Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 766 How to deal with 5 prisoners of war

Chapter 766 How to deal with fifty thousand prisoners of war

Defeat is like a mountain falling.These soldiers saw that they could not defeat the army of butchers.They threw down their weapons and armor one after another, and fled in one direction.

They wanted to follow in the footsteps of the general and escape to a safe place together.It's a pity that just as they turned around, they found the guarding general's horse running, but the guarding general's figure was gone.

In the dark night, the body of the general defending the city had already been trampled to bloody flesh by the accompanying soldiers.Even standing next to him, he couldn't recognize who he was at all.

Thus.Goguryeo's soldiers instantly fell into a leaderless state.They don't know whether to retreat or stay.And the fear of death has spread to their hearts.

They feel rather than die here.It would be better to take advantage of the current chaos and quickly escape from the city.Maybe there is still a chance.

Because according to past practice.Once the country is destroyed.Then it will become a vassal state of the victorious state.The soldiers of the defeated country will live because of this.

But if he died here at this moment, it would be in vain.There is no point in dying.

If he survived, he might be able to get some credit and subsidies.So living is their only goal.

But how could Lee Seung-qian make them fulfill their wish?If you put them back, wouldn't it be letting the tiger go back to the mountain.Although these soldiers pose no threat to themselves.

However, there are too many enemy troops, and it is more troublesome to kill them.So it's better to solve it once and for all.So as not to be soft in the future.

Yuchi Baolin led a troop of cavalry across the center of the battlefield.Go straight to another city gate.A wave of charges came down and directly killed the soldiers who hadn't had time to escape.

In this way, the initiative of this city gate is directly controlled!
Seeing that the city gate was closed, the faces of these soldiers were full of despair.Because they have already lost all the armor and weapons in their hands.Just to be able to run faster.

Unexpectedly, the city gate was controlled by the Tang army.As for the soldiers who had fled outside the city.It is still the fate of death that has not been escaped.

Because the sharpshooter in the army of butchers has already mounted the city wall on his horse.The bowstring in his hand was trembling constantly.Every time it hums.Will harvest Goguryeo deserters......

And Li Chengqian had already ordered.Let them not kill too cleanly.After all, there are still two people left to go back to inform the Khan of Goguryeo.

Otherwise, if there is no audience, wouldn't the battle tonight be for nothing?
The army of butchers quickly surrounded Goguryeo's soldiers.More than half of Goguryeo's soldiers did not have weapons or armor in their hands.They just knelt down and begged for mercy.

Soldiers with weapons in their hands remained.They also put down their weapons one after another, and knelt down together with the soldiers to beg for mercy.Pray that Tang Jun can spare their lives!
Although prisoners of war will be subjected to inhuman torture.But they believed that Tang Dynasty was a state of etiquette and would not torture them too much, even if they were tortured.Better than losing your life.

"Report to His Royal Highness, a total of 7000 enemy troops have been captured! Please tell His Highness how to deal with these prisoners!?"

In the dark night, Li Chengqian was still standing on the enemy's city wall with his horse.The red envelope behind him is automatic without wind.The battle flags around him were also constantly flying.

At this moment, Li Chengqian was filled with emotions.Because he suddenly remembered.The story of Bai Qikeng killing Zhao Guo's 40 troops.

Everyone in the world calls Bai Qi the God of Killing.A big reason is that Bai Qi buried Zhao's 40 troops alive.

When ordinary people hear this story, they will definitely feel pity.But as a general altruistic, he deeply understands.if.To keep these prisoners of war, it is necessary to provide rations for 40 people.This was simply a huge burden for Qin at that time.

What's more, if you feed these prisoners of war, wouldn't it be a problem to raise tigers.Wouldn't all the efforts before the riots be ruined?

So once a large number of soldiers are captured, the only option is to kill them.

Although the figure of 7000 is huge.But for Li Chengqian, there is no threat.But he is also unwilling to provide rations for these people.

In Li Chengqian's eyes, these people were people who were about to die.But Li Chengqian didn't want them to die so easily.But you can't let them go.

Li Er came over and said to Li Chengqian indifferently: "My Tang Dynasty is a state of etiquette! Even the enemy's prisoners of war must be treated like ordinary people!"

"In the future, when people talk about my Great Tang battle, they will definitely say that I am Great Tang Rende!"

Li Chengqian didn't even turn his head.He said in a cold tone: "The rations for nearly 6 people have three meals! It is enough for my Tang army to have a full meal!"

"These people also want to eat my Tang's military rations!? They don't deserve it!"

When Li Er heard this, his face froze, and his heart skipped a beat.The only thought in his mind is: Is it possible that this rebellious son wants to kill all these people?
Previously, Zhang Liang had given the order to massacre the city.Presumably after the war is over, people in the world will know about the massacre of the city.Now the only way to change my reputation in Datang is by giving preferential treatment to prisoners of war.

if.After these prisoners of war were beheaded by this rebellious son.Then after the war is over.People in the world no longer believe that Tang Dynasty is a state of etiquette.I'm afraid I will compare my Tang Dynasty with those barbarians.

"No! You rebellious son must not kill these prisoners of war!" Li Er stood in front of Li Chengqian while speaking!
Although it was late, the moonlight was bright.You can see Li Er's anxious expression under the moonlight.

Li Chengqian smiled faintly and said, "When did my son say that he wanted to kill them!?"

"I pass on the order of my palace to tie up all these people, take them into custody, and send someone to guard them!" After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian walked directly down the city wall!

Hearing that Li Chengqian had no intention of killing them.Li Er finally let go of his heart.His face was saved.At the same time, I am very glad that this rebellious son finally listened to me once!
And the reason why Li Chengqian didn't kill them.There are two reasons.The first reason is the food in this city.Enough to feed these people.

Secondly.The people in the city will be driven out.Let these people move towards the direction of their king's capital.

In this way, it can cause an increase in refugees to Goguryeo.The more people there are, the more food they consume.When these people spread out.

Goguryeo's food must have suffered a huge loss.

And the second reason is, after attacking Goguryeo.We will attack Fusang.

This small island known for its conspiracy will definitely set many traps.So keep these soldiers of Goguryeo.Let them land in advance to attack Fusang Island, so as to reduce the casualties of our Datang army......

(End of this chapter)

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