Chapter 782

The four young generals each led [-] soldiers under their command, and chased in the direction Li Er left after an hour later!

"Boom boom boom~~ boom boom~~ boom boom~~~"

The drums of war have already sounded on the city walls.Indicates that the enemy is attacking.And my Tang soldiers are ready to open the city gates to fight.

Li Chengqian mounted his horse on the city wall and looked at the army in the distance.With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he said, "Oh! Twenty thousand elite soldiers were dispatched for the first battle! It seems that the enemy has already fallen for it!"

And in this way, the killing intent in Li Chengqian's heart became even stronger.I thought to myself: It seems that Zhang Liang, the Duke of the Xun Kingdom, is undoubtedly collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Chai Lingwu led [-] soldiers under his command and stood under the city wall on horses.Because the horn of charge has not yet been sounded.So Chai Lingwu had to stay put and stand by.

After seeing that the distance is almost the same.Li Chengqian ordered loudly: "All the troops listen to the order! Let the arrows go!"

After hearing His Royal Highness's order, the soldiers on the city wall quickly pulled the gurney crossbow, and released rounds of arrows in the direction of the enemy's rushing.

The arrow fell in the direction of the enemy in a parabola.Chai Lingwu and his soldiers watched the enemy in the distance.

From a distance, it seemed that dense raindrops had already fallen from the sky. All enemy soldiers who touched the raindrops fell off their horses and became corpses!
Twenty thousand Goguryeo soldiers charged in the direction of Datang.As a result, it has not waited to reach the warring area.More than half of it has been damaged.The remaining small part were more or less slightly injured.

And these people have already lost the courage to fight, because Tang Jun is really terrible... It's a pity that they have no way to turn back.

Even if they turned their horses and fled back to the city.I can't live for a few days at all.Because the arrow has already been coated with feces juice, if it is not handled properly, the wound will become inflamed and eventually lose his life!

In many cases, soldiers were wounded on the battlefield and did not die from excessive blood loss or fatal wounds.Most are due to untreated wounds.In the end, the wound became inflamed and died.

At this time, the generals defending the eighth city of Goguryeo saw this situation, and their faces paled instantly.At the same time, he was also thankful that he did not lead the army in person.

Otherwise, he would definitely face the rain of arrows all over the sky. When he thought of this, his junior had already broken into a layer of cold sweat.

But Tang Jun has already left the city to fight.If you don't send troops to continue the conquest.It will definitely greatly damage the morale of our army.Immediately, Aluka shouted loudly: "General Chuanben's order! Send another [-] soldiers out of the city to fight!"

And at this very moment.The group of Goguryeo soldiers who set off earlier were already scared, and the general who led them to the expedition had already died on the battlefield.

A soldier without a general is like a mess of sand.The only thought in their hearts is to escape as soon as possible...


On the city wall, the horn of the expedition was finally sounded.

When Chai Lingwu heard the clarion call, he raised his spear high.He shouted loudly: "Brothers! Kill all the barbarians in Goguryeo, and open up the land for my Tang Dynasty!"



The soldiers led by Chai Lingwu showed their weapons and responded loudly.

"Xi Law ~~"

The horse neighed.The soldiers led by Chai Linwu quickly approached the Goguryeo soldiers.

At the same time, Li Er's team was about to reach the range of the sixth city, but Li Er stopped here.

Although there are defenders in this city, there are only [-] defenders, so Li Er feels that the city may have been taken away by Zhang Liang long ago.

If he entered the city at this time, then his bait would not be effective, and he might be captured alive in the city.

Because at the beginning Li Chengqian left two hundred butcher soldiers in each city, the purpose was to be able to fight and retreat.

Although it is very likely that the back road will be blocked.But if he didn't reveal his flaws, how could Zhang Liang be fooled?

Rather than giving way to one's own retreat, it is better to say that it is part of the bait.

Li Er sat on the horse and looked at the sixth city from a distance.But he was thinking in his heart: "It was less than an hour after that Nizi said that he left the city! Zhang Liang will definitely lead his troops here!"

"Now it's almost past noon, logically speaking, Zhang Liang's army should appear! Could it be that Nizi miscalculated!? Or maybe Zhang Liang's army hasn't arrived yet!?"


Sixty thousand troops galloped on horseback.The whole ground shook.

Li Er's heart was shocked, he really became a bait, I only led [-] soldiers, and in the end I had to face Zhang Liang's [-] army......

Although he has no idea in his mind.But years of battlefield experience will never make him shrink back.

Li Er pulled out the new Tang knife from his waist and shouted loudly: "All officers and men obey orders! Charge with me!"




At this moment, three thousand soldiers of the Beiwei army let out a neat cry of killing.The sound seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hells, and it shook the nine heavens, making people shudder when they heard it.

Li Er was taken aback when he heard the shout of killing.Because ordinary butcher soldiers can't make such a powerful voice.This voice makes people sound as if they are facing thousands of troops.

Only 3000 people shouted with the momentum of tens of thousands.

Next, soldiers of the Beiwei Army can finally wear their ghost masks.Because according to the order of the crown prince, when the enemy army does not appear, you must never wear your own ghost mask!
When seeing this scene, Li Er's blood surged immediately.At the beginning, that Nizi only led 1000 ghost-faced troops, and he beat his [-] Xuanjia troops to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Now, he is leading an army of three thousand ghost faces.This not only greatly increased Li Er's confidence, but also felt that his blood was surging.

Because leading a strong team is what every general yearns for.Li Eryi immediately rushed towards Zhang Liang's direction!

But he suddenly found out sadly.The horses of the soldiers of the Beiwei army are stronger than his horses, and the effort between them is less than three breaths.It has already left him far behind.

After the army led by Zhang Liang rushed over, they did not fight directly with the soldiers of the Beiwei Army.Instead, it surrounded Li Er and the soldiers of the Beiwei Army in a circle.

At this moment, Li Er and Zhang Liang had mixed feelings in their hearts.Once fought the battlefield together.Now it has become a life-and-death enemy fighting hand-to-hand.

Zhang Liang shouted loudly: "Second Li! Get off your horse and surrender at this time, I will definitely remember the old love and give you a good time! Hahaha!"

When Li Er heard this, his face was livid with anger.The veins in the hand holding the new Tang Dao are already bulging!
(End of this chapter)

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