Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 637 The voice of the prince, the surname is excited

Chapter 637 The voice of the prince, the people are excited

Because Li Er always felt that he was a fake emperor sitting on the dragon chair.His world seems to be only those ministers in the court.What I see every day is just those trivial things.

On the other hand, this inverse is different.What he saw was the world.He can see the colorful world outside and at the same time understand the needs of the people.

Seeing Li Er sighing.Li Chengqian smiled faintly and said: "Why is the father so moaning and sighing!? Now the people of our Tang Dynasty live and work in peace and contentment, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and a prosperous age will usher in after the end of the year!"

Looking at the sound of people below the high platform.Li Er let out a long breath, and said casually: "Yes. After the new year, our Tang Dynasty will surely usher in an unprecedented peaceful and prosperous world!"

Because the war had just ended at the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty.People's lives need time to recover.However, it can be seen now that the lives of the people seem to be very prosperous.

And this is not like the illusion created by those ministers.After all, no one forced the common people to give such a precious gift to this rebellious son.

Or they voluntarily gave these gifts to this son-in-law, and they all chose the most expensive ones in their families.

Just judging from the gifts sent by these common people.In other words, the people in my Tang Dynasty did not have refugees everywhere like after the war.Instead, the people unite and help each other.

In this way, the lives of the people in my Tang Dynasty will definitely recover quickly.And it will surpass the past, even surpass the previous dynasty!If so.Then my achievement must be to catch up with the former emperor.

After thinking of this, Li Er began to smile faintly again.And when he saw Li Chengqian standing aside from the corner of his eye.He even showed his teeth in a smile.

The reason why Datang is able to have today is all thanks to this rebellious son.I am really gratified.

Li Er seems to have forgotten his purpose of coming here.I just think it was the right time to come here today, and it was worth it.Although it was said that he was tricked by this rebellious son, but after all, as an emperor, he still had to think more about the common people.

Thinking of this, Li Er shook his head and was about to leave here.

After Li Chengqian heard footsteps.Quickly called Li Er to stop and said: "Father, stay!"

Li Er turned around with some doubts.Asked: "What's the matter!?"

While speaking, Li Er subconsciously took a small step back.Because he was afraid, afraid that this Nizi would plot against him again, but look at this Nizi's expression.It doesn't seem to be trying to plot against me!

But the resourcefulness of this rebellious son is too terrifying, so we have to guard against it! !
Li Chengqian pointed to the people below and said: "I want to tell my father, after today is the New Year's Eve, don't my father want to say something in front of the people in the world!?"

Li Er was slightly taken aback after hearing this.What do you say to the people?Although I have something to say.

But there are more than one hundred thousand people in Chang'an City.At least millions.

not to mention.People are not soldiers.If you speak to soldiers, there are messengers who can roughly convey what I mean.But the people can't hear it at all.

"Nonsense! Even if you have something you want to say to the people, it's still going back to draw up an edict to the world!"

Because all along, if the emperor wanted to say something to the people, he would do so in this way.So he felt that he was here, if he had something to say to the people.

Can only rely on roar! !And he was yelling alone!

Li Chengqian smiled lightly and said: "Heh! Father is here now, so he can tell the people what he said!"

"Presumptuous! Is it possible to let me stand on this high platform and yell loudly!?" Li Er's face flushed red from anger.I thought to myself: I just found this Nizi more pleasing to the eye.As a result, not an hour has passed.It was restored to its original state.

Li Chengqian said with a blank face: "Father doesn't yell on his own! Then how should he speak to the common people!?"

Just when Li Er was about to explode.Li Chengqian has already opened the piston of the loudspeaker.Lightly tapped twice.

"The people below pay attention~~~!"

Li Er heard this thick and distant voice.I was taken aback immediately.What is this?It can actually amplify the human voice many times.

Even magnified more than a hundred times.If this thing can be placed in the palace.I'm afraid that people in the entire Chang'an city can hear my voice.

When the people heard the thick voice, they all froze in place.They are looking.Then find out what makes such a thick and distant sound.

"That voice just now seems to be the voice of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!?"

"Really? But why is His Highness the Prince's voice so thick and loud!?"

"I was also fortunate to hear the voice of His Royal Highness, this voice must belong to His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is on the high platform! You can tell by his voice just by asking..."

Li Chengqian and Li Er stood on the high platform.Looking at the people below, they all raised their heads and looked in their direction.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces below.Li Chengqian shouted again with the loudspeaker: "The people below pay attention! Pass on the order of my palace! Call the people in Chang'an City to come here! Father has something to say to the people all over the world!"

"Everyone present here is a person who has been ordered! Hurry up and pass on my orders!"

After hearing His Royal Highness's order.Everyone got excited.

His Royal Highness actually gave us an order.

That's great, the voice just now is really His Royal Highness.

To be able to hear the voice of His Highness the Crown Prince in this life is really a blessing in three lives!

The people below were discussing one after another.All of them were flushed and very excited.

Li Chengqian said again: "Now you have fulfilled the order of my palace! Hurry up and gather the people of Chang'an City here!"

"Follow the orders of His Highness the Prince!"

"Follow the orders of His Highness the Prince!"

The common people imitated the appearance of those soldiers.Salute to His Royal Highness the Prince.Then he quickly ran out of the arena and asked the relatives and friends around him to tell the orders of His Highness the Prince.

Li Er looked at Li Chengqian's back.I always feel that I can't see through this traitor more and more.When do you have something to say to the people.

And at this moment.Li Er actually felt a little nervous.Facing the common people in the world, although he has a lot to say.But now I don't know where to start.

He had to figure it out as soon as possible.Because the people will gather here soon.If you can't speak at that time, wouldn't it be a joke for the royal family to be seen by the world.

"This rebellious son can really add trouble to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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