Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 41 This is a kang, built by the prince

Chapter 41 This is a kang, built by the prince

The prince's room is very big. Even though all the civil and military officials have come in, it is not crowded at all, and it is even very spacious!

"Why did I feel a warmth as soon as I came in?"

"That's right, the old man also feels very warm!".
"I just don't know where the kang your Majesty mentioned is?"

On the way here, the ministers had already been chilled by the late autumn weather, their hands and feet were cold, and their old faces were flushed from the cold... As soon as they came in, they could feel a particularly obvious warmth coming...
Li Er deliberately pretended to be deep, in order to let these ministers feel the magic of the kang first.

The ministers searched for it. They couldn't find it for a long time. Where is this so-called kang... Many ministers still couldn't help their curiosity...

"Report to Your Majesty, the old minister is stupid and did not find this so-called kang!"

"Please tell me, Your Majesty, where is this so-called kang?"

Li Er casually pointed in a direction and said, "It's right there!"

The ministers looked in the direction Li Er pointed, and there seemed to be nothing except a rather special bed...

Cheng Yaojin, on the other hand, stepped forward to have a look very indifferently. He looked here and there, but he didn't see where the kang was!
A face as black as ink turned red from being suppressed... But, embarrassment alone is worse than embarrassment together!
As the saying goes, blessings are shared, and embarrassments are shared!
"Yuchi is stupid, didn't you say you saw where the heated kang was?"

Yu Chigong, who was thinking about the problem, suddenly heard Cheng Yaojin's voice, and then looked at his expression that did not want to be beaten, and shouted angrily: "You old man Cheng, don't rely on the old man if you don't find it yourself!"

"Hey, I knew that Yuchi was stupid, and I would always be Yuchi, so I knew you didn't find it!" Cheng Yaojin transferred the embarrassment to Yuchi Gong with a few words...

The civil and military officials looked at these two veterans, and were very speechless, but they could only curse these two veterans secretly in their hearts, insulting gentleness...

Li Er was also helpless, and then he waved his hand to Cheng Yaojin and said, "Zhijie! Do you know where this kang is?"

Cheng Yaojin's legs softened when he was asked, he sat on the chair, put his hands on the kang, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't..."

Huh?What is so warm?
Your Majesty said before that this kang can be used for sitting or lying down, it should be something similar to a bed.

Is this what it is?

Cheng Yaojin looked at the whole kang with a thoughtful expression.

Li Er had a vague smile on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart: Come and ask me, let me give you the answer!
Civil and military officials also looked at Cheng Yaojin curiously, did this old man really discover something...

Cheng Yaojin supported himself to stand up with his hands, palms still on the kang, and then said: "Your Majesty, it is impossible for me not to know!"

He decided to take a gamble... With his temperament, he simply took embarrassment as a kind of fun.

Li Er knew that Cheng Yaojin definitely didn't know, so he planned to suffer for the sake of saving face!

Then he asked lightly: "What do Zhijie think of this kang?"

All civil and military officials looked at Cheng Yaojin with a smile without saying a word, they just wanted to see how he could save face and suffer!

Cheng Yaojin chuckled and said, "Hahaha, back to Your Majesty, this heated kang is really warm! I just don't know how this heated kang is made!"

Li Er was taken aback, he didn't expect this guy to actually find out...

The other ministers looked at Li Er's expression, and suddenly stopped breathing... Could it be that this old guy really found out?
The ministers felt it was a pity that an old man discovered it first...

Li Er laughed loudly and said: "Since Cheng Zhijie discovered it first, then I allow you to experience the magic of this kang first!"

Hearing Li Er's words, Cheng Yaojin became more certain of his thoughts, and then used his hands to feel the strange bed of His Highness the Crown Prince...

Hmm~~~ so comfortable......

Yu Chigong said with a dark face: "Old man Cheng, where is your name. Chun? Your Majesty is letting you feel the heated kang, isn't it just a slightly weird big bed? Why are you moaning?"

"Hmph! Yuchi is so stupid, you are so stupid!"

Cheng Yaojin sat down on the heated kang and said: "Your Majesty, this heated kang is really magical. Sitting on it, I really can't feel a trace of cold, and even feel that I have worn too much today! It's still a little hot!"

Originally, all the civil and military officials thought that Cheng Yaojin was just pretending, but the old man really found out, and then looked at Cheng Yaojin with envy... I saw him lying on the kang with a face of enjoyment... ………

Li Er laughed loudly and said: "Zhijie is really wise and stupid! Several important ministers of mine are my brains, but they didn't find out first!"

Those civil servants were embarrassed and did not dare to look up at Li Er... Especially Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui... These two were later known as Fang Conspirator Du Judgment, they were Li Er's right-hand men, and they often served Li Er Come up with the perfect solution...  

Li Er looked at the appearances of the ministers, laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha! Dear friends, hurry up and experience the magic of this kang for yourself!"

Civil and military officials have long been attracted by Cheng Yaojin's unbeatable expression, and they stood with Li Er's permission... One by one, they jumped on the kang like hungry wolves...

It's like exploring a new world, first stretch out your hands to feel the warmth of the kang, then touch the kang bit by bit, and even lie on it...

Cheng Yaojin was the first to sit on it, so it took up the largest area... As for Yu Chigong, who was born as a general, and after receiving Cheng Yaojin's look, he quickly lay down on the kang...

This heated kang is only enough for seven or eight people to lie down... The ministers at the front, after lying on the heated kang, are unwilling to come down again...

Warm, really too warm...

As for the ministers who rushed over from behind, they didn't even have the chance to touch it with their hands...Because there were many ministers sitting around the heated kang...

The officials in the back dare not approach...Because their official positions are not as high as those of the ministers on the heated kang, and secondly, there is no extra space on it...So they can only stay far away Looking at the expressions of enjoyment on the faces of these ministers...


"Yo Yo Yo Yo~~~"

"Hey, who is this, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"


"I wish I could have one at home~~"

When Li Chengqian walked to the door, he heard this very weird voice in the room, and couldn't help wondering, could it be that the Prince's Bieyuan in my palace has been converted into a brothel?

(End of this chapter)

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