Chapter 38

There was nothing to say all night, and at the fourth watch of the next day, Li Er led the ministers to the morning court on time! ...But Li Chengqian didn't come, if you want to ask the reason, it's because he hasn't woken up yet......
It's really too much trouble, even if you go to work, you should be from nine to five... It's just a sickness to lead the ministers to the court before dawn...

And there is no work efficiency at all. If the ministers sitting in the back row have nothing important to report, they will hide behind and sleep...

Even the ministers in the front row are the same...

For this situation, Li Er can only turn a blind eye and close one eye. After all, there were too many things to deal with at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty...

Especially Lu Junyi, Minister of the Household Department, has the most affairs, because the Household Department is responsible for the money income and expenditure of the entire Datang... Now the Datang treasury is empty! !

The affairs of the household department are natural. One after another, and most of them are related to the reconstruction and construction of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial palace's long-term disrepair, and the refugee handling issue...

These are huge expenditures of money from the Tang Dynasty... However, no matter how the Minister of the Household Department reported it, Li Er bit his tongue and said: "The crown prince will handle it!"

"Leave everything to the prince. Handle it!" 0
No matter what questions the ministers raised about people's livelihood, Li Er would say flatly: "Leave everything to the prince!"

Li Er sneered from the bottom of his heart, who... made that Nizi set such a grand goal... For the sake of the royal majesty, the prince must do what he says...

The civil servants were left speechless by Li Er, and they all knelt and sat in their seats again...

Li Jing stood up, bowed and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, although the Turkic army has retreated, bandits are rampant everywhere, and they will come down from the mountain to harass the people from time to time!"

"-Secondly, due to the civil strife between East and West Turks, many Turkic tribes appeared on the border of the Tang Dynasty to fight grass valleys!"

When the ministers heard that the Turkic soldiers were attacking Caogu, all of them changed their faces... Because the Turkic attacking Caogu was not only to rob the people of food and money, but also to rob the people of the Tang Dynasty...

All the women of the Tang Dynasty will be captured by the Turkic soldiers to serve as army girls, and they will be used as military rations when necessary... The men of the Tang Dynasty will be captured by the Turkic beasts and tied with ropes to be used as livestock...

Tying the males of Datang with a rope and putting them in the sheep pen can prevent the sheep from making trouble in the pen...

As for the children who were not taller than the wheels in the Tang Dynasty, they were directly made into military rations by the Turkic soldiers...

When Li Ergang wanted to say that it was all to be handled by the prince, he was suddenly taken aback!
Then he asked: "Why are there still Turkic soldiers making trouble on the border of the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Jing bowed and cupped his hands and replied: "Your Majesty, since the two Turkic Khans died in the Tang Dynasty, there have been civil strife in the Eastern and Western Turks. They all want to unify the Turks and elect a new Khan!"

Now, all the ministers are caught in the middle of discussion, and various schemes are emerging one after another... But each scheme is full of fatal flaws...

Coupled with the fact that Datang’s treasury is empty, the military department has long been unable to make ends meet, and there is no extra money to recruit soldiers and horses... Moreover, Datang’s war horses have serious wear and tear problems, so if they want to replenish their war horses, they also need a lot of money...

Simply put, without money, any strategy is empty talk...

The strategies put forward by the ministers made Li Er's eyes bright. When he thought about the issue of the Tang treasury, he lost hope in an instant... Li Er wandered back and forth between hope and disappointment...

Time passed little by little, and it was almost noon, but there was still no solution discussed...

"Boom!" Li Er patted the table and shouted: "Come on, go and call the prince here!"

"If the crown prince doesn't come, even if he is kidnapped, I have to tie him up!"

Listening to Li Er's words, Qian Niuwei broke into a cold sweat, thinking: Are you sure you are not joking, Your Majesty?You actually asked us to tie the prince here?
His Royal Highness was surrounded by a Turkic army of 20 troops, and he still killed seven Turkic khans, and even captured two Turkic Khans alive... That demon-like back has already become the nightmare of these soldiers... …


While Qianniuwei was hesitating, the wooden door of Taiji Hall was pushed open...

When they saw the person coming, everyone unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, because the person who came was none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince...

Perhaps it was a hint in his heart that when every civil servant had a problem, Li Er would say that the crown prince would solve it... So, when the crown prince appeared, all the ministers had a feeling of trust in Li Chengqian... ………

They all felt that the prince would be able to perfectly solve all the problems of Datang......


Li Chengqian yawned faintly and said, "I really don't know how you people are standing here!"

"With the court's money, I can't even think of a solution!"

As he said that, Li Chengqian had already walked to the center of the Taiji Hall, bowed and cupped his hands and said, "I see my father!"

Seeing the prince finally appeared, civil servants and military generals hurriedly stood up, bowed and cupped their hands and said, "Report to Your Majesty..."#
"Report to His Majesty..."

Li Er interrupted all the ministers with a wave of his hand, and said, "Li Chengqian stepped forward to accept the seal!"

Li Chengqian said nonchalantly: "My son is here, please speak up if Father has anything to say!"*
Li Er's face darkened, can't this rebellious son save me some face in front of these ministers? ?

All the ministers are very speechless, even if you have the merit of protecting the country, you can't be so arrogant!
Li Er snorted coldly and said: "I want to reward the prince with Liangzhou and Youzhou as fiefdoms because the prince saved Tang Dynasty from danger with his own efforts!"

"The crown prince takes over these two fiefdoms, and must deal with all the affairs of these two states within one year! Otherwise, he will be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

~ "The treasury of the Tang Dynasty is now empty, and I will not pay a penny. It is up to the prince to solve it himself!"

This? ? ? ?

All the ministers are a little confused!
What does this mean, Your Majesty?This is not a reward, it is clearly a punishment!
And it is the heaviest punishment... Liangzhou and Youzhou are clearly a hot potato, no one can manage all the affairs in these two states within a year...

What's more, the land in these two prefectures is barren, not to mention the cold weather... and it is also close to the border, the closest to the Turkic grassland, and the Turkic soldiers often beat the grassland!

The ministers were in different minds, just when they were about to speak... Li Chengqian stood up, bowed and cupped his hands and said, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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