Chapter 36

The reason is because of the battle on the banks of the Weishui River, the common people participated in the war... Among these common people are not only the refugees from those two prefectures, but also the common people from Chang'an City who went to watch the excitement! .
I see. When His Highness the Crown Prince avenged the people and sought justice for them, the prince ignited the blood in their hearts one after another...

Therefore, there will be a one-sided massacre on the battlefield......

However, the people of Chang'an City who came back from the war naturally had to brag... boasting that they killed a few Turkic soldiers in the battle by the Weishui River, and at the same time began to play up the demeanor of His Royal Highness on the Weishui River... ………

"Let me tell you, that battle, only heard His Royal Highness roar, you wait for the alien barbarians to take their lives... Guess what!"

"What's wrong? What's going on behind?"

"Hey! Those Turkic bastards were so frightened by the prince's roar that their legs went limp, and they couldn't even hold a knife!"

"What happened later? What happened later?"

"Later, His Highness the Crown Prince led ten thousand horses galloping and broke up the enemy's formation. We made up the sword in the back...... Not to brag with you, you see that other people are in groups of four or five to kill Turkic beasts, and I am alone !"

"At that time, I killed several Turkic beasts by myself!"

"Hahaha! Really good at blowing, do you really think that Turkic beasts can't be made of mud? Even if they are made of mud, they can make you stumble! Hahaha!"

Everywhere in Chang'an City is talking about the Battle of Weishui, and the words of the people who participated in the battle are even more amazing... Most of them are exaggerating how brave His Royal Highness is, and how they went to the battlefield to kill the enemy...

The common people are usually bragging when they have nothing to do. Naturally, they can’t believe these words... Unfortunately, the messengers from other countries who are stationed in Tang Dynasty believed all of them verbatim...

And also passed the news back to the table of the monarch of the country...

Look at the envoy's letter.The monarchs of the neighboring countries of the Tang Dynasty gasped in shock!
"This prince of the Tang Dynasty is so powerful?"

Even if this letter is fake, but the 20 elite Turkic cavalry indeed entered the Tang Dynasty and never returned. It is said that less than 5000 people returned to the Turkic grassland alive that day...

These monarchs immediately panicked, Tuguhun began to show favor to Datang, and Goguryeo asked the soldiers stationed on the border of Datang to withdraw quickly, don't provoke Datang at this time!
As for the other small countries, they closed their gates tightly, for fear that the Tang army would come to settle accounts with them... After all, when they got the news, they sent troops in the chaos. Although they didn't get any benefits, they sent troops after all. Already......

Fortunately, there was no deployment of troops on the border at that time, otherwise, these small countries would have taken the opportunity to cause chaos, and Datang would definitely be attacked by the enemy...

When the people in Chang'an City were celebrating the joy of victory, the Taiyuan Wang family hung white cloths and set up a mourning hall in the mansion in Chang'an City...

The coffin contained the clothes of Liangzhou Wang Taishou...

Because Liangzhou Wang Taishou colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country, he was ordered by the prince to light the sky lanterns. The prince poured wine and the people lit the fire. The remaining ashes were also thrown out...

At the back of the mourning hall, the heads of several great families were sitting together and discussing.

After all, Li Chengqian is really too strong. In their view, Li Chengqian will definitely be able to ascend the throne steadily...

So they planned to concentrate the power of the family to win over Li Chengqian and make him a puppet of the family... As for the prefect who died outside, he was just a side branch of the Wang family.

If he wanted Wang to avenge him, it might be because he was thinking too much. After all, the dead are already dead, so he has to consider the interests of the living...

"Everyone, in my opinion, just put all the crimes on him. Anyway, everyone is dead, so let him have no proof!"

"I think it's ok, as long as he is pushed out, it will be said that he has betrayed the family, is even more collaborating with the enemy and treason, and then lose some money, and we can preserve our reputation!"

"Everyone, don't forget, this prince is not an ordinary person. Would he believe what we say?"

"Hmph! Don't forget, a thousand-year-old family and a century-old dynasty! As long as we control the economic lifeline of the Tang Dynasty, even if his prince crowns the three armies bravely, there will be no waves..."

"That's right! We have controlled the economic lifeline of Datang, and the crown prince will definitely do his best to win over our family!"

"Heh, let's see how the prince behaves. If I'm not satisfied, then this Tang Dynasty is not just the direct prince!"

""Everyone, tomorrow we will send one person from each of the aristocratic families to make friends with the crown prince, the choice depends on the crown prince! ""

After agreeing on the result, the members of the aristocratic family left here happily, waiting to send someone to win over the prince tomorrow, to see what the prince's attitude is...

As for Li Chengqian, he didn't know it at all. Even if he knew it, he would just swat the sky painting halberd twice to kill a few flies...

Now he is taking the imperial decree given to him by Li Er to ask all states and counties in the Tang Dynasty to recruit masons to meet in Chang'an City!

When the heated kang is invented, it will definitely be sought after by the rich and powerful in Chang'an City. At that time, the powerful landlords in other states and counties will naturally also seek it out, and they are willing to spend a lot of money to build the heated kang...

As long as the masons are controlled in the hands of the court, then all the money is controlled in the hands of the court.

At the same time, there was an imperial decree that all wool, goose feathers, and duck feathers in the Tang Dynasty must be washed and handed over to the magistrate, and then sent to Chang'an by the magistrates...

Although they don't know the intention, they must act according to the imperial decree. After all, they are not princes, and they don't have the courage to resist the decree...

At the same time, although Li Er is in the prince's other garden, Li Er's spies have passed on the prince's every move to Li Er...

"It's understandable for this rebellious son to summon the masons. Why does he need so much wool? Could it be for firewood?"

Li Er sighed deeply and said, "This kind of wool is afraid to be avoided in the Tang Dynasty, and this rebellious son actually gathered all the wool in the Tang Dynasty to Chang'an City!"

"It costs a lot of money to deal with wool every year. This naughty son... oh~, let this naughty son toss! Maybe this naughty son can surprise me!"

At this time, Li Chengqian was riding a white dragon horse to enjoy the scenery of Chang'an City... All the passing people saluted him!

(End of this chapter)

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