Chapter 769

After occupying the city, Li Chengqian directly set up camp here, letting the army of butchers take turns to rest.

Normally speaking, it would definitely take less than ten days to reach the gate of the royal capital of Goguryeo. If you want to use a shorter time, you can completely wash the royal capital of Goguryeo with unknown blood!

The army directly entered with a sword, and from then on Goguryeo could completely become a county of Datang!However, the reason why Li Chengqian delayed so much was because he wanted to give the forces in Chang'an City more time!

Let them rebel after they are fully prepared, so that all hidden forces in Chang'an City will surface!Just catch them all at once, and save him from detecting them one by one.

The rest of the ministers who wanted to rebel but didn't catch up with the torrent must have seen their iron and blood methods, so naturally they didn't dare to rebel!
Immediately after, Li Chengqian walked out of the big tent of the barracks and handed the envelope in his hand to the eight hundred miles urgent messenger, and said: "Pass the order of my palace! Send the good news to Chang'an!"

"Don't forget to spread the word, Ben Gong led the army to break through the enemy's city overnight and captured [-] enemy troops! Within half a month, the royal capital of Goguryeo will definitely be broken!"

"The last general obeys the order!" The messengers in a team of ten quickly set off in the direction of Chang'an City after receiving the order!

Li Er came out from behind Li Chengqian and asked with some doubts: "You rebellious son, tell me why it takes half a month!?"

"Could it be that you were fooling me when you said that you can take Goguryeo in ten days!?"

Li Chengqian smiled faintly and said: "Father is also the king of a country, why is he acting so hastily! How is it proper to be so frizzy!?"


After Li Er heard this, his mind went blank, and he was taught a lesson by this rebellious son!

This rebellious son actually said that my hair is frizzy! ?Doesn't that mean that I have grown up so many years!Could it be that I have lived all these years in vain! ?

At this moment, Li Er suddenly felt angry, his face was flushed with anger, he pointed at Li Chengqian with trembling fingers and cursed angrily: "You bastard! You bastard..."

Li Chengqian smiled lightly and said, "Oh! Father, even this setback is hard to accept! Why don't you go back to the palace and find two concubines to play with!"

"Father can be regarded as a veteran who has led the army for many years, but he can't even see this kind of tricks!? I am so disappointed!"

Li Er was so shocked that he didn't know what to say, he was ridiculed by this rebellious son!


Not giving Li Er a chance to speak at all, Li Chengqian looked at this cheap father directly from the back, and walked around and said, "Father, please think about it here!"

When the voice fell, Li Chengqian had disappeared from Li Er's sight, and when Li Er wanted to catch up with Li Chengqian to argue, Li Chengqian had already galloped straight to the barracks...

"Hmph! You rebellious son! Don't be a son of man, don't be a son of man!" Li Eryi threw back his dragon robe and returned to his tent in the barracks, but he was still subconsciously thinking about what this rebellious son meant!
While Li Chengqian was patrolling the barracks on horseback, he was thinking in his heart that half a month should be enough time for those people to try their best to win over all available forces to rebel!

The soldiers in the barracks are gathering the materials used in the siege last night!Stones and bows and arrows are unique, and they can still be recycled after being taken back!
Three days passed in a flash, and [-] prisoners of war had been transported to Baekje. Let these prisoners of war build their own ships, and let them drift on the vast sea in their own ships!
Whether they live or die depends entirely on their own good fortune. When they land on the island of Fusang, they will definitely transform into a primitive beast!

Because after boarding the ship, these people will definitely try their best to survive without food and water.

Although there will not be many people left in the end, the remaining people will definitely go all out to snatch the food on Fusang Island under the conditions of hunger and cold!
The two sides will definitely fight because of this, in order to achieve the purpose of consuming the soldiers on Fusang Island!

Now it seems that although only [-] prisoners of war were thrown on the warship, there must be more than [-] prisoners of war in the huge Goguryeo......

At the same time, three days passed, and the people who were driven out from the city also rushed to the eighth city!

No matter how they howled, the soldiers on the city wall just wouldn't open the door for them!He even stood on the city wall and shouted: "Anyone who is five feet away from the city wall will be killed without mercy!"

These soldiers were not threatening these people, they directly shot a lot of Goguryeo people on the spot with a rain of arrows, and most of the people were injured and fled!
However, after the wound became inflamed, he still died on this land.

In this extreme northern place, the night in late winter and early spring is more than minus 20 degrees. I don’t know how many people in thin clothes were frozen to death on the road.

Standing on the eighth city wall, looking around, one after another corpses are arranged in all directions!It's like purgatory on earth!
More than 6 refugees, more than 3 people died overnight, and after three days, there were only less than 5000 people left, and most of them were also infected with cold!
After seeing this scene, several lieutenants on the eighth city wall couldn't help but knelt down and begged the general, "General! Please open the city gate and let the people of Goguryeo enter the city!"

And Ankara, the guarding general of the eighth city, under the service of the dancing girl beside him, took a sip of the freshly hot wine and said, "It's just a bunch of untouchables! If you die, you die!"

"General!" While speaking, several lieutenants knelt on the ground together.They clasped their fists together and said, "Please, general, let me let the people of Goguryeo enter the city!"

"Hahaha! Come on, beauty, you have a drink too!" Ankara and the dancer in her arms were laughing and drinking wine, and there was a lot of meat on the dinner table!

The dancer girl looked at the murderous lieutenants in front of her, her face was a little pale, which made Ankara furious, and angrily cursed: "Go to this general! If there is no order from this general, anyone who dares to open the city gate will be executed immediately." !"

Several lieutenants left here with a pale face, because they knew that there was absolutely no way for them to change the general's order!

The only thing that can be done is to throw some dry food to the refugees in Goguryeo and let them fend for themselves!
At the same time, the soldiers responsible for conveying the good news have also arrived in Chang'an City. Ten of them performed their duties, and one went to the government to let people spread the news throughout Chang'an City!
The other few people are heading towards the imperial city, and the rest are carrying out the extra orders of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

(End of this chapter)

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