Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 753 Let the land be thousands of miles away

Chapter 753 Let the land be thousands of miles away

On the palace of the king's capital in Goguryeo.What these old guys said is well-founded, and it is impossible to refute.And it's all from the perspective of Goguryeo's development.

It seems reasonable to outsiders, and every reason is for the development of Goguryeo.Make them look like saints.Those who opposed them seemed to be sinners of Goguryeo.

This made Jin Hanwen's face more and more gloomy.Because both parties have different interests and standpoints.Therefore, unity of interests can never be achieved.Although they are in the same court now.But the contradictions are always there.

But the high positions and weights of these old guys can't be eradicated directly, they can only be weakened continuously.But these old guys are not stupid.To be able to exist for such a long time, there must be a reason for its survival!

It's like the saying that was circulated in the Tang Dynasty.A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year family.If there is no wisdom.Wouldn't it be submerged in the torrent of history?

at the same time.Li Chengqian also received an anonymous message.

"Report to His Royal Highness! Zhang Yun and others have been found! Moreover, Zhang Yun has also been received by Jin Hanwen Khan!"

After hearing this, Li Chengqian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.It seems that Zhang Liang and the others are determined to cooperate.I am afraid that these three cities will be returned to Goguryeo soon!
But the current progress is really too slow.Zhang Yun had just arrived at the palace of the king's capital in Goguryeo, so I'm afraid he hasn't talked about related matters with him yet.

Once the negotiation is initiated, it will definitely not be resolved within three to five days.So Li Chengqian decided to help them.

Immediately, Li Chengqian took up a pen and ordered: "Pass down the order of the palace! Let Zhang Liang command the army to harass the enemy's city and fight with wheels!"

After Zhang Liang received the order from His Royal Highness the Prince.Suddenly, he was a little confused. Zhang Yun was asked to lead the troops to charge straight ahead, which seemed simple and rude, without any rules.Perhaps it was because His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was too conceited and at the same time too confident.

But why so cautious now?Just let me lead the army to fight on wheels! ?According to the character of His Royal Highness, shouldn't I be asked to directly lead the army to attack the city?

Zhang Liang really couldn't figure out what His Highness the Crown Prince was thinking.Simply follow the orders of His Royal Highness the Prince.5000 soldiers were dispatched divided into 10 teams.

Cooperate with each other to harass the enemy's city.And do it all day long.

After the defenders in Goguryeo's fourth city discovered this situation.Hurry up and report this situation to the capital.

But at this moment, Zhang Yun has already freshened up.And enjoyed a meal of Goguryeo special dishes with his missions.They who have been hungry for three days don't care about Sanqi 21 at all, let's talk when they are full.

When they came to the palace of the royal capital of Goguryeo, they could hear the quarrel in the stool from a distance.

Zhang Yun's heart skipped a beat.I thought to myself: "It seems that today's cooperation may be full of difficulties! Maybe the minister of Goguryeo will take this opportunity to make some excessive demands!"

The guards guarding the main hall of the king's capital saw Zhang Yun and others coming.Just open the door and let them in.

Zhang Yun and others had just stepped into the palace of the king's capital.The ministers in the court immediately fell into silence.

Jin Hanwen finally breathed a sigh of relief.You are here.In this way, he can propose conditions, as long as the conditions proposed by himself cannot be accepted by the envoys of Datang.

So today's negotiations are bound to fall apart.In this way, I have a reason to have the opportunity to let these old guys send troops and money.Fight with Datang!

After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.If Goguryeo dies, it means that they will lose all their benefits.

Jin Hanwen rubbed his forehead slightly.He waved to Zhang Yun and said, "If I, Goguryeo, cooperate with Liaozhou Zhang Liang, what kind of benefits can you promise me, Goguryeo!?"

Hearing Khan's words, the people present were slightly taken aback.Logically speaking, Khan should be the least supportive of cooperation with Liaozhou.But why would you ask such words?

When Zhang Yun heard this, his heart skipped a beat.It seems that the Khan of Goguryeo is planning to open his mouth like a lion.

Immediately, Zhang Yun cupped his hands slightly and said: "If Khan agrees to cooperate with me in Liaozhou, my adoptive father will return the three cities that he took away as a token of sincerity!"

"That was originally my Goguryeo city, so how can you say anything about your sincerity!? Even if you don't return it, my Goguryeo warriors will still be able to take back these three cities!"

Zhang Yun sneered in his heart, thinking: Sure enough.This group of alien barbarians are a group of hungry wolves who can't get enough to eat.I am afraid that more benefits will be promised.

Immediately, Zhang Yun cupped his hands and said, "I don't know, what kind of benefits does Khan want!?"

In this way, throw the question to the Khan of Goguryeo and let him speak, so as not to let himself fall into passivity.And also be able to bargain with it.

The ultimate goal of negotiation is to obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum effort.

After hearing Zhang Yun's words, the ministers present began to think about it.Because Khan has expressed his intention to cooperate.

So they have to help Khan think...

But just before they figured it out.Jin Hanwen said with a faint smile: "Okay! After that is done, Datang will give me Goguryeo as a gift!"

After hearing Jin Hanwen's words, the audience fell into an eerie silence.

Is Khan crazy?
(End of this chapter)

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