news reliable! If you can see the true face of His Highness the Crown Prince, you will be very lucky!!"

"Isn't it! Regardless of whether the news is reliable or not, His Royal Highness must be patrolling the city! If you go late, you won't be able to see it!!"

"Hey! Wait for me! Wait for me!!"

Seeing the surrounding people rushing towards the east of the city, the two brothers Cheng Chumo and Cheng Chuliang gulped down the rice soup in one gulp.

Then they looked at each other and muttered to themselves: "Dad asked us to come out, it's not just for this!!"

Cheng Chuliang hurriedly took out a handful of copper coins from the money bag and put them on the table, shouting: "Shopkeeper, don't look for it anymore!!"

After all, the two brothers Cheng Chumo and Cheng Chuliang hurried towards the east of the city.

When the boy in the restaurant heard that there was no need to look for it, he happily ran over to collect the copper coins on the table, because if he didn't need to look for them, he could secretly save them.

As a result, after counting carefully, he suddenly found that it was not enough at all, and he was short of more than ten pennies.

"Hey! There is still a difference of thirteen pennies between the two of you!!"

If it was normal, Cheng Chuliang and the two brothers would definitely come back, but today's time is special, so they can only run towards the east of the city.

"I'll chase after the shopkeeper!!"

"Stop!" The shopkeeper snapped, "Do you know who those two big black faces are!? You dare to chase after them? Hurry up and get to work!!"

The restaurant boy went back to work with a depressed face, because the money would definitely be deducted from his wages again.

In fact, these ministers are all good people, although His Royal Highness promised and promised their son an insignificant position.

However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not taken any action since he made the promise, perhaps he forgot.But these ministers are embarrassed to say so.

After all, friendship with interests is never as strong as true friendship.

Moreover, the sons of so many ministers' families have been promised by His Highness the Crown Prince, but there are only two general positions in the court, so it is necessary to make his sons familiar with His Highness the Crown Prince.

In this way, even when it is time to go on an expedition, His Royal Highness will definitely hand over good tasks to people who are more familiar with them.Who can get this opportunity depends on whether these juniors have this blessing.

At the same time, Li Chengqian led Yang Yuhuan on the streets of Chang'an City on a horse, with five hundred soldiers of the Beiwei army leading the way in front, and five hundred soldiers of the Beiwei army following behind.

Because there are too many people on the street, if there is no back Wei army soldiers to open the way.It would be very difficult for Li Chengqian to go from the west of the city to the east of the city.

Because he had just sent Wu Zhao back to Wufu, he was going to Fangshi to the east to see what products the family's shops were selling.

But the people on the road were too enthusiastic, and they all bowed their hands to Li Chengqian and said: "The grass people see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!!"

"Grassmen see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!!"

"Grassmen see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!!"

Walking along the way, the people on the road saluted Li Chengqian respectfully.

After the painters on the street saluted, they tried their best to remember the appearance of His Royal Highness, and then used the best level to draw the portrait of His Royal Highness.

But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is too handsome, wearing a white robe as if a banished immortal, with a gentle and elegant appearance, it is hard to imagine, such a handsome person, as long as he wears a battle armor, he can immediately become an invincible god of war , to save Datang in danger of life and death.

Even the most skilled painters in Chang'an City can only draw the shape but not the spirit.Moreover, His Royal Highness is moving too fast, these painters can only remember a rough outline, or can only draw his back.

Li Chengqian looked at such enthusiastic people and smiled back at them, while Yang Yuhuan looked at Li Chengqian behind him with a look of admiration, with deep admiration in his heart.

My husband's prestige in the hearts of the people is so high, I am afraid that it is difficult for His Majesty to match it.

Li Chengqian's eyes glanced at the clothes of these common people. Many people still feel that it is warm to wear woolen sweaters outside.

At the same time, the people who received the news chased towards the east of the city from the nearest path.Just to be able to see the true face of His Royal Highness. . .

(End of this chapter)

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