Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 686 The first competition, literature competition

Chapter 686 The first competition, literature competition

At this moment, the scene was in chaos.The ministers praised Li Er in different ways.The students of the Prince's Academy greeted the common people.

The students of the Confucian Institute and the Imperial College are like eggplants beaten by frost, unable to raise the slightest morale, and many students even retreated because of this...

Because they feel that behind the Prince Academy is His Royal Highness the current Prince.Even if His Majesty took a fancy to the talent of a student on the spot, he would definitely choose from the Prince's Academy first.

In this way, the students of the Confucius Institute who have no power, power or background may be just a foil to the students of the Prince's Academy tonight.Not to mention an opportunity, it's not even on the edge of an opportunity.

Rather than saying that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, it is better to say that opportunities are reserved for those with power.Or leave it to those who have a background, ordinary people can only be...

Zhao Hao saw that the morale of the students was low.Quickly said loudly: "Students, since we are already standing here, there is no room for retreat!"

"Are you going to shame the Confucius Institute? Are you going to let them lose the orthodox knowledge we have learned!? Are you really willing!?"

"It is the last battle of life and death. To be able to stand here, all students are the pride of my Confucius Institute. Let us give it a go and add luster to my Confucius Institute!"

a few words.Immediately, the students of the Confucius Institute had the courage to fight with their backs.They have renewed hope and are ready to give it their all.Even if I lose in the end, I won't regret it when I think about today's scene...

Then Zhao Zhou said loudly: "The first competition is literature! The main consideration is the literary ability between the students of the two colleges, and the poems written by the students of the two colleges on the spot!"

"And the poems made by each student will be read here to everyone!"

After the people heard it, they immediately boiled.Unexpectedly, I could also hear the poems written by these scholars on the spot.This is really exciting and exciting...  

After all, you can hear a poem on weekdays.That is simply a rarity.

Although the common people can't understand the true meaning, they can feel the artistic conception in the poem.

And Li Er and those officials.They are also very excited.

Because they believe in the poems made by these rising stars.It will definitely refresh them.It can even make their eyes shine.

Because although these officials are full of economics, they speak well.But I am busy with government affairs on weekdays, how can I have the time to write poetry?So the ability to write poetry will slowly degenerate...

This is why they look forward to the poems written by these rising stars.

But the people don't know.The officials are very clear in their hearts.And they also secretly regarded themselves as judges.

Because the poems made by these rising stars are likely to be recited from some ancient books.And these officials can be regarded as well-educated.It must be possible to hear the shadow of some ancient books from their poems.

So these officials are looking forward to it and are very careful at the same time...

Soon the students of the engineering department of the Prince's College brought loudspeakers for these people.It is then connected to the loudspeaker on the central platform of the arena.

In this way, these students don't have to go up to the high platform, but they can also speak their words to the common people.

Although these students are very curious, what are these strange things?But this is His Royal Highness's stuff after all.Without the permission of His Royal Highness, it is impossible for them to move around.

subsequently.Zhao Zhou said in a loud voice: "As the host, the students of my Prince's Academy... should do their best to be hosts! I also invite the students who participated in the Confucian Studies to briefly introduce themselves!"

After hearing this.Zhao Hao and his classmates.They all took a step forward.But they are very difficult.

Because they feel that if they make a self-introduction.Then I can only tell the students of Prince Academy.People can't hear it at all.It would be great if I could use that magical thing......

Students from the engineering department of Prince Academy.Immediately discovered their difficulties.Then he made a demonstration for them and said: "Brothers from the Confucius Institute! Just watch me demonstrate for you!"

Hear what this student said.The participating students of the Confucius Institute immediately surrounded him and looked at him.

They don't know what this magical thing does, and how to use it at the same time?

"Hello, everyone! I am an ordinary student of the Prince's College. My name is Zhang Fengqian, and my word is Mengzhi! I wish you all the best wishes on the New Year's Eve!"

Listen to the deep voice of this student.The students of the Confucius Institute were really shocked.They didn't expect that an ordinary student in the Prince's Academy would use this magical thing.

Moreover, this thing can actually make his voice thick and distant, so that the people present can hear it.It was nothing short of a miracle.

Could it be that every student in the Prince's Academy will use this thing?When thinking of this, Zhao Hao also suddenly became a little unconfident.

Because Prince Academy is simply amazing.It made him feel a deep fear.But skilled craftsmen can never compare with orthodox knowledge.This is the last bit of persistence in his heart.

subsequently.Zhang Fengqian motioned to the students of the Confucius Institute to come forward and make a simple self-introduction.

For a moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the students of the Confucius Institute seemed a little nervous.After all, what they are facing in front of them is not only the current majesty, the ministers in the court, but also the people of the world.

And what happened today will definitely be used as an after-tea talk by the common people.In other words, after tonight, what happened here today will be spread throughout the world.

How can they not be nervous... It looks like someone who is on the news network for the first time, cramped and uneasy, their minds are blank, and they know what to say.

When Kong Yingda saw this situation, she couldn't help shaking her head in disappointment.I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "Such a good opportunity to become famous, you don't know how to cherish it!"

And Zhao Zhou also discovered this situation.But the words had already been spoken by him.After all, it ended badly.Then he turned his gaze to His Highness the Crown Prince.I hope His Royal Highness can provide a solution.

Immediately, Li Chengqian stepped forward and said: "Since this loudspeaker is created by my Prince's Academy, there should be students from my Prince's Academy to set an example for the students of the Confucius Institute!"

(End of this chapter)

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