Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 628 Unpopular, eventually empty

Chapter 628 Unpopular, eventually empty

Hearing Li Chengqian's question, Mr. Li Er felt that this rebellious son seemed to be setting his own words step by step.But I also feel that the Nizi's question is commonplace.There seems to be nothing special.

In Li Er's mind, he was not thinking about what he had done since he became the throne.Instead, I was wondering if this rebellious son was plotting against me, because his expression had already revealed everything.

Li Chengqian smiled faintly and said: "Heh! My son understands that since his ascension to the throne, the emperor has always wanted to be a famous emperor through the ages! It's a pity that he is busy with political affairs!"

"Weighing the pros and cons with those court ministers all day long! Have you ever thought about the life of the people in my Tang Dynasty for a quarter of an hour!?"

"Has there ever been such a moment? When the father was in the early court, he only cared about the people's livelihood a little, but never went to see how the people's lives are like!"

"I'm afraid that all the time of the father is used to weigh the ministers of the court."

Seeing Li Chengqian's half-smile expression, Li Er wanted to be angry but couldn't.Because he himself often puts the saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world on his lips.

As a result, he was busy weighing the ministers of the DPRK and China all day long.Never cared about the life of the people in the world.

but.Li Er still refused to admit defeat.Because he feels that the people are still important in his heart.

Because when the Turkic army approached the Weishui River.What I want.It was to avoid war between the two countries, and to prevent the Tang Dynasty, which had just quelled the war, from falling into war again.The people were displaced again.

Naturally, my heart is concerned about the people of my Tang Dynasty.How could it be possible to turn a blind eye to the people of my Tang Dynasty.What's more, when the people of my Tang Dynasty are in danger.When the ministers of the DPRK and China need money to help the people and take in refugees, why don't I generously donate...

Even if the treasury of the Tang Dynasty is empty, it will still allocate money from its daily expenses to the ministers to manage the refugees in the world......

When thinking of this, Li Er felt as if he had regained his confidence.Then he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, when did I not serve the country and the people! When did I never miss the people of Tang Dynasty in my heart!"

"Whenever people flee to Chang'an City, I will definitely send ministers to help the victims!"

Li Chengqian smiled lightly: "Hehe! The emperor's words are so high-sounding, and everything is done by the ministers! Have you ever wondered why there are more and more refugees as a result of continuously distributing money!?"

"Could it be that the people in the Tang Dynasty know that the father is helping the victims, so the refugees have all gathered in Chang'an City!?"

After hearing what the naughty son said, Li Er naturally understood what he meant.But he was also helpless.Although we know that these ministers are obedient and obedient, but what can we do?Datang still needs these ministers to govern.

Seeing that Li Er didn't speak, Li Chengqian smiled faintly: "Oh! It seems that the emperor is still willing to trust these ministers in his heart!"

"If that's the case, then Erchen has nothing to say!"

After all, Li Chengqian turned around and left here.After all, in his opinion, since he is a cheap father, he is still willing to trust those ministers who are pocketed.Then let him believe it.

Anyway, his butcher knife is still very fast.I don't believe that those ministers dare to continue oppressing the people in front of me.

"Wait!" Li Er saw that Li Chengqian was about to leave.Quickly called out to stop him, he always felt that there was something in this naughty boy's words.And in the face of such a situation, this inverse seems to have a good solution.

Immediately, Li Er snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, you rebellious son, you have to leave halfway through your words! I can't make it if you are angry!? You have to tell me clearly today!"

Li Chengqian looked at Li Er with his back, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. : "Heh! The emperor's father has traveled far more than his son has eaten! This is what the emperor himself said!"

hear this.Li Er suddenly felt a burning pain in his cheek.I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

This rebellious son is clearly out to anger me.But I can't break out.After all, it was true that he said it himself.

What's more, I am the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Jinkou Yuyan.How could you not admit what you said?
But at this moment, there are only the father and son on this high platform.Apart from a few eunuchs, there were no outsiders at all.Li Er put on his father's airs directly.Loudly roared: "Hmph, you bastard! Tell me what you have to say!"

"Can you turn around and talk to me, you pervert!"

Li Chengqian smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, then turned around and looked at Li Er with a smile that was not a smile, and asked in turn: "I don't know what the father wants my son to say!? My son doesn't know!!"

"Hmph! You son of a bitch, you must have something to say to me, so hurry up and tell me!" Li Er's face turned red with anger.I don't know if I feel ashamed because of what I said before, or if I was really angry with Li Chengqian.

Perhaps both factors are involved.

Li Chengqian said indifferently: "The country belongs to the emperor, and the people of the Tang Dynasty also belong to the emperor. How to govern, how to win the hearts of the people, how to make the people's hearts belong to the Tang Dynasty, do you still need ministers to teach the emperor?"

Li Chengqian's words made Li Erqi's face darken.In just a few minutes, Li Er's complexion changed several times.Almost every time Li Chengqian said a word, he would change his face.

This face-changing speed is faster than turning the pages of a book.

"Stop talking nonsense, I order you to speak to me quickly!" Li Er looked at Li Chengqian with a very gloomy expression.

Look at the expression on this cheap father.I know that with the IQ of this cheap father, I am afraid that he cannot figure out this problem.You still need to answer him yourself.

Immediately, Li Chengqian took a step forward, pointed to the common people in the distance, and said to Li Er: "Father, look! In this arena, the common people are gathering more and more! Because my servant is here!"

"The people who came after hearing the news all had some food in their hands. Some brought steamed buns, some took roast chicken, and some brought rice wine and snacks!"

"Father, if you think about it carefully, you will be able to figure it out clearly. These common people brought gifts to visit the ministers. They are not just to meet the ministers, but if they put aside their status as princes!"

"Then these people seem to be here to thank their benefactors!"

After listening to Li Chengqian's words.Li Er looked around, those common people who were hurrying over seemed to be the case.Almost 8 of the ten people held things in their hands.

And they all seem to hope that the personal guards of this Nizi can accept what they have in their hands!

(End of this chapter)

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