Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 712: Li 2 Appears, Raising His Prestige

Chapter 712: Li Er Appears, Raising His Prestige

The purpose of the New Year's Eve was achieved.And all the activities on New Year's Eve are coming to an end.Only the last item remains.That is to help Li Er win the hearts of the people!
Although it is said that he helped Li Er create a scene of a golden dragon adding to his body before.Let the people all over the world feel that His Majesty is the real Dragon Emperor.So full of respect for him.

But that is only respect for the gods, or even belief in the gods.Rather than the respect and belief in this cheap father himself.It is necessary to make the people of the world recognize that Li Er is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

So Li Er not only wants to benefit the country and the people politically, but also to show favor to the people.

This favor to the common people will not go through the minister.Instead, he was directly present to show favor to the common people.In this way, corruption and bribery of ministers are reduced.

In the words of later generations, it is to reduce the middlemen to earn the price difference.Let the benefits reach the hands of the people directly.

But looking at it this way, this cheap one seems to have forgotten these things.So I have to remind him.

Immediately, Li Chengqian bowed and cupped his hands in Li Er's direction and said, "I also invite my father to bring all the civil and military officials to the center of the arena.!"

When Li Er heard this, he was slightly taken aback.Do you want me to help you prove something?This Confucius has already worshiped you, a rebellious son, as his teacher.In my opinion, this is simply against the laws of nature. You can lose face by yourself, but you still drag me...

But since this rebellious son has already said this.I also had to walk over in front of the world.Otherwise, wouldn't it make people in the world think that I am afraid of this traitor......

Watching Li Er leading all the civil and military officials towards the central high platform of the arena.Li Chengqian said to the people with a mobile loudspeaker: "Tonight is the night of the New Year's Eve! Father, of course, has brought benefits to the people in the world!"

"All the people who meet the requirements of Datang's refugees, the emperor will personally send gifts for the New Year!"


"Your Majesty wants to give us gifts in person!? How can you afford this!"

"Your Majesty is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, how can we let His Majesty come to give gifts in person!?"

"It's absolutely impossible, it's absolutely impossible! How dare I bother Your Majesty when I'm a pariah!?"

After a brief astonishment, the people began to refuse.But their voices are mixed together.It's hard to hear what they're saying.

Soon, Li Er walked onto the central platform of the arena.The civil and military officials stood bowed under the high platform.

Li Erqing stood in front of the loudspeaker and said loudly, "The citizens of Datang are all quiet!"

These words seem to be His Majesty's will to the people.And the people immediately shut their mouths.Not daring to make a single sound.

Because if they disobey His Majesty's will, it is tantamount to resisting the will.If you resist the decree, you will be beheaded.

This is also the essential difference between Li Er and Li Chengqian.The people respected Li Er only because what Li Er said was an imperial decree.And the common people respect Li Chengqian.That's because His Royal Highness the Crown Prince loves the people like a son.

Immediately, Li Er continued: "My Great Tang is full of disasters-! I am deeply saddened! I have specially prepared gifts to help the refugees in my Great Tang get through this year's New Year's Eve!"

"I will lead the soldiers to personally deliver these gifts to the people who have suffered from the war!"

The ministers immediately objected.Because if His Majesty visits the refugee area in person.Not just because of self-declination.At the same time, fish and dragons are mixed in the refugee area.Who knows if there will be assassins lurking there.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not! There are so many people in the refugee area, please take care of the dragon's body, Your Majesty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's the New Year's Eve. The rebels of the previous dynasty are always in ambush, the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the open, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, please think again! If you go to the refugee area rashly, wouldn't you be in danger alone, sneaking into the assassin's sword alone!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

The common people vaguely heard the conversation of the ministers.After all, the ministers are under the high platform.The voices of all people will be gathered together and will be transmitted through the loudspeaker.

It seems that the ministers objected to His Majesty and went to deliver gifts in person.The hearts of the people are even more hesitant.But they dare not speak.After all, His Majesty has issued an order to keep them quiet.They didn't dare to talk nonsense without getting exact orders from His Majesty.

And the former assassin in the mouth of the ministers.Contains the assassins of the former Sui Dynasty, as well as Li Jiancheng's old ministry.After all, the three words Li Jiancheng are sensitive words and cannot be said in person.

Therefore, these ministers can only remind Li Er very vaguely, don't know that the assassin has an opportunity to take advantage of the danger.

In fact.Li Er didn't want to go at all.Because of the issues mentioned by the minister, he had already thought about them.After all, the country has just been established.Many dark forces have not had time to pull out.

Although hesitant.But for the better development of Datang, the people's hearts will be more stable.Being an emperor can only play an exemplary role.What's more, most of the world was brought down by myself.

I have personally led troops and fought no fewer than a hundred battles.I don't know how many hidden arrows I have dodged, how could I be afraid of some assassins?

Immediately, Li Erlang said in a loud voice: "I am absolutely determined! Come on, put on your armor!"

Li Er's idea is very simple.As long as you put on your armor.When you set foot in the refugee area, you don't have to be afraid of those assassins.He could even kill those assassins with his own hands.

And Li Chengqian couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw Li Er's very cautious look.All the hidden assassins in Chang'an City.They have all been killed by the Shadow Guards!
Even if it's a hooligan.They also hid in Chang'an City in recent days.

These are all orders from Li Chengqian.In order to maintain the peace and stability of the New Year's Eve.Li Chengqian issued more than ten orders.Almost everything.The security work in Chang'an City is done very well.

Moreover, people who enter and leave the city are subject to interrogation every day.So there are no assassins in Chang'an City.

Immediately, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "There is no need for armor! I am here! Even an assassin would not dare to do anything wrong!"

Listen to this extremely arrogant words.Li Er and all the civil and military officials couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Those assassins are masters who want money but not life.How could you be afraid of His Royal Highness?Even if His Royal Highness is present.It may not be able to protect His Majesty comprehensively.

Li Junxian, on the other hand, stood there in embarrassment.He holds the armor in his hands.I don't know whether to give it or not...

(End of this chapter)

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