Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 790 Come here this time for revenge

Chapter 790 Come here this time for revenge

Jin Hanwen passed over the corpses of these people in the main hall, threw aside the bloody saber in his hand, and walked out of the main hall of the king's capital.He took the halberd from the guard on the side.

Then he said coldly: "Ben Khan ordered all the border guards to gather in the capital, and Ben Khan will fight to the death with the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Yes!" The guards on the side quickly took the soldier talisman in Jin Hanwen's hand and rushed straight to the border.

Jin Hanwen thought gloomyly in his heart: "If the prince of the Tang Dynasty wanted to sneak attack on himself, he would have sent Silla and Baekje together to attack Goguryeo!"

"It seems that the prince of the Tang Dynasty is conceited enough, and only wants to use the power of the Tang Dynasty to destroy me, Goguryeo!"

"In that case, then Ben Khan will give you this chance. Ben Khan doesn't believe that 30 troops can't defeat your Datang's 20 troops!"

Immediately, Jin Hanwen led the imperial capital's imperial army and set off on horseback, because before the decisive battle began, he had to resolve his worries.

It is absolutely impossible to let those families almost start civil strife!Since you can't control it, get rid of it together!
At this time, the people of these families in Goguryeo had already gathered together, and led the carriage team towards the eighth city occupied by Li Chengqian.

They reflected that they might not have been sincere enough last time. After all, they were only on a mission and did not bring any valuable gifts.

Now, they send people to directly bring a whole load of gold and various supplies into the carriage, this is enough to show their sincerity, and maybe they can really win the support of the Tang prince...

Less than half an hour after the carriage convoy had left, Jin Hanwen had already led troops to the city where these people were, and directly sent people to seal off the entire city.

Then he pointed the halberd in his hand in the direction of those families and shouted loudly: "Karu, Martha, and the Ashina family are collaborating with the enemy and treason, all of them will be killed!"


The three thousand personal guards around Jin Hanwen were dressed in neat armor and followed behind Jin Hanwen. After hearing his order, they drew out their scimitars and headed towards these families.

The screams from these families could be heard from far away.

Jin Hanwen sat on the horseback and smiled triumphantly, thinking: "If you don't know how to praise, Ben Khan will drag you with him even if he dies."

In less than a cup of tea, the members of these families were all turned into corpses. Jin Hanwen said with a dark smile, "Burn their houses down!"

Soon, the city was full of flames, and the people of Goguryeo pointed at the people in these houses and cursed: "You deserve to be killed for collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

"That's right, that's right, the Khan led his troops to fight bloody battles, and these people are collaborating with the enemy and treason! Well killed, well killed!"

Hearing the people's discussions, Jin Hanwen smiled even more proudly, although the heads of several families had already fled.Even if they come back, they will still die.

Moreover, even if they come back, they are destined to be regarded as sinners collaborating with the enemy and treason by the people of Goguryeo.

In many cases, the reputation of a big family is just a matter of a word from the person in power, so there is no excuse for incriminating it.

"Patriarch, look quickly, that seems to be the direction of the house!"

The carriage team stopped, and all of them looked in the direction of the fire with red eyes.Especially standing on the top of the mountain, through the bare hillside, you can just see the scene in the city.

"Jin Hanwen!! I will never die with you!" The patriarchs of several families shed hot tears.

At this moment, they understood that they had nothing left, and if they left later, they might also be buried in the flames...

"Brothers, hit the road! One day, we will come back for revenge!"

Hearing the words of Patriarch Ashina, the carriage team went on the road again. This time, they no longer wished for luck, but had the determination to die.

They must get the support of the Tang prince, so that they can avenge their loved ones.

And in the eighth city at this time, apart from the army of butchers led by Li Chengqian, there was not a single redundant Goguryeo citizen at all...

Looking from a distance, smoke rose from the eighth city, and there were still a lot of blood-stained sheepskins hanging on the city wall.

In order to celebrate the victory of the siege, Li Chengqian led an army of butchers to slaughter all the sheep in the city. Although there was no wine, the soldiers still ate with gusto.

The removed lamb bones were stewed into soup and made into lamb scorpions......

"Report to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! Goguryeo envoys ask for an audience!"

Li Chengqian cut a piece of meat from the roast leg of lamb and said, "Kill them all!"

"His Royal Highness, but..."

"But what!? Do you still invite me to eat meat? Remember, animals are not fit to eat meat!" After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian put the piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it.

"But His Royal Highness, the envoy of Goguryeo brought a cart full of gold to ask for an audience! And they probably didn't come here to ask for peace!"

Li Chengqian said impatiently: "I will pass on the order of my palace, and everyone who sees Goguryeo will be shot to death within a radius of ten miles!"

Anyway, I have already given them a chance to escape, if they don't cherish it and come back risking their lives, then I can only fulfill them......

Hearing such a firm order from His Royal Highness, the messenger could only pass on His Royal Highness's order.

"Wait!" Li Chengqian suddenly stopped the messenger and said, "Ask clearly why you came here, and if you ask for peace, kill him immediately!"

"Yes!" The messenger led the order and left.

But Li Chengqian was thinking in his heart. Jin Hanwen already knew that he wanted to kill him, and he also knew that it would be useless to ask for peace. He should have come to make peace.

Then if it wasn't Jin Hanwen who came to ask for peace, who would this envoy be! ?
The messenger came back soon, knelt on one knee and cupped his fists to Li Chengqian and said, "His Royal Highness, the envoys are nobles from Goguryeo, begging His Royal Highness to avenge them!"

Li Chengqian thought for a while and said: "Leave the belongings and lock them up in a room!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Just like that, the members of the three families were locked up without even seeing Li Chengqian.

Their faces were ashen, their eyes were dull, and they felt that all hope had been lost, and even deep regret.

It's better to use this money to lead the private soldiers of each family to fight to the death with that Jin Hanwen... It's useless to regret it now.

Jin Hanwen was the great general of Goguryeo. If it wasn't because they were afraid of Jin Hanwen, they wouldn't be in the situation they are today...

Just when they were regretting, a soldier suddenly brought them some dark things found in the city, which should be edible, after all, animals are not worthy of eating meat...

(End of this chapter)

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