Chapter 103 Bonfire
Besides, Arslen Khan returned to the big tent to discuss tomorrow's siege with the tribal leader after a day's siege.

When asked who will lead the battle tomorrow, all the tribal leaders bowed their heads in silence.

Arslen Khan had no choice but to deal with these old foxes.But he couldn't give a strong order, because today the main attacking soldiers of various ministries suffered heavy casualties.In one day, the tribes had a total of more than [-] casualties, which was completely beyond their acceptable range.If adding that Jia Ke stole the camp last night, they suffered more than six thousand casualties, which was one-tenth of their army.

Seeing that they were all silent, Arslen Khan knew that if he did not make a statement, the joint attack might come to an end.

So Arslen Khan said in public: "Tomorrow will attack the city, and my deployment will be the first to attack. You will attack sequentially like today. There must be no mistakes."

Hearing from the tribal leader that Arslen Khan's tribe was the first to attack, his expression softened a bit, but it was still not very good-looking.They Tatars are a nation on horseback, and they are not good at attacking cities, but now they are asked to attack fortified cities.Even if they captured the city, they could not make up for their losses.

Arslen Khan looked at the many tribal leaders below, and said confidently: "You don't have to worry about losing too many people. Intensify the attack these two days. After a while, I will have a way to take down Kaipingwei."

Arslen Khan attacked Kaipingwei this time. In the first few days, he just wanted to defend Sobud, but later on, he felt that this attack was a good way to gradually weaken the tribes. So these days, He has been insisting on the siege.On the surface, it was said that because of Sobud's revenge, secretly watching the various tribes suffer heavy losses, I became more and more happy in my heart.But he also knew enough was enough, so he decided to send his troops tomorrow.

The next day, the siege continued, still the routine of the previous day.The Tatars rushed towards the city wall carrying the ladder.A few people are holding the ladder below, and others are going up the ladder.

Kaipingwei's soldiers each brought a young man with them today. This is to allow the soldiers to have time to rest, and to replace the elite soldiers with young men, so that the old can lead the new and give full play to Kaipingwei's manpower.

Seeing the Tatars climbing up the ladder, the soldiers commanded the young and strong to use rolling wood thunder stones or golden juice, and kept throwing and pouring them down.And the soldiers also started shooting arrows at the Tatars.

And the Tatars also sent archers today to shoot at Kaipingwei under the city, and people from both sides were hit by arrows from time to time.

The archers of Kaipingwei have completely learned badly now. Before each shooting, they have to put the arrow in the golden juice, stir it, and then shoot it.

As time went by, the Tatars suffered more and more casualties. At night, they retreated separately. The Tatars returned to the camp as if they were fleeing for their lives. They were all dejected. Due to lack of time and technology, they could not manufacture more advanced siege equipment. Only ladders are available.But using ladders to attack the city has too many advantages for the defender.So much so that their casualties were very serious, and the blow to morale was even more serious.

When Arslen Khan returned to the big tent, he immediately received complaints from the leaders of various tribes.They could swallow their anger before, but this time they completely ignored his face.

Arslen Khan felt that if he continued to be tough, the people below might mutiny, and he would no longer be able to control the tribes on the grassland when he returned to the grassland.

In order to appease the tribes, Arslen Khan could only announce his plan in advance. He originally planned to implement this plan in a few days to paralyze Jia Ke, but now it seemed that he could not implement it.

Arslen Khan said to the leader of the headquarters: "Everyone don't have to worry, Kaipingwei will definitely be broken tomorrow. This is my guarantee to everyone."

The leaders of the various tribes were skeptical when they heard what he said. Although Kaipingwei is a small city, it has high walls and thick walls. They have suffered a lot in the past two days.According to their thinking, let alone tomorrow, even next month, they may not be able to conquer Kaipingwei.

Arslen Khan saw the doubts of the leaders of the ministries, but he was not ready to explain.Just ordered people to prepare food and wine, let these old foxes have a drink, and temporarily suppress their complaints.

After sending these old foxes away, he ordered his own soldiers to light three huge bonfires in front of his tent.

Let’s talk about Kaipingwei’s side. In today’s fierce battle, Kaipingwei lost more than yesterday. The main reason is that the young and strong went into battle on the first day and didn’t know how to protect themselves, so the loss was relatively large.But for the elite soldiers, the losses were greatly reduced.This is both gratifying and painful.

After Jia Ke had dinner in the evening, because he asked about the wounded soldiers and young men, Jia Ke now set up a medical team in Kaiping Guard, gathering all the doctors in the city to treat the wounded soldiers.Since they were mainly traumatic injuries, Jia Ke had some experience with these osmosis after traveling from modern times.

He prepared a lot of white cloth before this battle.All cleaned and boiled in boiling water.After the wound, various wound medicines were applied and these white cloths were used to bandage the soldier's wound.

Jia Ke did not use spirits, another artifact of the traverser, to cleanse the seriously injured soldiers. This is because no matter how strong the alcohol is in this era, the alcohol content is not high. He has no time to distill, and he started distilling now. The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to distill wine. Unlike other time travelers, he can't remember the process of distilling wine at all. If he wants to distill wine, he must experiment step by step. He doesn't have that time now.

After condolences to the wounded soldiers, Jia Ke returned to the top of the city to inspect. When he was watching the Tatar camp, he suddenly saw three huge bonfires rising on the opposite side.

Seeing the three piles of bonfires, Jia Ke suddenly felt like laughing. Such tricks have long been written badly in various novels.This is using the bonfire as a sign to steal the city tonight.

Seeing these bonfires, Jia Ke even knew who was the insider. The ones who could be the insider were the few fur dealers or horse dealers who often came and went on the grassland.The most likely ones are the few horse merchants. You must know that in this era, horses are important, and military and strategic materials cannot engage in this business without a strong relationship and background.

Jia Ke immediately ordered Feng Mo to be called to the top of the city. After Feng Mo came over, he first saluted Jia Ke, and then asked, "What's the matter, my lord?"

Jia Ke pulled him and pointed out the three bonfires to him. Feng Mo saw the three huge bonfires in the Tatar camp and didn't feel anything unusual.It was common for Tatar camps to light bonfires.

Jia Ke saw his puzzled expression, and then told him what he thought, "These three bonfires started suddenly. We have confronted the Tatars several times, and nothing like this has ever happened. I guess it is The Tatars and the spies in Kaipingwei, the code to communicate."

Feng Mo thought for a while that there was indeed such a possibility, and he admired Jia Ke's prudence very much. Only Jia Ke could be the commander-in-chief of an army like Jia Ke, who didn't let go of a little detail.

"After I came to Kaipingwei, I suspected that the previous Qianhus had died. I am afraid that there were Tatars working in Kaipingwei to inform them. This made the Qianhus of Kaipingwei repeatedly attacked by Tatars. An ambush by the Tartars." Jia Ke then explained to him.

Feng Mo was shocked when he heard Jia Ke's words. The deaths of the previous Qianhu were either caused by a car accident or a shock.There were also several times when he was assassinated and killed by Tatar dead soldiers.Hearing what Jia Ke said now, it is almost a certainty that there will be a detailed tip-off.

Seeing Feng Mo's stunned look, Jia Ke knew that he had understood the key point.So he went on to say to him, "Now that the Tatars have lit three such huge bonfires, I doubt that the Tatars will sneak attack on the city tonight. If they sneak attack, it is most likely in the direction of the city gate, and there must be spies for them Open the city gate."

(End of this chapter)

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