Chapter 77

After a round of inspection, Li Chengqian returned to the prefect's mansion!Looking at a ledger in his hand, it is the transaction between the local tycoon and the prefect... More importantly, it is the transaction ledger between the prefect and the Turkic people...
During the time that the Beiwei army was in the city, they collected almost all the evidence,...... Moreover, after they took off the grimace masks, they changed into ordinary people's clothes and they were no different from ordinary people......
So during this time, some of them pretended to be ordinary people and lived with them......

Go deep into the people and get more and more real news. In this way, it will be easier to convict this prefect......

Li Chengqian slammed the ledger on the table.

"It's not the prefect at all, it's just a beast! A living beast in human skin!"

Immediately, Li Chengqian took out Fang Tian's painted halberd from the system space, and went straight to the Youzhou military camp...

When I first arrived at the barracks, the surrounding soldiers were training hard, and among them was a group of people, dressed in the clothes of lieutenant generals and generals, gathered to gamble...

The heavy Fang Tian painted halberd made a sound of breaking through the air, penetrated the tent of the barracks, directly crucified a lieutenant general, and then smashed the table they used for gambling...


Those lieutenant generals who were gambling together stared blankly at the gambling table in front of them, which was covered with a layer of blood...

Their brains went blank, they even forgot to breathe... and they touched the blood on their faces in a daze...

"Killed! Killed!"

: "Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack! Come on, there is an enemy attack!"

"Who! Who the hell doesn't want to live anymore! How dare you kill someone in Lao Tzu's barracks!"

"The whole army is on alert! Get your weapons and prepare for battle!"

A bearded man walked out of a large tent in a military camp, holding a long gun in his hand... He was looking for enemies with his naked eyes staring at him...

He wanted to see which blind person dared to kill people on his territory...

As a result, all the soldiers in the barracks knelt on the ground, dazed and afraid to speak...

The group of lieutenants who were gambling suddenly came back to their senses. With trembling hands, they quickly took out the Tang Dao at their waists, and walked out of the barracks slowly, looking for the person who attacked them...

Trembling, he walked to the door, not even daring to stick his head out, for fear that his head would be wiped off his neck...

"You, you, go out and have a look!"
"No, no, I won't go out, why don't you go out and have a look!"

"Ms. Shaote's nonsense, hurry up and let me go out and have a look..."

There is no way, the lieutenants can only bite the bullet and walk outside...

Li Chengqian sat quietly on the back of the white dragon horse, and the soldiers of the back Wei army directly surrounded the big tent... As for the other soldiers of the army camp, they knelt quietly by the side to atone for their sins...

The door curtain opened slowly, several lieutenants first stretched out Tang Dao, and then came out of the big tent trembling...

"Come here, take these beasts down for me!"


The soldiers of the Beiwei Army directly pulled out the Tang sabers and put them on the necks of these lieutenants...

As for the general who carefully observed the Fang Tian painted halberd after hearing the voice from outside the tent... The one who dared to use Fang Tian's painted halberd in the entire Tang Dynasty is His Royal Highness the current Crown Prince...

Thinking of that demon-like figure, the general couldn't help trembling... The tent didn't have a back door, so the general cut open the tent with a dagger, ready to escape from the back...


As soon as the general took a step, he was directly kicked back by Bei Weijun...

Li Chengqian looked at the lieutenants in front of him and the general who defended the city, and an unknown flame rose slowly...

These beasts!

For his own military exploits, he actually slaughtered the people! ...... Internally, these people are said to be death row prisoners, while externally, they are said to be Turkic spies...

Moreover, before the city of Youzhou was broken, it was these people who transferred the soldiers in Liangzhou city with the fake military dispatch order in the name of support!

On the day when the Turkic soldiers attacked Youzhou City, it was these beasts who opened the city gate with their own hands and let the Turkic beasts in...

That day, these lieutenants brought their personal guards and mixed with the Turkic soldiers, burning, killing and looting with them...

This group of beasts worked hand in hand with Turkic soldiers. At that time, they were afraid that this matter would be exposed, so they wanted to take advantage of the closure of the city to secretly execute all the people who knew about it...

If the Beiwei Army hadn't found out, I'm afraid these people would have been wiped out by these beasts...

"His Royal Highness, why did you tie us up?"

"His Royal Highness, you kidnapped us for no reason, what do you want to do!"

"That's right, His Royal Highness, without His Majesty's military order, you have no right to tie us up!"

These lieutenants were tied up tightly and thrown under the hooves of Li Chengqian's white dragon horse...

"Let go of me, let me go quickly, I'm from the Zheng family in Xingyang, you can't touch me!"

"Let go of me! I want to see the prince, and I want to see His Royal Highness personally!"


Bei Weijun directly threw him and those lieutenants together...

"Hmph! You guys, I remember you all! When I see His Highness the Crown Prince, I will make His Highness the Crown Prince punish you severely!"

The white dragon horse kicked him with a very humane front hoof......

A horseshoe print was left on the general's face...

"What are you looking for from me?" Li Chengqian asked murderously.

Zheng Ying quickly raised his head, but when he met the prince's eyes, he was so frightened that he almost passed out... What he saw was not a pair of human eyes, but a mountain of broken corpses. The scene of the sea of ​​fire......

"Too, too, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Chengqian endured the anger in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Come here, tie up these beasts to me!"

General Zheng Ying and several lieutenants were all tied up, and none of their personal guards escaped... They were all tied up tightly...

It's not that they didn't resist, it's that they only ended up dying when they resisted... The fighting power of the two sides is not at the same level at all...

Soon, Li Chengqian took these beasts and dragged them directly from the barracks to the main city of Youzhou!
Li Chengqian said indifferently: "Pass down the orders of the palace! All the county magistrates from all states and counties will be gathered here by the palace! Those who arrive late will be killed on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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