Chapter 674

when speaking.Mr. Li Er felt that there was something imperfect about him.But the night was too dark to see.And at this time, the Nizi was still laughing.This made him even more angry.

All over, trembling uncontrollably.But he still didn't forget to tidy up his appearance.


After a dragon chant.The people were completely overwhelmed.They want to leave.Because they are afraid that the real dragon will fall on them after it appears.But the passageway is blocked, and there are students from Prince Academy guarding it!

"The real dragon won't really appear, will it?"

"Will the real dragon eat us in a rage?"

"That's right. What should we do if the real dragon is eaten as soon as it appears!?"

Leading the discussion of the common people, the students of the engineering department of the Prince's Academy.Can't help but laugh.Because they knew that the sound was made by them, and all the props were made by them according to the drawings provided by His Royal Highness.

All this is an illusion, there is no real dragon at all.Not to mention entering the first course of the engineering department of the Prince's College.Masters will tell you that in this world, you can only believe in yourself and the tools in your hands.

Even what you see and hear is false.Just believe that you can create this thing.Instead of relying on God.

This is the rule of the engineering department.It was Li Chengqian's decision.Although it can't change the deep-rooted superstitious thinking of the ancients.But they must be subtly changed.

Immediately, the students of the Prince's Academy started walking back and forth among the crowd.And while walking, he said: "Everyone, please be safe! There is no real dragon!"

"The best show is yet to come. Please follow His Royal Highness's orders, don't walk around at will, let alone stand up at will!"

The people who were very flustered.Hearing that it was His Royal Highness's order, he immediately became much more obedient.At the same time, the sound became much weaker.In their hearts, the orders of His Royal Highness are more effective than the words of the immortals.

And they trust His Highness the Crown Prince very much.Since His Royal Highness has orders, they will definitely strictly abide by them.

Soon the people were just sitting in their original positions and discussing with each other.They sat obediently in their seats.No one stood up, and no one moved around.

Even if these people want to go to the toilet, they can only endure it here.In this circular arena, there is no toilet.If someone really can't bear it anymore, they can follow the students of the Prince's Academy to the periphery of the amphitheatre, and then go back after they are done.

The lights flickered on and off.Several light source tubes were shaking back and forth.And the number of lamp source tubes is increasing.Gradually, more than 10 light source tubes appeared and swayed back and forth in this field.

And there are more and more dragon roars.Although the people were flustered.But they believed that His Royal Highness would not harm them.In this tense and exciting moment.


Suddenly there was a violent sound of wood cracking.This shocked the hearts of the people.The only thought in their minds is. : Is the real dragon out of trouble?
Li Er and the civil and military officials.I also couldn't help but feel my heart tighten.Could it be that the real dragon is coming out?In other words, the real dragon has broken free! ?
These people are all looking forward to it nervously.Looking forward to seeing the face of the real dragon.



With a long dragon chant, there was a sudden violent explosion.The people present at this moment held their breath.

They actually saw the real dragon, and it was flying back and forth in front of their eyes.

The Chinese dragon has the image of a snake body, lizard legs, eagle claws, snake tail, antlers, fish scales, beards on the corners of the mouth, and beads under the forehead. It can make clouds and rain.Others say that the shape of a dragon is the horns of a deer, the ears of a cow, the head of a camel, the eyes of a rabbit, the neck of a snake, the belly of a mirage, the scales of a fish, the soles of a deer, and the claws of an eagle.There are many different images of it recorded in ancient books.One is said to be slender and four-legged, with a horse's head and a snake's tail.One is said to be wearing scale armor, with horns and beards on the head, and five claws.

But at this moment presented in front of them.It is built according to this image.Flying without wings, circling back and forth in the dark night sky.

And there is not only one dragon present.It was nine glittering golden dragons flying back and forth in the circular arena.

Because in ancient times, nine was the ultimate.That's why 9 dragons are designed to circle together.

The shock is simply too shocking!

Everyone present was shocked and speechless.Because they actually saw that the golden dragon was flying.This is simply a real dragon.

The people knelt down on their seats one after another.Pray to the golden dragon.Make your own good wishes.

Because they felt that Jinlong might really obey their wishes.And after going back, I will definitely put more tributes to the Dragon King Temple, praying for a good weather next year.I pray that my Tang Dynasty will be safe and stable next year.

In fact.After the light source is emitted, there must be something to receive the light source.It's like a projector for later generations.After the light source is emitted, there must be something to carry it.

And this thing is the background wall of the circular arena!

The students of Prince Academy standing at the top of the arena.They used strings in their hands to fiddle with a mechanism carved with a dragon shape, and it was projected onto the background wall of the arena!
They could see the golden dragon taking off in the opposite direction, but they couldn't see the golden dragon behind them.

Li Er stood up slowly.He couldn't believe it.He saw Jinlong again.

The civil and military officials also stood up slowly.He tidied his clothes without a trace.This scene is really too shocking.It is even more real than what I saw in the Tai Chi Hall last time.

because.This time they could also hear the dragon's roar.Even when the golden dragon was flying, they could feel the wind blowing around them.

Cheng Yaojin was secretly preparing.Because Fuso's envoy used illusion last time.In the hall of Tai Chi, there was a performance of rain from heaven.This time Cheng Yaojin is going to use his shoes to pick up some more rain to drink.

After waiting for a long time, I saw the golden dragon flying back and forth again, but there was no rain falling from the sky.

Where does it rain for him in this winter?It is not bad to be able to see the golden dragon.What's more, their consciousness is relatively clear now.

Suddenly, a minister said subconsciously: "Why does the old man smell a smell of feet!?"

After a reminder from the minister.The rest of the great gods also smelled this smell.

They said with some doubts: "Could it be that the golden dragon released the immortal energy!? This taste is really different!"

(End of this chapter)

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