Chapter 832

"Ni Sun, do you really want to fight me to the end?" Li Yuan lost his patience and looked at Li Tai gloomily.

"It should be the Supreme Emperor, you can't wait. You are afraid that after the emperor's brother comes back, you will have no chance at all!" Li Tai shrugged, "The Supreme Emperor, you don't understand me, and the aggressive method will have no effect on me!"

Li Yuan was poked at the sore spot by Li Tai, and he said angrily, "Okay, okay, if you dare to treat me like this, I won't show you any favors!"

Li Yuan held up the weapon in his hand and shouted to the city of Chang'an: "Chen Qi, pass on my order and open the city gate quickly!" After saying that, Li Yuan waited for the city gate to open with a confident look.

Li Yuan believed that Chen Qi, his confidant, was his confidant who had always been based in Chang'an, and he was very loyal to him, and kept in touch with him secretly.Now that he was finally going to attack Chang'an, Chen Qi sent him a letter that everything was ready in Chang'an, just waiting for him to bring troops over.

In this way, Li Yuan dared to let Li Tai open the door with such great fanfare.Because even if Li Tai didn't open it, Chen Qi was in Chang'an City. As long as he opened the gate of Chang'an City, how could the gates of the guards of Chang'an City be the opponents of the soldiers he led.

Li Yuan was very complacent.

The wind blew past, and I don't know how long it took, but the gate of Chang'an City was still closed motionlessly.Li Yuan suddenly felt something bad in his heart, frowned and continued to say to Chang'an City: "Chen Qi, open the city gate for me!"

Li Tai and several veterans stood on the tower, watching Li Yuan watching a one-man show alone, and felt very funny.

"Is the Supreme Emperor calling Lord Chen Qi?" Li Tai asked sarcastically.

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Tai coldly: "Ni Sun, what have you done!?"

"Heh." Li Tai sneered, and gestured to the guard next to him.

Two guards came up with corpses covered in white cloths one by one.Li Tai threw the corpse directly off the tower, and fell in front of Li Yuan, "The Supreme Emperor is in such a hurry, is he looking for Mr. Chen?"

The white cloth on the body was not tightly wrapped, and it fell apart when it fell in the air.The corpse fell to the ground, revealing the hideous head inside.

Li Yuan took a quick step back, never expecting that Chen Qi was already dead.

Seeing Li Yuan's expression, Li Tai felt very relieved.Li Yuan definitely didn't expect that they would have noticed his insider hiding in Chang'an long ago.

Li Yuan would never have imagined that the reason they kept Chen Qi and Li Yuan in correspondence was to better understand what Li Yuan was planning?This way they can set up a situation to let him step in.

"Taishanghuang, I want to make a statement to you. Right now, it is best for you to obediently abandon your troops and surrender, or you will suffer physical pain. The Taishanghuang must have never experienced it!" Li Tai mocked Li Yuan.

Li Tai's words made Li Yuan tremble with anger, and Wang Gui hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him: "Your Majesty, calm down, if your Majesty gets angry at this time, then you just fell into the trick of King Wei, we have a hundred thousand troops! "

Wang Gui's words made Li Yuan calm down a bit. Yes, he still has an army of [-], and the army from other places will soon arrive in Chang'an, so he can't mess up.

Li Tai raised his eyebrows when he heard Wang Gui's words.In the trap?Sorry, you have been tricked!
"Supreme Emperor, I guess you don't know how many soldiers there are in Chang'an City!" Li Tai was full of confidence, "Then I will tell you that there are 20 troops in Chang'an City! With your current strength, Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor What qualifications do you think you have to compete with our army?"

With a force of only [-], they dare to attack Chang'an City.Does he deserve it?Li Tai snorted secretly.

Li Yuan's eyes widened when he learned that there were 20 soldiers stationed in Chang'an City.But he suddenly remembered that Yue Fei, a general with few enemies and many enemies, had already voted under his command, and he immediately gained confidence.

Li Yuan raised his head and said directly to Yue Fei who was beside him: "General Yue, it's time for you to make meritorious service!"

"Your Majesty, please order." Yue Fei said while thinking about how to help the prince make the current game more interesting.

Li Yuan saw the respectful Yue Fei, "I ordered you to lead our army to attack Chang'an. As long as you can enter Chang'an City, I will give you the title of General Zuo Wuhou!"

Hearing Li Yuan's words, several family heads and other generals at the side looked at Yue Fei in different ways.They were all very moved by Li Yuan's words.

That is General Zuo Wuhou, a real second-rank official!

However, Yue Fei, who was the person involved, did not have any fluctuations in Li Yuan's words. Let alone saying that he was not interested in the level of official positions, he said that Li Yuan could not sit on the throne of the emperor at all, so what was the use of these official positions he conferred?

But on the surface Yue Fei was very happy, "Thank you Your Majesty, the general will live up to his mission!"

After Yue Fei finished speaking, he raised his head and gave everyone on the tower a look, and drove his horse to the gate of Chang'an City, "This general is Yue Fei, open the gate for this general quickly!"

As soon as Yue Fei finished speaking, Li Yuan and the others saw the gate of Chang'an City slowly open from the inside.

The city gate opened wide, but Li Yuan forgot to let his soldiers rush into the city, and he froze in place.But after Yue Fei shouted to open the city gate, he went straight to Li Yuan and said to Li Yuan, "Your Majesty, once the city gate is opened, the last general's reward..."

Li Yuan didn't answer Yue Fei's words for a while, and looked straight at the opened gate of Chang'an City, with a very bad expression on his face.He just talked for so long, but the city gate didn't even open.Now that Yue Fei is no more than a general, if he opened the city gate so easily, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

Wang Gui and other aristocratic patriarchs were even more shocked. They never expected that the gate of Chang'an City would open just by Yue Fei's shout.None of them thought that Yue Fei's power would be so great.Not only can he lead the soldiers in Xin'an City, but even the soldiers in Chang'an City are at his disposal.

But they were delighted again, because such characters had already joined their camp.

Seeing the expressions of Li Yuan and several family heads, Yue Fei pursed his lips and almost lost his expression.He wanted to laugh very much, but now that the game has not officially started, he has to hold back.

It's not the time yet, he has to wait for His Royal Highness to come back, and the Crown Prince will come down to start the climax of this game!

Taking a deep breath, Yue Fei stabilized his expression again, then looked at Li Yuan whose expression was frozen, and asked again: "Your Majesty, the last general has opened the city gate!"

"I see, you don't need to emphasize!" Li Yuan's tone was very bad.

Yue Fei didn't care, he just emphasized: "The minister's reward..."

(End of this chapter)

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