Prince of Tang Dynasty is too arrogant

Chapter 803 Winning is in hand, extreme joy begets sorrow

Chapter 803 Winning is in hand, extreme joy begets sorrow

At this time, there was still joy in the barracks of the rebels.Everyone thought that their army was so powerful at this time that it would be easy to break into the Three Swords City to capture Li Er alive and rescue Zhang Liang.

The people sitting below also complimented Zhang Chen above.

"Brother Chen is very cunning, the city gate and the city wall attack together, and the Three Swords City must have been completely captured by us soon. At that time, Brother Chen will be the biggest contributor to capturing Li Er alive and rescuing the adoptive father!" A volunteer Zizi flattered Zhang Chen with a smile on his face.

Zhang Chen's eyes were full of arrogance, "So what if it's the legendary black iron cavalry, it hasn't been able to match the 30 troops of the Palace." Zhang Chen has already started to call himself the Palace, and he has already expected to capture Li Er alive , The scene of rescuing the adoptive father.

When he becomes the prince, he will be able to enjoy delicious food in his prince's mansion, surrounded by beauties, and have countless treasures.Thinking of this, Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhang Chen's face was full of pride, and the other people in the tent were also very excited, talking with each other about the pictures they imagined in their hearts.

"When the righteous father ascends to the supreme position, won't we become princes!"

"Yes, yes." The two laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen will be the prince and future emperor by then." One person flatteringly said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and made a promise to the man: "When the time comes, I will let the foster father reward you well." The man thanked him tearfully.

Some people's eyes are full of desire, "Then we can have countless treasures and beauties..."

These people are happily indulging in their fantasy dreams, never thinking that they will soon usher in an unprecedented nightmare...

The Three Swords City ahead is another group of people in joy.

Seeing the reinforcements arriving in a hurry, the soldiers in Three Swords City suddenly gained momentum, and made up their minds that those rebels must not enter the city at this moment.

Beiwei's army also made a decision when they saw the [-] reinforcements coming from a distance.

While retreating, he cut a bloody path on the battlefield.Soon, the Beiwei army broke through the siege of the rebels and withdrew to the city to support the butcher army.

Li Er rode his war horse and stood in the city, waving the weapon in his hand continuously, with piercing eyes.The guards on the side guarded him, and wanted to persuade Li Er not to stay on the battlefield anymore.

"Your Majesty, this place is really too dangerous. Their target is His Majesty, and you are more likely to be attacked here!" The guards beheaded a rebel.

"Yes, Your Majesty. You'd better go back to the palace, it will be safer." Another guard also said.

"Heh, am I still afraid of these rebels?!" Li Er sneered, "Now that the rebels are attacking the city, if they are really allowed in, which place in the city will be safe?"

Seeing another fallen soldier, Li Erhao said loudly, "I'm here, let's see who can catch me."

He led troops to kill the enemy on the battlefield back then, and then relied on his own iron and blood methods to sit in his current position.He has never seen such a bloody scene, and he has never encountered such a dangerous predicament. Would he still be afraid of these traitors?
Seeing that Li Er couldn't be persuaded by the side guards, he had no choice but to give up, and turned to kill the enemies who rushed up more bravely.

Li Chengqian rushed directly to the rebels with an army of [-] and started fighting.In an instant, the situation that was about to be broken changed instantly.

The butcher army soldiers who came to support beat the rebels who were attacking the city back steadily.The rebels on the city wall were also shot down one after another by the bows and arrows of the soldiers of the Falling Stars.

There had already been a serious crisis in Sandao City before, and the defenders who were originally stationed in Liaozhou had suffered many casualties when resisting the rebels.

Although the butcher army and the Beiwei army did not appear to be injured, the number of soldiers was not a fraction of that of the rebels.So there is nothing to do about the crisis.

But now it was different. Li Chengqian's army of one hundred thousand butchers turned the situation on the battlefield around.

Although the rebels continued to attack because they couldn't disobey the order, it was just that the butcher's army was like a rainbow.They have also heard how terrifying the army under His Royal Highness is today.

When the rebel soldiers saw the arrival of reinforcements, they lost their previous aura.All the soldiers attacking the city were dragged back by the army of butchers who rushed over...

In the barracks of the rebels,
"Report, there is a crisis ahead." The soldier who came to report reported to Zhang Chen who was sitting above: "Our army has been retreating now, and the encirclement circle of Three Swords City has been broken."

Zhang Chen slapped the table hard, "What? How is it possible? What is the situation?"

Seeing that Zhang Chen was very angry, the soldiers who reported were also a little timid. They lowered their heads and said to Zhang Chen, "His Royal Highness brought reinforcements to support, and directly entered the encirclement of our siege."

"What about the soldiers who captured the city wall?" Zhang Chen couldn't believe that the encirclement, which was stable and difficult to break before, was broken here.

I saw the soldier's head lowered, "Be, all were shot and killed by His Royal Highness's bow and arrow team."

"How is it possible? How is it possible?" The people below couldn't believe it.

One of them shook his head, "Impossible, within such a short period of time. How could the crown prince arrive at Three Swords City? Isn't he in Goguryeo?"

"General, it's true, absolutely true." The soldier panicked.

Hearing what the soldiers said, some of the people below started to back down a bit, "Then what should we do now? I, I heard that the soldiers led by the crown prince completely defeated the hundreds of thousands of Goguryeo's army in less than a day."

"No, within a day? Don't talk nonsense!" Some people instinctively wanted to deny it when they heard this.

The man stared and growled, "How can I talk nonsense about this kind of thing!"

Everyone was discussing, and Zhang Chen, who was sitting at the top, clenched his fists, his eyes became more and more gloomy.Unexpectedly, this Li Chengqian actually brought reinforcements here!Zhang Chen's heart was full of resentment.

The more he thought about it, the deeper the resentment in Zhang Chen's heart, he yelled at the people below: "Noisy! Is this the time for you to quarrel?"

Seeing Zhang Chen's anger, the people below silenced their voices in fear, and fell into a strange silence within the tent for a while.After a while, someone dared to speak and said weakly, "Brother Chen, what should we do now."

Zhang Chen stared at the man and growled, "What should I do? Why don't you tell me what to do..."

On the other side, Li Chengqian waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and ordered to the soldiers of the white robe army: "Follow me and enter the city immediately!" Then he headed towards the city gate and killed...

(End of this chapter)

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