Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 764 The siege battle is easy

Chapter 764 The siege battle is very easy

Night fell quickly.In order to be able to create a stable place to stay for the army.The seventh city of the enemy must be captured.Although I don't know how many soldiers the enemy has.But be fearless at all.

The moonlight is very bright at midnight.The army of butchers walked in neat steps.Let's go to the seventh city together.

Li Er was also in the accompanying team.Because he was afraid of the many changes on the battlefield, this rebellious young man couldn't handle it.So he must sit on the battlefield.He has to command when necessary.

And at this moment, above the seventh city of Goguryeo.Even though the cold wind was bleak, there were still thousands of soldiers patrolling back and forth against the cold wind.

Because they have already been scared by the soldiers of Datang.Especially at night, they are extra careful.Because Tang Jun has woolen sweaters to keep out the cold at night.But Goguryeo's soldiers only have thin clothes......

Li Chengqian said to Cheng Chumo who was beside him: "Pass down the order from the palace. Send someone to lead the siege team to attack the city first!"

"The last general obeys orders!" Cheng Chumo led five thousand soldiers to go straight to the city wall of Goguryeo under the envious eyes of the young generals.

The moonlight is bright enough tonight.Visibility is also very far.When Cheng Chumo led the soldiers to appear below the Goguryeo city wall.Goguryeo soldiers also found them.

"clang clang clang clang~~~"

"Dong dong dong! Dong dong dong!"

Goguryeo's soldiers hurriedly beat the gongs, and the thunder rang the drums.Signal the soldiers in the city that the enemy is coming.

The loud noise immediately woke up all the soldiers in the city.And these soldiers seem to be ready to fight at night.When he just rushed out of the barracks, he was already wearing armor.

It was as if the armor had already appeared on them as soon as the drums sounded. An army of 10 gathered in the city like a torrent.

The generals defending the seventh city quickly boarded the city wall, and saw the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty from a distance.

In the dark night, the army of butchers moved slowly towards the city like ghosts.This made the generals in the city panic.

Because they've seen these soldiers, each pushing a strange thing forward.The soldiers of Goguryeo had long heard about the powerful siege equipment of the Tang Dynasty.

So they know.This must be Tang Jun's siege vehicle.If these things are not destroyed, no matter how many soldiers there are in this city, it will not be able to defend it.

What's more, his only confidence is that there are 10 troops stationed in the city.Moreover, according to reports from the scouts, the army led by the prince of the Tang Dynasty was no more than 25.

That is to say, leading an army of 10 can still fight against the soldiers of Datang.

Immediately, the general defending the city shouted loudly: "All officers and soldiers listen to the order! Quickly lead the cavalry to fight, and we must destroy the siege vehicles of the Tang army!"

"Xi Law ~~"

The war horse neighed.The gate of Goguryeo's seventh city slowly opened.Teams of cavalry rushed towards Cheng Chumo's direction.

And this matter seems to have been expected by Li Chengqian.Suddenly there was another sound of horseshoes in the dark night.

Cheng Chuliang and Chai Lingwu led a cavalry team respectively, and they faced each other from both sides.The soldiers who rushed out of the Goguryeo city directly.Blocked under the city.

"Kill! Kill all the barbarians!"

Both Cheng Chumo and Chai Lingwu rushed to the front to fight the enemy!Charged back and forth several times.5000 cavalry sent by Goguryeo.The whole army has been wiped out.

Because these charges were not random charges.Instead, they formed a small-scale battle formation and charged towards Goguryeo's soldiers in a stepped state. Before they could react, they were already cut off from their horses.

Because the two armies fought, they worked hard at one stroke, then declined again, and exhausted three times.The butcher army has always maintained the state of the first charge.That's why we were able to defeat Goguryeo's cavalry!

Cheng Chumo led the siege team over the enemy's corpses, and finally came within the attack range!

In this position, our engineering vehicles can attack the enemy's city walls.But the enemy's bows and arrows couldn't fly at all.This is the skill of craftsmen.

Use the principle of leverage taught by Li Chengqian.Directly evolve the power and range of the engineering vehicle to the maximum!This battle is completely like an adult beating a child effortlessly.

Cheng Chumo, who was originally dark-skinned, showed her white teeth, reflecting the moonlight.With a broken gong, he shouted: "Don't cherish the stone and hit me!"


Regularly shaped stones flew into the air.Then it precisely hit the enemy's city wall.

The general who defended the seventh wall of Goguryeo.When you saw this situation, you led your guards to escape quickly, otherwise, you would definitely be smashed into a pulp by stones.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

Hear the general's order.Although these soldiers panicked.But still risking his life to execute the order.

On the city wall, stones flew over one after another.It directly messed up the archers' camp.Not to mention shooting arrows.Can't even draw the bow at all.A stone flew towards him.

Taking advantage of this emptiness, the demolition vehicle has already approached the enemy's city gate!Just break through the enemy's gates.The army can swing in with a knife.Take the city straight.

And in this city.Goguryeo's soldiers were still in a state of panic.No one commanded them to fight at all.Because the general who defended the city only cared about himself and fled.

He felt that wherever he ran, stones flew towards him.He was so scared that he had no time to command the army to fight!


The blasting vehicles kept hitting the gate of the seventh city.Let the city defender suddenly wake up.

"Not good! Let the soldiers guard the city gate!"

After receiving the general's order, these soldiers came to their senses.Give up the idea of ​​using bows and arrows, and hurried to the gate of the city to stop Tang Jun.

Soldiers standing by the city gate could clearly hear the cracking of wood.On this city gate, although the bolt is not broken.But the city gate is about to break down!

Soldiers use the dumbest and oldest methods.Use your body to block the city gate.Don't let Tang Jun enter the city!
It's a pity that they underestimated the power of the blasting car.Whenever there is a dull sound.There will be more than a dozen Goguryeo soldiers vomit blood and kneel down.

This is the same as the principle of crushing boulders in the chest.Normally speaking, only when the big rock is broken can people be fine.But the city gate was not broken, and the soldiers at the back had to use their bodies to bear the force.

That's why they were so shocked that they vomited blood and knelt down.

More and more soldiers piled up here.But still can't stop the shattering of the city gate!


The latch is still intact.But there was a hole in the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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