Chapter 792

Li Chengqian rode up on the city wall and looked at the situation in the distance, only to see a large group of dark figures coming towards the direction of the city.

The originally pure white snow was abruptly covered by these people.

Li Chengqian ordered: "Pass down the order of the palace! The [-] troops move forward by [-] steps, waiting for the order!"

After hearing the order from His Royal Highness, the messenger stood on the city wall and blew the horn regularly. After hearing the sound of the horn, one hundred thousand butcher soldiers quickly advanced to the designated position, waiting for the order from His Royal Highness.

Afterwards, Li Chengqian continued to order: "Pass the order of the palace, the siege team will bring all the catapults, move forward 450 steps, and wait for the order!!"

The horn sounded again on the city wall, and the siege team pushed the catapults to the designated position, and they were all filled with stones.

The armies of both sides were even able to see each other, but they did not charge in tacit understanding, as if they were waiting for something.

Although the sky on the Goguryeo battlefield in spring was a little longer, night fell in the blink of an eye.

As night fell, the temperature dropped a lot. Tetuku quickly led the army across the glacier, preparing to bypass the city and arrive at the rear of the Tang army. 0
Wanting to launch a surprise attack at night, Jin Hanwen immediately took advantage of the chaos and led the army to attack the Tang army. Even if the Tang army could not be defeated directly, the Tang army would definitely lose troops and generals, and its vitality would be greatly injured.

It's a pity that they originally thought that the prince of the Tang Dynasty didn't understand the terrain of Goguryeo and the situation at night.Will ignore this glacier.

But Hou Guangliang had already led his soldiers to wait here for a long time, and this glacier is also the [-]th parallel of later generations.

The river is very wide, although it can be used by large troops, but once they are attacked, the icy road will definitely make them slow and difficult to escape, and they will directly become living targets.

Almost all members of the Falling Star team are here. A group of sharpshooters are waiting for the enemy to come to their door on the shore, and they have already calculated that they can complete the mission by killing ten targets each.

Before setting off, Li Chengqian equipped each of them with twenty arrows and a Zhuge Liannu. The purpose was to kill the enemy directly on the ice for a quick battle...


Hou Guangliang spat out a long cloud of ice mist and kept rubbing his hands. The sharpshooters behind him also kept rubbing their hands, and everyone held their bows and arrows in their arms to prevent the bowstring from breaking due to the cold weather...

"General Qibao Hou! Enemy troops have been spotted in the distance!"

Listening to the news reported by the scouts, Hou Guangliang suddenly stood up and said, "It's finally here, I'm freezing to death!"

"Pass down the general's order, line up and shoot directly!"

The Falling Star Squad and the soldiers led by Hou Guangliang moved quickly.

The moonlight tonight is extraordinarily bright, especially on the glacier, it is as bright as day, and the enemy's movement track can be seen from a distance.


Hou Guangliang gave an order, and a rain of arrows shot up into the sky, directly hitting the Goguryeo soldiers on the glacier.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Tetuku was a little speechless, they were the ones who came to attack, but they were attacked by Tang Jun!

A round of arrows rained down and the enemy directly killed more than 8000 people, and the remaining 4 people rushed towards Hou Guangliang and the others quickly, but the ice surface that melted during the day and froze at night became more slippery, and there was no way to run at all.

Even war horses can't run fast at all, they can only move slowly.

Hou Guangliang ordered directly: "Chuan this general's order, Liannu is ready, these beasts must not be allowed to go ashore!"

even though.Killing these Goguryeo soldiers on the shore would also be counted as Hou Guangliang's military exploits, but Hou Guangliang wanted face, so he had to kill the enemy on the ice.

Seeing this situation, Tetuku trembled with anger, because they were attacking the Tang army by surprise, so they could only go into battle lightly without wearing a shield. Facing the rain of arrows all over the sky, they could only resist hard.

They didn't bring bows and arrows, so they could only be beaten but had no way to resist...

And at this time, he was in a dilemma on the ice. Not only was he advancing slowly, but if he retreated, he would die faster, so he could only rush forward without hesitation...

At this time, seven rounds of arrow rain had passed, and Tetuku's face became extremely pale under the moonlight, because there were endless dead soldiers on this ice surface...

Tetuku saw some traces of snow near the shore. This is frozen snow, and it will not slip when stepping on it. Their only hope lies in this...

"Come on, warriors! Kill these shameless Tang soldiers!"

Seeing them rushing over, Hou Guangliang shouted loudly: "All the troops listen to the order, and the crossbows are ready!"

Seeing that the rain of arrows had stopped, Tetuku thought that the Tang army had no more arrows, so he led the soldiers into the snowdrift excitedly, preparing to confront the Tang army head-on.

This battle is really aggrieved. I have been beaten all the time, and I have no strength to fight back. After I landed, I will definitely let these shameless Tang soldiers pay back a hundred times...

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Nent Gallery led the soldiers and just rushed out, waiting for them is another batch of arrow rain!
The hard bow in the hands of the Falling Stars was pulled again, shooting every enemy with precision...

One of the captains of the Falling Star team shot and killed Tetutu with an arrow, and since then the Goguryeo team responsible for the sneak attack from behind has been completely wiped out...

Hou Guangliang laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha! Refreshing, so refreshing! It's just pressing and beating! They have no power to fight back!"

"Go and tell His Highness the good news here! The rest of you, clean up the battlefield with me!"

After all, iron ore is scarce, resources must be conserved, and those arrows must be retrieved for secondary use!
After Li Chengqian received the news, he nodded in satisfaction, because the time when the news was delivered was not much different from what he expected.

As for the outcome of the battle, there is no need to guess at all. Even if the enemy troops go ashore, they will die...

And on the battlefield at this time, torches have been lit up in Goguryeo's army, not because they can't see clearly, but because Goguryeo's soldiers need to keep warm. After all, they don't have woolen sweaters...

And the reason why Jin Hanwen chose to fight in the dark is to stimulate the potential of the soldiers under the desperate situation, let them unleash their potential, and thus take down the Tang army in one go...

However, after waiting for such a long time, he did not see a signal from Tetuku. Based on the time, Tetuku should have started a battle with Tang Jun.

Why is Tang Jun's side still so quiet.

However, Li Chengqian didn't want to give them time to think at all, so he turned to the messenger and said, "Pass my order..."

(End of this chapter)

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